Intro: Erect perennial of pastures, bottomlands and stream sides.
Stems: Stems branched in inflorescence, smooth or sparsely hairy and with a white-waxy coating
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on short petioles, oval to lance-shaped, toothed, dark green above and light green (usually with a white-waxy coating) beneath, minutely hairy.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a branching, terminal cluster; heads purple-magenta, consisting of 30-48 spreading, tubular florets with 5 narrow lobes. Tiny triangular to lance-shaped bracts surround the bell-shaped base of each head.
Fruits: Fruit a cluster of white- to straw-tufted, ridged achenes.
Comments: An excellent nectar source for butterflies and bees.
Height: 3-5 ft.
plant sale text: Broadleaf ironweed is found mainly in the piedmont region in dry fields, making this plant a great selection for a dry sunny site. Its tall stature is sited well in the back of a perennial border or for naturalizing a field. Purple-topped stems in late summer are butterfly magnets! Broadleaf ironweed will spread by seed. Pinch back the tips in early summer to yield a bushier form less likely to lean.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of pastures, bottomlands and stream sides.
stems: Stems branched in inflorescence, smooth or sparsely hairy and with a white-waxy coating
leaves: Leaves alternate, on short petioles, oval to lance-shaped, toothed, dark green above and light green (usually with a white-waxy coating) beneath, minutely hairy.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a branching, terminal cluster; heads purple-magenta, consisting of 30-48 spreading, tubular florets with 5 narrow lobes. Tiny triangular to lance-shaped bracts surround the bell-shaped base of each head.
fruits: Fruit a cluster of white- to straw-tufted, ridged achenes.
comments: An excellent nectar source for butterflies and bees.
cultural notes:
germination code: 1
native range: southeastern United States