Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Styracaceae | Styrax americanus var. americanus | American Snowbell, American Storax | Swamp forests, pocosin edges, depression wetlands, other moist to wet habitats. | Var. americanus ranges from ne. WV, OH, s. IN, s. IL, s. MO, south to s. FL and e. TX. |
Styracaceae | Styrax americanus var. pulverulentus | Downy American Snowbell | Wet pine flatwoods. | ‘Good’ var. pulverulentus ranges from SC south to s. FL and west to e. TX and se. MO; some plants in NC and SC are transitional between the two varieties and will not be easily assigned. |
Styracaceae | Styrax grandifolius | Bigleaf Snowbell, Bigleaf Storax | Mesic to dry upland forests, bluffs. | Se. VA south to ne. FL and. Panhandle FL, west to e. TX, north to se. MO. |
Styracaceae | Styrax japonicus | Japanese Snowbell | Suburban woodlands, old fields, fencerows. | Native of e. Asia; "escaped from nearby plantings, sometimes abundantly so" (Virginia Botanical Associates 2023). |
Styracaceae | Styrax platanifolius ssp. platanifolius | Sycamore-leaf Snowbell | "Usually in oak-juniper woodlands on steep rocky banks and ledges along intermittent or perennial streams, rarely far from some reliable source of moisture" (Carr 2016). | Endemic to the Edwards Plateau and vicinity (Lampasas Cutplain, and Llano Uplift). |
Styracaceae | Styrax platanifolius ssp. stellatus | Hairy Sycamore-leaf Snowbell | Along streams in limestone canyons. | Nearly endemic to the Edwards Plateau, TX. |