Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Polygalaceae | Senega alba | White Milkwort | Rocky and sandy prairies and thickets. | SK and AB south to s. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico. |
Polygalaceae | Senega ambigua | Loose Milkwort | Fields, woodlands, openings. | ME west to MI, south to GA, AL, and OK. |
Polygalaceae | Senega appendiculata | Swamp Milkwort | Bogs and pond margins. | Ne. and Panhandle FL west to e. TX; Mexico, Central America, and South America; Cuba. |
Polygalaceae | Senega aquilonia | Northern Drumheads | Bogs, damp or wet soil in openings. | S. ME, NY, MI, and MN south to e. VA, w. NC, n. GA, n. AL, TN, and IL. |
Polygalaceae | Senega balduinii var. balduinii | White Milkwort, Baldwin's Milkwort | Wet pine savannas, marl prairies, interdune swales. | E. GA south to s. FL, west to s. AL (Barger et al. 2023) and s. MS; e. TX; Cuba; Bahamas (Andros Island). |
Polygalaceae | Senega balduinii var. carteri | Carter’s Milkwort | Pine flatwoods. | S. FL; e. Cuba. |
Polygalaceae | Senega boykinii var. 1 | Boykin's Milkwort | Longleaf pine flatwoods and savannas, seeps, prairies, calcareous glades. | C. TN south through GA, AL, and MS to s. FL and w. LA. |
Polygalaceae | Senega boykinii var. 2 | Boykin's Milkwort | Pine rocklands, often growing out of oolitic limestone. | S. FL (Monroe County Keys, Miami-Dade County). | |
Polygalaceae | Senega brevifolia | Shortleaf Milkwort, Little-leaf Milkwort | Pine savannas, pocosin margins, pocosin interiors after fire. | NY (presumably Long Island) and NJ south to Panhandle FL, west to s. MS. |
Polygalaceae | Senega chapmanii | | Pine savannas, seepage bogs. | Panhandle FL and sw. GA west to s. MS. |
Polygalaceae | Senega crenata | Scalloped Milkwort | Wet pine flatwoods and savannas, bogs, bayheads, acidic swamps. | FL Panhandle and AL west to e. TX; reported for GA (B.A. Sorrie, pers. comm.; R. Carter 16758). |
Polygalaceae | Senega cruciata | Drumheads | Bogs, damp or wet soil in openings. | S. NJ south to s. FL, west to AR, se. OK, and e. TX; disjunct inland in se. TN. |
Polygalaceae | Senega curtissii | Appalachian Milkwort, Curtiss's Milkwort | Mafic barrens, old fields, thickets, openings. | DE and se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007) west to OH, south to SC, GA, and ne. MS. |
Polygalaceae | Senega cymosa | Tall Pinebarren Milkwort | Pond-cypress savannas, Coastal Plain depression ponds, clay-based Carolina bays, other sites with seasonally flooded hydrology. | E. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS; disjunct in s. DE. |
Polygalaceae | Senega hookeri | Hooker's Milkwort | Pine savannas. | Panhandle FL (and sw. GA?), west to s. MS and e. LA; disjunct in se. NC and ne. SC; reported for e. TX (Correll & Johnston 1970). |
Polygalaceae | Senega incarnata | Pink Milkwort, Procession-flower | Pine savannas, woodlands, glades, upland dry prairies, fields. | NY (Long Island) and se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007) west to MI, WI, and IA, south to s. FL and TX; Mexico; Central America. |
Polygalaceae | Senega leptostachys | Georgia Milkwort | Longleaf pine sandhills. | Ne. FL south to c. peninsular FL, west to sw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), s. AL (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008), s. MS (Sorrie & Leonard 1999). |
Polygalaceae | Senega lewtonii | Sand Sweethearts, Lewton’s Milkwort | Longleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, often on yellow sands. | N. FL peninsula (Marion County) south to c. FL. |
Polygalaceae | Senega longicaulis | Longstem Milkwort | | Native of tropical America. Reported for our region only from Jackson County, AL, in 1917. |
Polygalaceae | Senega lutea | Orange Milkwort, Red-hot-poker, Yellow Bachelor's-buttons | Wet pine savannas, ditches, bogs, seeps, other wet (saturated) areas. | NY (Long Island), se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007), and NJ south to s. FL, west to e. LA. |
Polygalaceae | Senega mariana | Maryland Milkwort | Bogs, pine savannas, other open wet habitats. | S. NJ south to c. peninsular FL, west to TX; disjunct inland in sw. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). |
Polygalaceae | Senega nana | Dwarf Milkwort, Candyroot | Longleaf pine flatwoods, other open (sometimes disturbed) moist areas. | E. GA south to s. FL, west to e. TX, with scattered populations inland to n. SC, w. NC, nw. GA, n. AL, c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and ne. MS. |
Polygalaceae | Senega nuttallii | Nuttall's Milkwort | Pocosins, pine savannas, seepages, also in depression ponds (in Augusta and Rockingham counties, VA). | MA south to ne. FL and e. Panhandle FL; disjunct inland in w. VA, c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), sc. KY, and allegedly c. AR. |
Polygalaceae | Senega officinalis var. 1 | Northern Senega Snakeroot | Woodlands and openings, especially over calcareous or mafic rocks. | QC west to AB, south to n. GA, TN, AR, and SD. |
Polygalaceae | Senega officinalis var. 2 | Southern Senega Snakeroot | Woodlands and openings, especially over calcareous or mafic rocks. | NY west to MN, SD, and BC, south to n. GA, TN, AR, OK, and WY. |
Polygalaceae | Senega polygama | Bitter Milkwort, Racemed Milkwort | Longleaf pine sandhills, woodlands, woodland borders. | NS, ON, and MN south to s. FL and TX. |
Polygalaceae | Senega ramosa | Short Pinebarren Milkwort, Low Pinebarren Milkwort | Wet pine savannas, pocosin margins, bogs. | S. NJ south to s. peninsular FL, west to e. TX; rarely disjunct inland. |
Polygalaceae | Senega rugelii | Yellow Milkwort | Wet pine flatwoods, wet slash pine savannas, cutthroat seepages and savannas. Wet to dry sandy roadsides. | Extreme e. Panhandle FL and n. peninsular FL south to s. FL. |
Polygalaceae | Senega sanguinea | Blood Milkwort, Field Milkwort | Bogs, fens, seeps, prairies, woodlands, openings, woodland borders. | NS and MN, south to nw. SC, n. GA, and e. TX. |
Polygalaceae | Senega setacea | Coastal Plain Milkwort | Pine flatwoods and bogs. | E. GA and Panhandle FL south to s. FL. Reported by Small (1933) as occurring north to NC and west to s. MS (apparently erroneously). |
Polygalaceae | Senega smallii | Small’s Milkwort, Tiny Milkwort, Small’s Small Milkwort | Pine rocklands, Florida scrub, scrubby pine flatwoods. | Endemic to Atlantic Coast Ridge of se. FL (St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties). |
Polygalaceae | Senega verticillata var. 1 | Whorled Milkwort | Dry woodlands, woodland borders, openings, fields. | ME west to MI, south to w. VA, w. NC, and TN. |
Polygalaceae | Senega verticillata var. 2 | Whorled Milkwort | Dry woodlands, woodland borders, openings, fields. | VT west to MB, south to Panhandle FL (Kunzer et al. 2009), s. FL, and TX. |