Intro: Erect to sprawling perennial of fields, roadsides and other disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems sparsely branched, hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with a pair of large stipules at the base, palmately divided into 3 oval to oblong-oval leaflets with hairy margins and a white or light green chevron mark on the upper surface.
Flowers: Flowers in sessile, rounded to ovoid terminal heads, about 1 in. wide; pink to purplish-pink (lighter or white toward base of the head); sessile; bilaterally symmetric; tubular- and pea-shaped, with 5 narrow corolla lobes.
Height: 6-22 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to sprawling perennial of fields, roadsides and other disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems sparsely branched, hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with a pair of large stipules at the base, palmately divided into 3 oval to oblong-oval leaflets with hairy margins and a white or light green chevron mark on the upper surface.
flowers: Flowers in sessile, rounded to ovoid terminal heads, about 1 in. wide; pink to purplish-pink (lighter or white toward base of the head); sessile; bilaterally symmetric; tubular- and pea-shaped, with 5 narrow corolla lobes.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: Europe