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6 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OleaceaeForestiera acuminataSwamp Forestiera, Swamp-privetSwamp forests, especially over calcareous substrates.SC south to n. FL, west to TX, north in the interior to KY, e. and c. TN, IN, IL, MO, and KS.image of plant
OleaceaeForestiera angustifoliaDesert-olive, Panalero, ElbowbushBrush, dry hillsides.Se., s., and w. TX south into Mexico (14 states).image of plant
OleaceaeForestiera godfreyiGodfrey's ForestieraShell middens, maritime forests over shell substrate.Se. SC (Beaufort, Charleston, and Colleton counties) to e. GA and n. peninsular and e. Panhandle FL.image of plant
OleaceaeForestiera ligustrinaGlade Forestiera, Southern-privetUpland forests, woodlands, and glades, mostly on calcareous rocks or shell middens.E. SC south to n. peninsular FL, west to sc. KY, c. TN, AL, and MS; disjunct in w. LA and e. TX.image of plant
OleaceaeForestiera pubescens var. pubescensStretchberry, ElbowbushPrairies and scrub.OK to sc. TX.image of plant
OleaceaeForestiera segregataFlorida Forestiera, Florida-privetCalcareous scrub, shell middens, maritime forests and thickets.Se. SC south to s. FL; West Indies.image of plant