Intro: Rhizomatous, colonial perennial of shallow water in river and stream beds.
Stems: Stems mostly simple, smooth, often rooting at nodes.
Leaves: Leaves opposite and ascending, sessile or short petiolate, narrowly elliptic and tapering to a long wedge-like base, to 5 or more in. long, margins entire.
Flowers: Flowers in dense, short spikes arising from upper leaf axils, in opposite pairs on the spike; white to pale violet-pink; bilaterally symmetric and tubular, but deeply cleft into 4-5 parts, the upper lip recurved and lower lip 3-lobed, marked with purple.
Fruits: Fruit a stalked, club-shaped capsule.
Height: 1-3 ft.
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description: Rhizomatous, colonial perennial of shallow water in river and stream beds.
stems: Stems mostly simple, smooth, often rooting at nodes.
leaves: Leaves opposite and ascending, sessile or short petiolate, narrowly elliptic and tapering to a long wedge-like base, to 5 or more in. long, margins entire.
flowers: Flowers in dense, short spikes arising from upper leaf axils, in opposite pairs on the spike; white to pale violet-pink; bilaterally symmetric and tubular, but deeply cleft into 4-5 parts, the upper lip recurved and lower lip 3-lobed, marked with purple.
fruits: Fruit a stalked, club-shaped capsule.
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native range: eastern North America