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8 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PrimulaceaeSteironema ciliatumFringed LoosestrifeMesic forests, especially bottomlands and coves dominated by hardwoods.NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to GA, Panhandle FL, AL, MS, AR, KS, NE, CO, NM, UT, ID, and OR.image of plant
PrimulaceaeSteironema gramineumGrassleaf Yellow-loosestrifeEndemic to ne. AL (Little River Canyon area) and Floyd County, GA.image of plant
PrimulaceaeSteironema hybridumLowland LoosestrifeMesic hardwood forests, sinkhole and depression ponds, wet meadows, other wet areas.ME and s. QC west to AB and WA, south irregularly to ne. FL, Panhandle FL, AR, NE, and AZ.image of plant
PrimulaceaeSteironema lanceolatumLanceleaf LoosestrifeMesic to relatively dry forests, mafic and calcareous fens, bogs, forest edges, roadbanks, primarily on circumneutral soils.NJ, PA, OH, MI, and WI south to GA, Panhandle FL, AL, MS, LA, and ne. TX.image of plant
PrimulaceaeSteironema lewisiiLewis’s LoosestrifeDry oak-hickory woodlands on ridges and upper slopes in dry, cherty, acid soils.Endemic to Lewis and Maury counties, TN and Blount County, AL.
PrimulaceaeSteironema quadriflorumSmooth Loosestrife, Four-flowered LoosestrifeWet meadows and calcareous fens, stream banks, prairie meadows.MA, s. ON, MI, and ND south to w. VA, WV, nw. GA, AL, and AR; mainly north and west of the Ohio River, very rare and scattered in or east of the Appalachians. Reported for c. NC by Coffey & Jones (1980), based on 2 specimens; the records seem unlikely.image of plant
PrimulaceaeSteironema radicansTrailing LoosestrifeMoist forests, swamps, marshes, eastwards in mountain sinkhole ponds and interdunal ponds.The main distribution of this species is in the Mississippi Embayment, from MO and w. TN south to MS, AR, LA, and e. TX; disjunct occurrences in e. and w. VA and e. NC are curious.image of plant
PrimulaceaeSteironema tonsumSouthern Loosestrife, Appalachian LoosestrifeMoist to dry upland forests, especially over calcareous or mafic rocks.Sc. VA, sw. VA, and KY south to SC, wc. GA, and e. TN. The range is centered on the Southern Appalachians, but the species is essentially absent from the higher mountains – a "doughnut range".