Intro: Erect perennial from a slightly woody crown, found in marshes, ditches, wet pine savannas, bottomland forests and wet disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems 4-angled and winged, simple or branched, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, elliptic to lance-shaped tapering to narrow base, to 2 in. long, toothed on the upper half.
Flowers: Flowers solitary on stalks from leaf axils, white (sometimes with purple tinge or veins), about 1/3 in. long, tubular and opening to 5 spreading lobes, the lower 3 slightly larger and the upper 2 bearded at the throat; 5 linear-lance-shaped sepals are of unequal widths and nearly as long as the corolla.
Fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule, about 1/4 in. long.
Height: 4-20 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect perennial from a slightly woody crown, found in marshes, ditches, wet pine savannas, bottomland forests and wet disturbed areas.
stems: Stems 4-angled and winged, simple or branched, smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, elliptic to lance-shaped tapering to narrow base, to 2 in. long, toothed on the upper half.
flowers: Flowers solitary on stalks from leaf axils, white (sometimes with purple tinge or veins), about 1/3 in. long, tubular and opening to 5 spreading lobes, the lower 3 slightly larger and the upper 2 bearded at the throat; 5 linear-lance-shaped sepals are of unequal widths and nearly as long as the corolla.
fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule, about 1/4 in. long.
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native range: central & southeastern U.S.