Intro: Weakly spreading-ascending, mounded annual of roadsides, pastures and other open, disturbed areas. Native of Europe and w. Asia.
Stems: Stems generally reddish, branched from the base, covered with soft hairs of 2 lengths.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate (reddish), round in outline and shallowly divided into 5-11 oblong-oval lobes, which may be further lobed or toothed and are hairy.
Flowers: Flowers usually in clusters of 2 on stalks from leaf axils, magenta, about 1/3 in. wide, funnel-shaped, consisting of 5 distinctly bi-lobed petals, 5 very hairy sepals and stamens pressed close to the ovary and bearing purple anthers.
Fruits: Fruit a long-beaked capsule that splits into 5 pieces curling upward.
Comments: This plant is considered an aggressive weed.
Height: 6-12 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Weakly spreading-ascending, mounded annual of roadsides, pastures and other open, disturbed areas. Native of Europe and w. Asia.
stems: Stems generally reddish, branched from the base, covered with soft hairs of 2 lengths.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate (reddish), round in outline and shallowly divided into 5-11 oblong-oval lobes, which may be further lobed or toothed and are hairy.
flowers: Flowers usually in clusters of 2 on stalks from leaf axils, magenta, about 1/3 in. wide, funnel-shaped, consisting of 5 distinctly bi-lobed petals, 5 very hairy sepals and stamens pressed close to the ovary and bearing purple anthers.
fruits: Fruit a long-beaked capsule that splits into 5 pieces curling upward.
comments: This plant is considered an aggressive weed.
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