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42 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea albaMoonflower, Tropical Morning-gloryHammocks, marsh edges, disturbed areas.Ne. FL south to s. FL; Mexico south through Central America to Argentina; West Indies. Whether or not Ipomoea alba is native or introduced in our region is unclear.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea amnicolaRed-eye Morning-gloryFields, roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of n. and c. South America.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea aquaticaWater-spinach, KangkungDisturbed wetlands.Native of tropical Asia.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea aristolochiifoliaTree Morning-gloryEdges of resacas, disturbed areas.Native of montane Central and South America.
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea asarifoliaGinger-leaf Morning-gloryDisturbed areas.Native of Central and South America.
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea batatasSweet PotatoPersistent in fields after cultivation, disturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea batatillaBush Morning-gloryPersistent from cultivation in suburban gardens, sandy soils of barrier islands.Native of w. Brazil and e. Bolivia.
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea brasiliensisRailroad Vine, Goat’s-foot, Bay Hops, Bay WindersOcean beaches, dunes.E. NC (Carteret County), SC (Beaufort, Horry, Charleston, Colleton, and Georgetown counties), south to s. FL, west to TX, and widespread on tropical and subtropical shores of the New World (se. United States, West Indies, Pacific and Atlantic coasts of Central America and South America), and Old World (Atlantic and Indian Ocean coasts of Africa). The records in the Carolinas may reflect the periodic arrival of sea-borne seeds.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea cairicaMile-a-minute Vine, Cairo Morning-gloryDisturbed areas.Native of Africa.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea coccineaScarlet Creeper, Red Morning-gloryFields, roadsides, thickets, streambanks.Unquestionably native of the se. United States, though the details of the pre-Columbian distribution are uncertain. Wood et al. (2020b) stated "endemic to southeastern USA, where it grows on waste ground, roadsides, stream sides and in ditches, apparently with a preference for seasonally moist habitats."image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea cordatotriloba var. cordatotrilobaCoastal Morning-glory, Tie-vineDunes, sandy areas on barrier islands, other sandy habitats.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX and AR; Mexico. Attribution of this species to South America are based on Ipomoea australis (Wood et al. 2020).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea cordatotriloba var. torreyanaTorrey's Morning-gloryPrairies, disturbed areas.TX southwards into Mexico (CHH, NLE, TAM).
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea corymbosaChristmas-vine, Aguinaldo Blanco, Aguinaldo de PascuaHammocks, shell mounds, disturbed areas.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America. Very likely native, occurring in hammocks and shell mounds, where probably moved by native Americans.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea costellataCrestrib Morning-gloryOpen woodlands and scrub, disturbed areas.Sc. and s. TX, NM, and AZ, south to Mexico.
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea cristulataStar-gloryWeakly persistent or spread from cultivation.Native of w. TX, NM, AZ south to Mexico; used horticulturally and sparsely if at all established in our region.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea edwardsensisEdwards Plateau Morning-gloryRocky areas over limestone.Endemic to Edwards Plateau (and nearly areas) of c. TX, barely reaching our region in Guadeloupe County, TX.
