Intro: Erect and creeping perennial of lawns, roadsides and other disturbed areas. Native of Eurasia.
Stems: Stems branched, smooth or hairy, creeping and rooting at nodes.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; on long petioles with a pair of stem-clasping stipules at the base; palmately divided into 3 oval to oblong-oval leaflets, each about 3/4 in. long, that have finely toothed margins and a white or light green chevron mark on the upper surface.
Flowers: Flowers in stalked, rounded heads of 20--50 flowers each and about ¾ in. wide, held above leaves; white or pinkish; 3/8 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with pea-flower shape.
Height: 4-12 in.
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description: Erect and creeping perennial of lawns, roadsides and other disturbed areas. Native of Eurasia.
stems: Stems branched, smooth or hairy, creeping and rooting at nodes.
leaves: Leaves alternate; on long petioles with a pair of stem-clasping stipules at the base; palmately divided into 3 oval to oblong-oval leaflets, each about 3/4 in. long, that have finely toothed margins and a white or light green chevron mark on the upper surface.
flowers: Flowers in stalked, rounded heads of 20--50 flowers each and about ¾ in. wide, held above leaves; white or pinkish; 3/8 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with pea-flower shape.
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native range: Europe & Asia