Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Gentianaceae | Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsii | Prairie Closed Gentian | Meadows, seeps, forest edges, freshwater marshes, open-canopied swamps. | NH, s. QC, MN, and s. MB, south to s. MD, WV, MO and WY; earlier reports of it as far south as GA or NC (as by F and G) are apparently based on misidentifications. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana andrewsii var. dakotica | Western Closed Bottle Gentian, Dakota Gentian | Upland prairies, glades, forest openings. | MB and SK south through MN, ND, SD, w. IL, IA, and NE to s. MO. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana austromontana | Blue Ridge Gentian | Mountain forests and grassy balds, especially at medium to high elevations, but descending to ca. 600 m (2200 feet). | A Southern Appalachian endemic: s. WV and sw. VA south to w. NC and ne. TN. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana autumnalis | Pinebarren Gentian | Longleaf pine savannas, pine flatwoods, sandhills, pine barrens, in a variety of sites varying from moist to very xeric, in se. VA, NC, and SC nearly always associated with Pinus palustris and/or Aristida stricta. | This species is a "bimodal endemic", occurring in s. NJ and adjacent DE (at least formerly), and from se. VA south through e. NC to nc. SC. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana catesbyi | Coastal Plain Gentian | Pocosins, moist longleaf pine savanna edges, edges of moist hardwood forests, bluff seepages. | S. NJ south to ne. FL and e. Panhandle FL, on the Coastal Plain. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana clausa | Meadow Closed Gentian, Meadow Bottle Gentian | Forests. | Mostly Appalachian: ME south to w. NC and ne. TN, extending east and west to adjacent physiographic provinces. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana decora | Appalachian Gentian | Forests. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: c. WV south through w. VA to w. NC, e. TN, nw. SC, ne. GA. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana flavida | Pale Gentian | Moist meadows, prairies, glades, openings in mesic forests. | MI west to MN, south to n. AR; with scattered disjunctions eastward to PA, OH, WV, KY, and w. NC. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana latidens | Balsam Mountain Gentian | Moist, often seeping, more or less open sites on rocky slopes. | Restricted to the higher mountains of NC south of Asheville, NC (Haywood, Jackson, Macon, and Transylvania counties). | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana linearis | Narrowleaf Gentian | Openings in spruce-fir forests, seeps, bogs, and swamp forests at high elevations. | Mainly occurring in ne. United States and e. Canada, west to Lake Superior, and south (scattered) in the Appalachians to sw. VA (in openings in spruce-fir forest near summit of Whitetop Mountain) and e. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). On Mount LeConte (Sevier County, TN), G. linearis occurs in thin soils around high elevation outcrops of Anakeesta Slate. See Pringle (1977) for extensive discussion of actual and putative southern occurrences of this species. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana pennelliana | Wiregrass Gentian | Pine flatwoods. | Endemic to Panhandle FL (Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Dadsden, Gulf, Leon, Liberty, Wakulla, and Walton counties). | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana puberulenta | Prairie Gentian, Downy Gentian | Prairies, glades, open woodlands, usually over calcareous substrates. | W. NY west to ND, south to KY, sc. TN (Coffee County) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), LA, n. AR, and KS. Reports for WV are unconfirmed (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006). | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana saponaria | Soapwort Gentian, Harvestbells | Bogs, marshes, wet hardwood forests, other moist to wet habitats. | NY west to n. IL, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX. | 
Gentianaceae | Gentiana villosa | Striped Gentian | Upland forests, sandhill/pocosin ecotones. | Se. PA west to n. KY and w. TN, south to Panhandle FL and e. LA. | 