Intro: Erect, tufted perennial with grass-like leaves found in dry, sandy or rocky woodlands, clearings, roadsides and dunes; occasionally in damp, open habitats.
Stems: Stem flattened and narrowly winged, branching and some sometimes bending at 1 or 2 nodes, smooth, the base lacking fibrous remains of old leaves (see S. nashii). .
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, overlapping, linear and grass-like, to 14 in. long, firm and pale bluish-green.
Flowers: Flowers in single small cluster (usually 2 flowers) at top of scape, blue-violet, 1/2-3/4 in. wide, consisting of 6 spreading tepals with rounded or notched tips and bearing a tiny tooth-like extension. Yellow markings at the base of each tepal create a yellow center in the blue "star."
Fruits: Fruit a round capsule.
Height: 8-18 in.
plant sale text: This handsome perennial is actually not a grass at all, but rather shares the same family as Iris. The leaves of both Sisyrinchium and Iris overlay each other in a parallel fashion. Atlantic blue-eyed- grass grows into handsome grass-like clumps that produce numerous ¾-inch blue flowers with yellow centers on upright stems. The bluish-green foliage of Atlantic blue-eyed-grass gives it an attractive quality throughout the growing season even after the blooms fade.
bloom table text:
description: Erect, tufted perennial with grass-like leaves found in dry, sandy or rocky woodlands, clearings, roadsides and dunes; occasionally in damp, open habitats.
stems: Stem flattened and narrowly winged, branching and some sometimes bending at 1 or 2 nodes, smooth, the base lacking fibrous remains of old leaves (see S. nashii). .
leaves: Leaves mostly basal, overlapping, linear and grass-like, to 14 in. long, firm and pale bluish-green.
flowers: Flowers in single small cluster (usually 2 flowers) at top of scape, blue-violet, 1/2-3/4 in. wide, consisting of 6 spreading tepals with rounded or notched tips and bearing a tiny tooth-like extension. Yellow markings at the base of each tepal create a yellow center in the blue "star."
fruits: Fruit a round capsule.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern North America