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Support the Flora of the Southeastern US

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  • Professional graphic keys (polyclaves) to individual families/genera vote
  • 2 new FloraQuest apps: Florida & Mid-South vote
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7 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
TyphaceaeSparganium acauleBogs, stream margins.NL (Newfoundland) and c. QC west to s. AB and WA, south to w. NC, IN, IA.image of plant
TyphaceaeSparganium americanumAmerican Bur-reedStreams, marshes, ponds, pools, spring branches, often submerged.NL (Newfoundland) west to MN, south to c. peninsular FL and c. TX.image of plant
TyphaceaeSparganium androcladumMarshes, shores, sloughs, ponds, sinkhole ponds, and ditches.ME and QC west to MN, south to se. VA, s. WV, e. TN, s. MO, and ne. OK.image of plant
TyphaceaeSparganium angustifoliumNarrowleaf Bur-reedMarshes.NL to AK, south to n. NJ, n. PA, MI, WI, MN, SD, NM, AZ, and CA; attributed to VA and WV by Kartesz (1999), apparently erroneously.image of plant
TyphaceaeSparganium eurycarpum var. eurycarpumGiant Bur-reedMarshes, shores.NS west to BC, south to w. VA, n. WV, IN, OK, CA and Baja California; e. Asia and Australia. Its attribution to more southern localities in North America by some older sources (such as FL according to Small) is believed to be in error.image of plant
TyphaceaeSparganium fluctuansFloating Bur-reedLake margins, streams, shores.NL west to BC, south to n. NJ, PA, MI, WI, MN, SK, AB, and WA.image of plant
TyphaceaeSparganium natansLeast Bur-reedLakes and bogs, often aquatic.Circumboreal, south in North America to n. NJ, n. PA, s. MI, n. IN, n. IL, c. MN, nw. NM, n. AZ, and c. CA.image of plant