Intro: Erect, rosette-forming perennial found on rock outcrops, moist alluvial and slope forests and stream banks.
Stems: Flowering stems arising from a basal rosette, stout, branched above, with a few bracts, sticky-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves basal, on widened petioles edged with hairs, oval to spoon-shaped, 1/2-3 in. long, bluntly toothed, fleshy, often purplish-red beneath, smooth or hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in a compact, sticky-hairy terminal panicle that elongates with age; white; about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, oval petals, 10 yellow-tipped stamens and a 2-lobed ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a 2-parted, teardrop-shaped capsule.
Height: 4-18 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, rosette-forming perennial found on rock outcrops, moist alluvial and slope forests and stream banks.
stems: Flowering stems arising from a basal rosette, stout, branched above, with a few bracts, sticky-hairy.
leaves: Leaves basal, on widened petioles edged with hairs, oval to spoon-shaped, 1/2-3 in. long, bluntly toothed, fleshy, often purplish-red beneath, smooth or hairy.
flowers: Flowers in a compact, sticky-hairy terminal panicle that elongates with age; white; about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, oval petals, 10 yellow-tipped stamens and a 2-lobed ovary.
fruits: Fruit a 2-parted, teardrop-shaped capsule.
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native range: eastern North America