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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
MalvaceaeKosteletzkya depressaWhite Fen-roseTidal marshes, coastal berms.S. FL; West Indies; s. TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America.image of plant
MalvaceaeKosteletzkya pentacarposSeashore-mallow, Saltmarsh-mallow, Fen-roseBrackish to freshwater tidal marshes.NY (Long Island) south to s. FL, west to TX; West Indies (Cuba); also early introduced in Europe, Linnaeus's name based on its occurrence in Venice).image of plant
MalvaceaeKosteletzkya smilacifoliaFlorida Seashore-mallowFreshwater marshes.Endemic in peninsular FL.image of plant