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19 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PinaceaePinus banksianaJack PineDry forests.Reported as possibly naturalized in WV (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006).image of plant
PinaceaePinus clausaSand PineFlorida scrub, and dry sands where planted outside of its native range, for instance widely planted in pulp plantations in FL and s. GA, experimentally planted as far north as NC (and persisting and naturalizing).FL Panhandle, S. AL, south to s. FL; planted and naturalized further north in GA, SC, and NC Coastal Plain and further west in s. MS.image of plant
PinaceaePinus densaSouth Florida Slash PinePine flatwoods, pine rocklands, scrubby flatwoods, wet pine (and cutthroat grass) savannas.Restricted to c. and s. peninsular FL. Falsely reported by Small (1933) for GA.image of plant
PinaceaePinus echinataShortleaf Pine, Rosemary Pine, Yellow PineDry to dry-mesic upland forests and woodlands, rocky ridges and slopes, glades, bluffs, Coastal Plain sandhills, old fields, riparian forests, generally in rather xeric sites and on acid soils, but also occurring in mesic to even wet sites and on mafic or subcalcareous rocks.Widespread in se. North America, north to s. NY, NJ, s. PA, s. OH, s. IL, s. MO, and e. OK, perhaps reaching its greatest importance in dry, sandstone landscapes, such as the Cumberland Plateau of WV, KY, TN, and AL, and the Ozarks and Ouachitas of AR, MO, and OK.image of plant
PinaceaePinus elliottiiSlash PineNative in wet pine flatwoods and maritime forests, also extensively planted (over a broader distribution than the natural one, as in GA, SC, NC, w. LA, e. TX) in silvicultural plantations on a wide variety of soils, many of them unsuitable for its successful growth.P. elliottii ranges natively from e. SC south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. LA. P. elliottii has been extensively planted throughout the Coastal Plain of Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, where it now occupies tens of thousands of hectares.image of plant
PinaceaePinus glabraSpruce Pine, Walter's Pine, Cedar PineBottomland forests, rich, moist soils, also upland in calcareous areas, such as calcareous bluffs.SC south to n. FL and west to se. LAimage of plant
PinaceaePinus nigraAustrian PineDisturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
PinaceaePinus palustrisLongleaf Pine, Southern PineFormerly throughout the Coastal Plain, Sandhills, and lower Piedmont, on a wide variety of soils (sandy, loamy, clayey, or peaty), from very dry to very wet conditions, in pine savannas, pine woodlands, and pine forests affected by relatively frequent natural (lightning caused) fires (likely augmented by native Americans), now reduced to an estimated 3% of its former abundance by a variety of forces, including turpentining, timbering, free-range hogs, fire suppression, and ‘site conversion’ by foresters to other trees, now extremely rare in VA and north of the Neuse River in NC, still occurring in some abundance in the outer Coastal Plain from Carteret County, NC south into GA, in the Bladen Lakes area of Bladen and Cumberland counties, and in the Fall-Line Sandhills of Harnett, Hoke, Scotland, Richmond, Moore, Anson, and Montgomery counties, NC and south into GA. Further southward into peninsular FL, this species is more exclusive to sandhill and flatwood habitats, replaced in wetter sites by Pinus elliottii and P. densa and more xeric sites by P. clausa.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. VA south to FL and west to se. TX; it extends slightly into the Piedmont in most states where it occurs, and further into the Piedmont and low mountains in GA and AL. Planted in DE (McAvoy 2023, pers.comm.)image of plant
PinaceaePinus pinasterMaritime Pine, Cluster PinePlanted and naturalized on barrier islands.Native of Mediterranean Europe. P. pinaster is reported by Brown (1959) to be "introduced from Mediterranean region and planted on sand-flats in vicinity of Corolla, Currituck Banks, Bodie and Hatteras Island 1936-1940…". Now producing seeds and becoming naturalized near Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.image of plant
