Intro: Erect, clumped perennial found mostly on shale barrens; also on outcrops or glades over limestone, diabase and ultramafic rocks.
Stems: Stems mostly prostrate and from a semi-woody crown, but not rooting at the nodes; densely hairy.
Leaves: Leaves arising from the woody crown on hairy, reddish petioles with stem-clasping stipules at the base; palmately divided into 3 narrowly oblong leaflets that are 3-7 times as long as wide, finely toothed, silky-hairy beneath and with a white chevron marking above.
Flowers: Flowers in rounded heads, about 1 in. wide, borne on long, hairy stalks arising from crown; creamy white with purple veins; about 1/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; tubular with typical pea-flower shape.
Height: 4-6 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect, clumped perennial found mostly on shale barrens; also on outcrops or glades over limestone, diabase and ultramafic rocks.
stems: Stems mostly prostrate and from a semi-woody crown, but not rooting at the nodes; densely hairy.
leaves: Leaves arising from the woody crown on hairy, reddish petioles with stem-clasping stipules at the base; palmately divided into 3 narrowly oblong leaflets that are 3-7 times as long as wide, finely toothed, silky-hairy beneath and with a white chevron marking above.
flowers: Flowers in rounded heads, about 1 in. wide, borne on long, hairy stalks arising from crown; creamy white with purple veins; about 1/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; tubular with typical pea-flower shape.
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