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Support the Flora of the Southeastern US

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  • 2 new FloraQuest apps: Florida & Mid-South vote
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7 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron pubescensPoison Oak, Southeastern Poison OakLongleaf pine sandhills, dry upland woodlands, around dry rock outcrops in the Piedmont and Mountains, barrens.Primarily Southeastern: s. NJ south to n. FL, west to e. TX, inland to WV, e. TN, c. TN, se. MO, and s. KS.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron radicans var. negundoMidwestern Poison IvyIn a wide range of habitats, including mesic forests, rock outcrops, open areas, and disturbed ground.NY west to MI, MN, and NE, south to sw. VA, KY, AR, and TX, almost entirely in or west of the Appalachians.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron radicans var. pubensXeric limestone woodlands, barrens, outcrops, and clearings.S. IL and MO south to se. LA and s. TX; disjunct eastward in c. KY, c. TN, and w. VA (Virginia Botanical Associates 2019).image of plant
AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron radicans var. radicansEastern Poison IvyIn a wide range of habitats, including mesic forests, rock outcrops, swamp forests, brackish marshes, open areas, disturbed ground, usually in more mesic to hydric sites than T. pubescens, and particularly common in areas with fertile soils, such as bottomlands or over calcareous rocks or calcareous sands (as in maritime forests).NS south to s. FL (and the Bahamas), west to e. TX, inland to VT, c. PA, WV, KY, and AR.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron radicans var. verrucosumTexas Poison IvyOn limestone, in uplands.OK south to c. TX.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron rydbergiiWestern Poison IvyAcid pine-oak forests and woodlands at moderate elevations.NS west to BC, south to New England, NY, n. OH, n. IL, IA, w. KS, w. TX, AZ, Mexico (CHH, SON), and OR; disjunct in the Appalachians in PA, WV, and VA. Reported for NC by Gillis (1971), but the location (Cumberland Co., in the fall-line Sandhills), does not seem plausible {investigate further with specimen}.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron vernixPoison Sumac, Thunderwood, Poison Elder, Poison DogwoodIn peaty habitats, in the Coastal Plain frequent in streamhead pocosins and sandhill seepage bogs, in the mountains in bogs.NS west to MN, south to c. peninsular FL and TX.image of plant