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15 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
SapotaceaeSideroxylon alachuenseAlachua Bully, Silver Bully, Silver BuckthornSandy hammocks, shell middens.S. GA south to c. peninsular FL.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon celastrinumSaffron-plum, ComaSandy hammocks, coastal strands, coastal rock barrens, rockland hammock edges.Peninsular FL; s. TX, south through Mexico and Central America to n. South America; West Indies.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon foetidissimumMastic-bully, Mastic-ironwood, False-masticHammocks.FL (from Volusia and Manatee counties southward); West Indies; s. Mexico (CAM, CHP, ROO, YUC) and Central America.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon lanuginosum ssp. albicansWoolly BuckthornHammocks, upland forests.W. LA, TX Coastal Plain south to n. Mexico (NLE).
SapotaceaeSideroxylon lanuginosum ssp. lanuginosumEastern Gum Bumelia, Eastern Gum BullyDry upland forests and woodlands, glades, bluffs, prairies and saline barrens, roadsides, pastures, rises in bottomland forests.E. GA, KY, and KS, south to nc. FL and e. and nc. TX.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon lanuginosum ssp. rigidumEdwards Plateau Bully, ChittimwoodOn limestone or gypsum, especially along river bluffs.C. and nc. TX (especially Edwards Plateau) west to se. AZ and south into Mexico.
SapotaceaeSideroxylon lycioidesBuckthorn Bumelia, Buckthorn Bully, Carolina BuckthornMaritime forests, maritime scrub, river bluffs, swamp margins, usually in circumneutral soil (over shell hash, coquina limestone, marl, or limestone), in the Piedmont and Mountains in rich, mesic forests over mafic or calcareous rocks.Se. VA south to Panhandle FL, west to se. TX, north in the interior to s. IN, s. IL, and se. MO, mostly on the Coastal Plain, but extending (in our area in NC and SC) to the upper Piedmont and north in the interior (primarily on limestone) to KY and TN.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon macrocarpumBig-fruited Buckthorn, Ohoopee Bumelia, Ohoopee BullyLongleaf pine sandhills.Endemic to sc. GA (Appling, Candler, Emanuel, Evans, Jeff Davis, Laurens, Long, Montgomery, Pierce, Tattnall, Toombs, Treutlen, and Wheeler counties).image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon reclinatum ssp. austrofloridenseEverglades Bully, Rockland BullyPine rocklands, marl prairies.Endemic to s. FL.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon reclinatum ssp. reclinatumSmooth Bumelia, Florida BullyFloodplain forests and river margins.Ssp. reclinatum ranges from s. SC and se. GA south to s. peninsular FL.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon rufohirtumRed-haired Bully, Rufous BullyHammocks.Ne. FL south to c. peninsular FL.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon salicifoliumWhite Bully, Bustic, Willow-bustic, CassadaMaritime hammocks, marl prairies, mesic hammocks, pine rocklands, rockland hammocks.S. FL (Martin and Hendry counties southwards); West Indies; Mexico and Central America (Belize, Guatemala).image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon species 1Lake BullyFlorida scrub.C. peninsular FL.
SapotaceaeSideroxylon tenaxTough Buckthorn, Tough Bumelia, Tough BullyMaritime scrub, maritime forests, rarely somewhat inland in hammocks and FL scrub.Se. NC south to s. peninsular FL.image of plant
SapotaceaeSideroxylon thorneiGeorgia Bully, Thorne's Bumelia, Swamp BumeliaBottomlands and limesink depressions, particularly over calcareous substrates.E. GA south to Panhandle FL, and west to s. AL.image of plant

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