Intro: Low-growing, stemless perennial from short, stout rhizomes; found in dry to moist deciduous forests, primarily in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont.
Leaves: Leaves on long petioles, triangular to arrowhead-shaped, to 8 in. long and 6 in. wide, often variegated, evergreen-leathery and smooth; exude a spicy smell when torn.
Flowers: Flowers arise from the underground stem/rhizome on such short stalks and are often hidden beneath leaf litter; they are greenish or purplish outside with dark brownish-purple inside, urn-shaped with 3 short, spreading triangular-pointy lobes, and fleshy-firm.
Fruits: Fruit a round, fleshy capsule.
Height: 2-6 in.
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description: Low-growing, stemless perennial from short, stout rhizomes; found in dry to moist deciduous forests, primarily in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont.
leaves: Leaves on long petioles, triangular to arrowhead-shaped, to 8 in. long and 6 in. wide, often variegated, evergreen-leathery and smooth; exude a spicy smell when torn.
flowers: Flowers arise from the underground stem/rhizome on such short stalks and are often hidden beneath leaf litter; they are greenish or purplish outside with dark brownish-purple inside, urn-shaped with 3 short, spreading triangular-pointy lobes, and fleshy-firm.
fruits: Fruit a round, fleshy capsule.
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native range: southeastern United States