PinaceaePinus pineaItalian Stone PineA single report from Graham County, NC on EDDMapS; of uncertain reliability and rejected unless corroborated.image of plant
PinaceaePinus pungensTable Mountain Pine, Bur Pine, Prickly Pine, Hickory PineDry ridges, cliffs, shale barrens, usually requiring fire for its reproduction, occurring at least up to 1550 m.A Central and Southern Appalachian endemic: n. NJ, through se. PA, w. MD, WV, w. VA, w. NC, and e. TN to nw. SC and ne. GA. Occasionally planted outside its natural distribution, as in NY.image of plant
PinaceaePinus resinosaRed PineHigh elevation forests, in pine plantations, and persisting after silvicultural plantings. Further north often growing on dry, rocky (south-facing) ridges and bluffs.This species is native as far south as WV (Pendleton and Hardy counties) and PA (Luzerne, Wyoming, Tioga, and Centre counties).image of plant
PinaceaePinus rigidaPitch Pine, Black PineSouthward primarily on dry ridges, more or less requiring fire for its reproduction, less commonly in peat soils of mountain bogs (and then often at elevations of 800-1000 m), northward (as in NJ) in acidic sandy and peaty soils near sea level, and also scattered through a variety of forest types. It is abundant near sea level in the Pine Barrens of NJ, but in NC is limited to the mountains and upper Piedmont; it is replaced in Coastal Plain fire-maintained wetland communities by the related Pinus serotina.S. Canada and s. ME south to n. GA.image of plant
PinaceaePinus serotinaPocosin Pine, Pond Pine, Marsh Pine, Black PinePeaty soils of pocosins, swamps of small blackwater streams, sometimes a component of very wet pine savannas over an herbaceous groundlayer, but usually associated with dense pocosin shrubs.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: s. NJ south to n. FL and se. AL, restricted to the Coastal Plain.image of plant
PinaceaePinus strobusEastern White PineMoist to dry forests, bottomlands, dry, rocky ridges in humid gorges, also planted in timber plantations.Widespread in ne. North America, south to VA, w. and (rarely) c. NC, nw. SC, n. GA, e. TN, KY, IN, n. IL, e. IA, and MN. In NC, a notable relict and disjunct stand of P. strobus occurs on bluffs of the Deep River in the eastern Piedmont of Chatham County; in VA P. strobus is widely but irregularly distributed in the lower Piedmont. Frequently planted beyond its native range.image of plant
PinaceaePinus sylvestris var. sylvestrisScots PineCultivated and sometimes escaped or long persistent in settings where not obviously planted.Native of Europe. Introduced and at least weakly naturalized south to MD (Kartesz 1999) and e. WV (Morton et al. 2004).image of plant
PinaceaePinus taedaLoblolly Pine, Old Field Pine, Yellow PineDry to dry-mesic upland forests and woodlands, riparian forests, maritime forests, sandy rises in bottomland forests, pine flatwoods, roadsides, pine plantations, disturbed areas, especially in acid soil, much more abundant and widespread than formerly, and occurring farther inland than as a native.Native from s. NJ, DE, and e. MD south to n. peninsular FL, west to e. TX and se. OK, primarily on the Coastal Plain, but inland to s. TN; this distribution now expanded by forestry plantation northward.image of plant
PinaceaePinus thunbergiiJapanese Black PinePlanted and persisting, sometimes appearing native, on barrier islands.Native of Japan.image of plant
PinaceaePinus virginianaVirginia Pine, Scrub Pine, Jersey Pine, Possum Pine, Spruce PineDry forests and woodlands, especially on slopes and ridges, also common in certain areas as a weedy successional tree on nearly any kind of site, such as rocky, sandy, or clayey successional old fields or blowdowns.Primarily a Central and Southern Appalachian endemic: s. NY, NJ, and PA, south through VA, WV, s. OH, s. IL, KY, TN, and NC to nw. SC, n. GA, n. AL, and ne. MS.image of plant