Intro: Low-growing, stemless perennial from rhizomes, growing on slopes and bluffs in dry to moist forests, usually associated with Kalmia latifolia.
Leaves: Leaves on long petioles arising from rhizime, triangular-heart-shaped, 1-4 in. long and wide, usually not variegated, evergreen-leathery with a spicy smell when torn.
Flowers: Flowers arise from the rhizome on such short stalks that they are often hidden beneath leaf litter. They are greenish or purplish outside and dark red-purple and reticulate-ridged inside, fleshy-firm, weakly bell-shaped with 3 spreading-ascending triangular lobes, the lobes often mottled with white or green.
Fruits: Fruit a round, fleshy capsule.
Comments: A southern Appalachian endemic.
Height: 2-6 in.
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description: Low-growing, stemless perennial from rhizomes, growing on slopes and bluffs in dry to moist forests, usually associated with Kalmia latifolia.
leaves: Leaves on long petioles arising from rhizime, triangular-heart-shaped, 1-4 in. long and wide, usually not variegated, evergreen-leathery with a spicy smell when torn.
flowers: Flowers arise from the rhizome on such short stalks that they are often hidden beneath leaf litter. They are greenish or purplish outside and dark red-purple and reticulate-ridged inside, fleshy-firm, weakly bell-shaped with 3 spreading-ascending triangular lobes, the lobes often mottled with white or green.
fruits: Fruit a round, fleshy capsule.
comments: A southern Appalachian endemic.
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