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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RubiaceaeBorreria dasycephalaCarretillaDisturbed areas.Native of Brazil.
RubiaceaeBorreria densifloraBouquet ButtonweedDisturbed areas.Native of the Neotropics.image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria latifoliaWinged ButtonweedDisturbed pine flatwoods, pastures.Native of the Neotropics.image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria tenellaReported for Pensacola, Escambia County, FL by Small (1933); presumably merely a ballast waif.image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria terminalisEverglades ButtonweedPine rocklands.Endemic to s. FL peninsula (Miami-Dade and Monroe counties).image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria verticillataShrubby Buttonweed, Bóton Blanco, Yerba de GarroDisturbed areas.Native of Neotropics. The native distribution of this widespread and weedy neotropical species is difficult to determine.image of plant