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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OleaceaeJasminum dichotomumGold Coast JasmineDisturbed areas, hammocks.Native of tropical Africa.
OleaceaeJasminum fluminenseBrazilian JasmineDisturbed areas, hammocks.Native of tropical Africa.
OleaceaeJasminum grandiflorumPoet's JasmineDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.image of plant
OleaceaeJasminum mesnyiJapanese Jasmine, Primrose JasmineCultivated and sometimes persistent or spreading (at least vegetatively, by layering) from plantings.Native of w. China. Reported for GA (Kartesz 1999), Panhandle FL (Kunzer et al. 2009), and AL Coastal Plain (Diamond 2013).image of plant
OleaceaeJasminum multiflorumStar JasmineCultivated and sometimes persistent or spreading.Native of India and Pakistan. Naturalized at least as far north as Jacksonville, Duval County, FL (Wunderlin & Hansen 2004).image of plant
OleaceaeJasminum nitidumAngelwing JasmineDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.
OleaceaeJasminum nudiflorumWinter JasmineCultivated and rarely persistent or spreading, at least vegetatively by layering (Diamond 2013).Native of China. Reported for GA (Kartesz 1999), AL Coastal Plain (Diamond 2013), and AR (Hot Springs County) (Serviss et al. 2018).image of plant
OleaceaeJasminum sambacArabian JasmineDisturbed areas.Native of India.