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12 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
MoraceaeFicus altissimaCouncil Treeimage of plant
MoraceaeFicus americanaJamaican Cherry Figimage of plant
MoraceaeFicus aureaStrangler Fig; Golden FigHammocks.image of plant
MoraceaeFicus benghalensisIndian Banyanimage of plant
MoraceaeFicus benjaminaWeeping FigSuburban woodlands, disturbed areas, and in a range of natural and semi-natural habitats.Native of tropical Asia.image of plant
MoraceaeFicus caricaEdible Fig, Garden FigGrown for its fruits, persistent from plantings, persisting and naturalizing particularly on barrier islands, where it sometimes forms thickets on dunes, or otherwise in the outer Coastal Plain, where proximity to the ocean ameliorates cold winter temperatures.Native of w. Asia.image of plant
MoraceaeFicus citrifoliaWild Banyan TreeTropical hammocks, other natural and semi-natural habitats.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
MoraceaeFicus deltoideaMistletoe FigDisturbed area (on shell midden).Native of Asia.image of plant
MoraceaeFicus elasticaIndia Rubber PlantSuburban woodlands.Native of tropical Asia.image of plant
MoraceaeFicus microcarpaLaurel Fig, Indian-laurelSuburban woodlands, also in a wide range of natural and semi-natural habitats.Native of the Paleotropics.image of plant
MoraceaeFicus pumilaClimbing FigWalls, disturbed urban areas.Native of s. Asia. Locally common in Charleston, Savannah, Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, and other old seaports, where grown on walls as an ornamental, more recently planted more extensively in the South, especially but not strictly in the Coastal Plain, commonly persisting and also spreading vegetatively into disturbed urban areas (cf. Diamond 2013).image of plant
MoraceaeFicus religiosaBo-treeCultivated and naturalizing (limestone rock walls, brick walls, palm 'boots').Native of s. Asia.image of plant

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