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3 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AraceaePinellia pedatisectaFan-leaf Chinese Green DragonSuburban woodlands.Native of China. Reported for Greenville County, SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]).image of plant
AraceaePinellia ternataPinelliaSuburban woodlands, from horticultural use.Native of Japan. Introduced from Japan and rarely naturalized, at least in the northern portion of our area and other nearby areas, as in DC, se. PA, NJ, and s. NY.image of plant
AraceaePinellia tripartitaVoodoo Lily, Green DragonSuburban woodlands, from horticultural use.Native of Japan and Hong Kong. Reported for Greenville County, SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]).image of plant

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