Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus. Black Locust. Phen: Apr-Jun; Jul-Nov. Hab: Forests, woodlands, disturbed areas, roadcuts. Dist: Native in the s. and c. Appalachians, from PA south to GA and AL, and the Interior Highlands, now much more widespread, throughout e. and c. North America, also widely cultivated and escaped in Europe.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Other Comments: Often considered a weed tree; Correll & Johnston (1970) stated "black locusts are weedy, 'dirty' trees and root-sprout perniciously, therefore they are to be avoided in cultivation, although they are widely touted by unscrupulous nursery-dealers as 'million-dollar shade trees' ".
Synonymy ⓘ: = Ar, C, Fl3, FNA11.2, Il, K1, K3, Mi, NcTx, NE, NY, Pa, S13, SE3, Tx, Va, W, WH3, Isely & Peabody (1984); = Robinia pseudo-acacia – F, GrPl, RAB, S, Tat, WV, orthographic variant; > Robinia pseudo-acacia var. pseudo-acacia – G, orthographic variant; > Robinia pseudo-acacia var. rectissima (L.) Raber – G, orthographic variant
Links to other floras: = Robinia pseudoacacia - FNA11.2
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Wetland Indicator Status:
- Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: UPL
- Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: FACU
- Great Plains: UPL
- Midwest: FACU
- Northcentral & Northeast: FACU
Heliophily ⓘ: 7