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6 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeCalamovilfa arcuataCumberland SandreedRiverside scours, usually in areas of sandstone cobble.Ouachita Mountains of w. AR and e. OK; Cumberland Plateau of TN (Cumberland, Morgan, Scott, and White cos.), KY (McCreary County), AL (Blount and Dekalb cos.), and GA (Walker County) (Zomlefer et al. 2018).image of plant
PoaceaeCalamovilfa brevipilisPinebarren SandreedPine savanna-pocosin ecotones, longleaf pine sandhill seepage bogs, streamhead seeps, pocosins, boggy powerline rights-of-way.A "bimodal endemic", with two areas of distribution: Pine Barrens of NJ and the Coastal Plain (very rarely lower Piedmont) of e. NC, n. SC, and s. VA.image of plant
PoaceaeCalamovilfa curtissiiCurtiss’s SandreedMoist pinelands and edges of natural ponds.FL Panhandle and e. peninsular FL.image of plant
PoaceaeCalamovilfa giganteaGiant SandreedSand dunes, prairies, sandy shores.NE and UT south through KS and OK to TX, NM, and AZ.image of plant
PoaceaeCalamovilfa longifolia var. longifoliaPrairie Sand-reedSandy bottomlands.MI, WI, MB, NT, and BC south to s. IL, MO, KS, NM, ID, and WA.image of plant
PoaceaeCalamovilfa longifolia var. magnaGreat Lakes SandreedBeaches.Naturalized from the more western Great Lakes.image of plant