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Support the Flora of the Southeastern US

2024 has been a banner year for making the best flora we can imagine. We've created:
With financial support from people like you, we are aiming even higher in 2025. Together we can accomplish all this: Vote on our 2025 priorities
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  • Professional graphic keys (polyclaves) to individual families/genera vote
  • 2 new FloraQuest apps: Florida & Mid-South vote
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  • iNaturalist integration in FloraQuest vote
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10 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PiperaceaePeperomia alataWinged PeperomiaEpiphytic in tropical hammocks.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia amplexicaulisClasping PeperomiaTropical hammocks.Native of West Indies.image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia glabellaCypress PeperomiaEpiphytic or terrestrial in tropical hammocks.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia humilis var. cumulicolaLow PeperomiaTerrestrial on shell middens.E. coast of FL, from Duval County south to Martin County.image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia humilis var. humilisLow PeperomiaPrimarily epiphytic in strand swamps.S. FL (Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Collier counties), FL; West Indies; Mexico. Sometimes (and erroneously) considered introduced in FL.image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia magnoliifolia var. magnoliifoliaSpoonleaf PeperomiaEpiphytic in tropical hammocks.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia obtusifolia var. floridanaFlorida PeperomiaEpiphytic in tropical hammocks, usually on bark of living wood well above ground level.Endemic to s. peninsular FL (hammocks of Dade County).
PiperaceaePeperomia obtusifolia var. obtusifoliaFlorida PeperomiaTerrestrial in tropical hammocks, usually on decaying bark of logs and stumps.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia pellucidaPepper-elder, Man-to-man, Rat-earDisturbed areas, especially around greenhouses.Native of the Neotropics. P. pellucida has been collected escaped from cultivation in FL, LA, and GA (in the vicinity of Savannah).image of plant
PiperaceaePeperomia rotundifoliaYerba LindaEpiphytic in tropical strand swamps on Fraxinus cubensis and Annona glabra.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant