Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes careyana | Carey Saxifrage | Moist rock outcrops and cliffs, rocks along seeps or brooks, often under overhangs, often in moist soil at the base of a vertical or overhanging rock outcrop. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: (s. WV?), e. TN and nw. NC south to sw. NC, ne. GA, and se. TN. |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes caroliniana | Carolina Saxifrage | Moist rock outcrops and cliffs, often under overhangs, often in moist soil at the base of a vertical or overhanging rock outcrop. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: s. WV and sw. VA south to nw. NC and ne. TN. |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes forbesii | Forbes's Saxifrage | Moist shaded sandstone cliffs, especially north-facing and often in seasonal seepage. | Sw. WI, se. MN, and e. IA south to s. IL and se. MO. | |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes micranthidifolia | Branch-lettuce, Lettuceleaf Saxifrage, Mountain Lettuce | Wet soils of seepages, in the beds of high elevation brooks, brookbanks; rocky seepages. | A Southern and Central Appalachian endemic: e. PA and WV, south to e. TN, w. NC, nw. SC, and ne. GA. |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes palmeri | Palmer's Saxifrage, Ozark Saxifrage | Rocky woodlands. | Endemic to AR and e. OK. | |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes pensylvanica | Swamp Saxifrage | Forested seeps and seepage swamps, fens, usually over mafic or calcareous rocks. | ME west to MN, south to e. VA, c. and w. NC, and IA. |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes petiolaris var. petiolaris | Cliff Saxifrage | Rock outcrops, especially in seasonal seepage, at low to high elevations in the Southern and Central Appalachians. | Nw. VA, WV, and KY south to e. TN, w. NC, sw. SC, and ne. GA. |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes petiolaris var. shealyi | Escarpment Saxifrage, Shealy's Saxifrage | In moist seepage over rock, at low elevations (2000-3000 feet). | Endemic, so far as is known, to Pickens County, SC. Additional material perhaps matching this taxon has recently been found in Polk County, NC (O. Carson, pers.comm., 2019). |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes texana | Texas Saxifrage | Prairies, eastwards on outcrops of sandstone, chert, and granite. | Sw. MO and se. KS south through AR and OK to nw. LA and e. TX; disjunct in e. GA (found in 1980 by Jim Allison on a small granite outcrop in McDuffie County, GA). It is uncertain whether its occurrence in GA represents a natural disjunction or a freak introduction (J. Allison, pers. comm.). |
Saxifragaceae | Micranthes virginiensis | Early Saxifrage | Rock outcrops, moist alluvial and slope forests, streambanks, riverbanks. | NB west to MB, south to c. GA, LA, and AR. |