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Geranium carolinianum Linnaeus. Carolina Crane's-Bill. Phen: Mar-Jun (and sometimes later). Hab: Fields, roadsides, lawns, pastures, gardens, disturbed areas. Dist: MA, MI, WY, and BC south to FL, CA, and n. Mexico (and introduced in various places in the Old and New World).

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Taxonomy Comments: Varieties are sometimes recognized, with two in our area: var. carolinianum, with the inflorescence diffusely corymbiform (because of long upper internodes), mostly 4-12-flowered, and pubescence of the stem mostly < 0.5 mm long, and var. confertiflorum, with the inflorescence a compact corymb (because of notably short upper internodes), mostly 5-25-flowered, and pubescence of the stem mostly >0.75 mm long.

Synonymy : = Bah, Fl2, Il, K3, K4, Mex, Mi, NcTx, NE, NY, Pa, RAB, S, Tat, Tn, Tx, Va, W, WH3, WV, Aedo (2012); > Geranium carolinianum L. – S13; > Geranium carolinianum L. var. carolinianum – Ar, C, F, G, GrPl, K1; > Geranium carolinianum L. var. confertiflorum – C, F, G, GrPl, K1; > Geranium langloisii Greene – S13; > Geranium sphaerospermum Fernald – F

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image of plant© Gary P. Fleming | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan M. Cressler | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Aidan Campos source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Grant Morrow Parkins | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Grant Morrow Parkins | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Grant Morrow Parkins | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Ascending to sprawling annual of fields, roadsides, lawns, pastures, gardens and other disturbed areas.

Stems: Stems reddish, branched, the branches often sprawling, and very hairy.

Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, round to kidney-shaped, to 2 in. long and wide, palmately divided into 5-7 lobes that are further coarsely cleft, grayish-green and hairy.


Flowers: Flowers on short, glandular-hairy stalks in clusters (occasionally solitary) at ends of branches; pale pink to white; to 1/3 in. wide; vaguely funnel-shaped and consisting of 5 petals with shallowly notched tips and 5 hairy, narrowly oval sepals.

Fruits: Fruit a long-beaked capsule that splits into 5 pieces curling upward.


Height: 4-24 in.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Ascending to sprawling annual of fields, roadsides, lawns, pastures, gardens and other disturbed areas.

stems: Stems reddish, branched, the branches often sprawling, and very hairy.

leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, round to kidney-shaped, to 2 in. long and wide, palmately divided into 5-7 lobes that are further coarsely cleft, grayish-green and hairy.


flowers: Flowers on short, glandular-hairy stalks in clusters (occasionally solitary) at ends of branches; pale pink to white; to 1/3 in. wide; vaguely funnel-shaped and consisting of 5 petals with shallowly notched tips and 5 hairy, narrowly oval sepals.

fruits: Fruit a long-beaked capsule that splits into 5 pieces curling upward.


cultural notes:

germination code:

native range: North America & n. Mexico

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