Intro: Creeping, mat-forming perennial of rock outcrops, gravel parking lots and other disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems prostrate but flowering shoots stiffly erect, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate and overlapping, sessile, oval, to 1/4 in. long, fleshy.
Flowers: Flowers in short-branched clusters at ends of flowering shoots, yellow, star-shaped and 3/8 in. wide, with 5 spreading, pointed, lance-shaped petals, 5 sepals, 10 stamens and a 5-parted ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a cluster of 5 tiny, beaked capsules.
Comments: Native to Europe, Northern Africa and Western Asia; commonly cultivated in N. America.
Height: 1-3 in.
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description: Creeping, mat-forming perennial of rock outcrops, gravel parking lots and other disturbed areas.
stems: Stems prostrate but flowering shoots stiffly erect, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate and overlapping, sessile, oval, to 1/4 in. long, fleshy.
flowers: Flowers in short-branched clusters at ends of flowering shoots, yellow, star-shaped and 3/8 in. wide, with 5 spreading, pointed, lance-shaped petals, 5 sepals, 10 stamens and a 5-parted ovary.
fruits: Fruit a cluster of 5 tiny, beaked capsules.
comments: Native to Europe, Northern Africa and Western Asia; commonly cultivated in N. America.
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