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Support the Flora of the Southeastern US

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  • 2 new FloraQuest apps: Florida & Mid-South vote
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10 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes careyanaCarey SaxifrageMoist rock outcrops and cliffs, rocks along seeps or brooks, often under overhangs, often in moist soil at the base of a vertical or overhanging rock outcrop.A Southern Appalachian endemic: (s. WV?), e. TN and nw. NC south to sw. NC, ne. GA, and se. TN.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes carolinianaCarolina SaxifrageMoist rock outcrops and cliffs, often under overhangs, often in moist soil at the base of a vertical or overhanging rock outcrop.A Southern Appalachian endemic: s. WV and sw. VA south to nw. NC and ne. TN.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes forbesiiForbes's SaxifrageMoist shaded sandstone cliffs, especially north-facing and often in seasonal seepage.Sw. WI, se. MN, and e. IA south to s. IL and se. MO.
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes micranthidifoliaBranch-lettuce, Lettuceleaf Saxifrage, Mountain LettuceWet soils of seepages, in the beds of high elevation brooks, brookbanks; rocky seepages.A Southern and Central Appalachian endemic: e. PA and WV, south to e. TN, w. NC, nw. SC, and ne. GA.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes palmeriPalmer's Saxifrage, Ozark SaxifrageRocky woodlands.Endemic to AR and e. OK.
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes pensylvanicaSwamp SaxifrageForested seeps and seepage swamps, fens, usually over mafic or calcareous rocks.ME west to MN, south to e. VA, c. and w. NC, and IA.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes petiolaris var. petiolarisCliff SaxifrageRock outcrops, especially in seasonal seepage, at low to high elevations in the Southern and Central Appalachians.Nw. VA, WV, and KY south to e. TN, w. NC, sw. SC, and ne. GA.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes petiolaris var. shealyiEscarpment Saxifrage, Shealy's SaxifrageIn moist seepage over rock, at low elevations (2000-3000 feet).Endemic, so far as is known, to Pickens County, SC. Additional material perhaps matching this taxon has recently been found in Polk County, NC (O. Carson, pers.comm., 2019).image of plant
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes texanaTexas SaxifragePrairies, eastwards on outcrops of sandstone, chert, and granite.Sw. MO and se. KS south through AR and OK to nw. LA and e. TX; disjunct in e. GA (found in 1980 by Jim Allison on a small granite outcrop in McDuffie County, GA). It is uncertain whether its occurrence in GA represents a natural disjunction or a freak introduction (J. Allison, pers. comm.).image of plant
SaxifragaceaeMicranthes virginiensisEarly SaxifrageRock outcrops, moist alluvial and slope forests, streambanks, riverbanks.NB west to MB, south to c. GA, LA, and AR.image of plant