Intro: Erect, rosette-forming perennial of moist rock outcrops and cliffs, often under overhangs, often in moist soil at the base of a vertical or overhanging rock outcrop.
Stems: Flowering stems branched above in inflorescence, furry with glandular hairs.
Leaves: Leaves basal, on winged petioles, oval to oblong oval with wedge-shaped base, to 5 in. long, coarsely toothed, fleshy-thick, green above and purple mottled beneath, furry on both surfaces or only beneath.
Flowers: Flowers in a wide-branching, glandular-furry panicle with some leaf-like bracts; tiny; white; consisting of 5 minute petals, 5 minute and partially fused sepals and 10 stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a 2-parted, oval capsule, with the lobes partially fused and partially separate-spreading apart.
Comments: A southern Appalachian endemic.
Height: 4-15 in.
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description: Erect, rosette-forming perennial of moist rock outcrops and cliffs, often under overhangs, often in moist soil at the base of a vertical or overhanging rock outcrop.
stems: Flowering stems branched above in inflorescence, furry with glandular hairs.
leaves: Leaves basal, on winged petioles, oval to oblong oval with wedge-shaped base, to 5 in. long, coarsely toothed, fleshy-thick, green above and purple mottled beneath, furry on both surfaces or only beneath.
flowers: Flowers in a wide-branching, glandular-furry panicle with some leaf-like bracts; tiny; white; consisting of 5 minute petals, 5 minute and partially fused sepals and 10 stamens.
fruits: Fruit a 2-parted, oval capsule, with the lobes partially fused and partially separate-spreading apart.
comments: A southern Appalachian endemic.
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