Intro: Erect perennial of moist and dry woodlands and forests, road banks, thinner soils around rock outcrops and a variety of disturbed sites.
Stems: Stems 4-angled and narrowly winged, often furry.
Leaves: Leaves opposite (basal rosette barely evident at flowering), oval to lance-shaped, sessile, 1/2-1 1/2 in. long, with 3-7 noticeable veins and hairy at least along the veins.
Flowers: Flowers in small branching clusters at stem top or from upper axils; pale purple to white; to 1/4 in. long; funnel-shaped with 4 spreading, pointed corolla lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a rounded, slightly compressed capsule.
Height: 4-12 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of moist and dry woodlands and forests, road banks, thinner soils around rock outcrops and a variety of disturbed sites.
stems: Stems 4-angled and narrowly winged, often furry.
leaves: Leaves opposite (basal rosette barely evident at flowering), oval to lance-shaped, sessile, 1/2-1 1/2 in. long, with 3-7 noticeable veins and hairy at least along the veins.
flowers: Flowers in small branching clusters at stem top or from upper axils; pale purple to white; to 1/4 in. long; funnel-shaped with 4 spreading, pointed corolla lobes.
fruits: Fruit a rounded, slightly compressed capsule.
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native range: eastern United States