Intro: Tufted, erect and sprawling perennial of sedimentary rock outcrops with basic chemistry.
Stems: Stems branched; nonflowering shoots prostrate and rooting at nodes where dense leaf rosettes form, but flowering branches erect; fleshy and smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate but so crowded they appear whorled, essentially sessile, oblong to spoon-shaped, narrowed at base, succulent and somewhat flattened, pale- to blue-green, often with a whitish coating, and smooth (rosette leaves more oval-shaped and not flattened).
Flowers: Flowers in branching, spreading to recurved, terminal clusters; white; star-shaped; consisting of 4 (sometimes 5) widely spreading, lance-shaped petals, 4-5 sepals and stamens with reddish-purple anthers.
Comments: A complex species, with several ploidies and morphologies noted.
Height: 2-6 in.
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description: Tufted, erect and sprawling perennial of sedimentary rock outcrops with basic chemistry.
stems: Stems branched; nonflowering shoots prostrate and rooting at nodes where dense leaf rosettes form, but flowering branches erect; fleshy and smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate but so crowded they appear whorled, essentially sessile, oblong to spoon-shaped, narrowed at base, succulent and somewhat flattened, pale- to blue-green, often with a whitish coating, and smooth (rosette leaves more oval-shaped and not flattened).
flowers: Flowers in branching, spreading to recurved, terminal clusters; white; star-shaped; consisting of 4 (sometimes 5) widely spreading, lance-shaped petals, 4-5 sepals and stamens with reddish-purple anthers.
comments: A complex species, with several ploidies and morphologies noted.
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