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea grandifoliaDisturbed areas.South America (Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil); also in se. North America, the distribution poorly understood because of previous lack of recognition.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea hederaceaIvyleaf Morning-gloryFields, disturbed areas.ME, MN, ND, NM, AZ, and CA south to s. FL, s. TX, and Mexico; Cuba. Native to the southeastern United States (the core of its distribution), but the more precise limits of its native distribution are obscure (populations in New England, Ontario, and the n. Midwestern US may be only adventive). Its current distribution is centered in southeastern North America and it was encountered there by "early botanists" Michaux and Pursh in the first decades of the 1800s, but its current genetic structure suggests that it may have been introduced (Campitelli & Stinchcombe 2014), but if so, from where? Austin (in Davidse et al. 2012) considered its area of nativity to to be the southeastern United States. Austin (1986) also described it as "a temperate plant that grows poorly, if at all, in tropical climes" (in contrast to Ipomoea nil).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea hederifoliaScarlet CreeperMoist thickets (especially near-coastal), disturbed areas.GA and AL, south to s. FL, west to MS; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America. Some of the more inland occurrences likely represent an adventive range extension from horticultural use.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea imperatiBeach Morning-gloryBeaches, dune blowouts, fore-dunes.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to TX; south through Mexico, Central America to South America; West Indies; Old World tropics.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea indica var. acuminataOcean-blue Morning-gloryHammocks, coastal areas, disturbed areas.FL west to TX; West Indies, Mexico; Central and South America.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea lacunosaSmall White Morning-glory, WhitestarRiverbanks, marshes, swamps, fields, roadsides, disturbed areas.NJ west to OH, IL, and KS, south to FL and e. TX.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea leptophyllaBush Morning-glorySandy prairies, disturbed areas.SD and MT south to TX and NM.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea leucanthaWhitestar Morning-gloryDisturbed areas, roadsides."Occurs sporadically, principally in the eastern United States and in Central America south to Ecuador and Brazil" (Wood et al. 2020).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea macrorhizaIndian-midden Morning-glory, Manroot, Pink Moonvine, Largeroot Morning-gloryHammocks, shell middens, dunes, dry sands, mesic pine flatwoods, disturbed maritime areas.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to s. AL. Sometimes, as by WH3 and K2, this species is considered an alien, native of South America, but this is nonsense -- the species is endemic to the se. United States. (Austin 2023n; D. Austin, pers. comm. 2011; Wood et al. 2020).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea microdactylaWild-potato Morning-glory, Man-in-the-ground, Bejuco coloradoPine rocklands.S. peninsular FL; West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba, Mona Island of Puerto Rico).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea multifidaCardinal ClimberCultivated and escaping or persistent locally near plantings.Horticulturally-derived hybrid of a tropical American (I. quamoclit) and Southeastern US (I. coccinea) parents.
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea muricataLilacbell, Purple MoonflowerFields, disturbed areas; native (apparently) of Mexico.Austin & Jansson (1988) discussed the species’ spread in se. United States, apparently as a contaminant in soybean seeds.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea nervosaWoolly Morning-glory, Elephant CreeperDisturbed hammocks.Native of India.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea nilDisturbed areas.Occurs in scattered states, such as MD and MS, as a rare introduction from tropical America (Kartesz 1999).
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea pandurataWild Sweet Potato, Manroot, Man-of-the-earth, Bigroot Morning-gloryLongleaf pine sandhills, dry forests and woodlands, prairies, roadbanks, disturbed areas.CT, NY, and s. ON west to OH, s. MI, and KS, south to c. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea purpureaCommon Morning-gloryFields, disturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea quamoclitCypress-vineFields, hedgerows, disturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea rupicolaCliff Morning-gloryRocky open areas.S. and w. TX south to adjacent Mexico (COA, NLE, SLP, TAM).
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea sagittataSaltmarsh Morning-gloryEdges of brackish marshes, moist thickets on barrier islands, hammocks.E. NC south to s. FL, west to TX; eastern Mexico and Central America; West Indies. Also present in the Old World, around the Mediterranean and in n. Africa (the type is from Africa); this distribution is likely from early anthropogenic dispersal from the West Indies.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea setosa ssp. sepacuitensisBrazilian Morning-gloryDisturbed areas.Native of Central America (Belize).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea shumardianaNarrowleaf Morning-glorySandy or sandy-clay prairies.E. and c. KS south through e. and c. OK to n. TX.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea tenuissimaRockland Morning-gloryPine rocklands.S. peninsular FL; West Indies (Cuba, Hispaniola, apparently introduced in Puerto Rico).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea tricolorHeavenly Blue Morning-gloryPersistent or slightly escaped from horticultural use.Native of tropical America (Mexico to South America and West Indies). Reported for several locations in se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993).image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea trilobaLittle-bellHammocks, sand dunes, disturbed areas.Apparently native of tropical America. West Indies; New World and Old World tropics.image of plant
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea violaceaBeach Moonflower, MoonvineCoastal strands and dunes, maritime hammocks.S. FL; West Indies, s. Mexico, Central America, and n. South America.
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea wrightiiWright’s Morning-gloryDisturbed areas.Native of India. Reported as likely naturalized in central TN, "spreading northward from the Gulf Coastal Plain" (Kral 1981). It also is known from GA (Kartesz 1999).image of plant