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84 results for symphyo. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichumAmerican Asterimage of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum ×amethystinumAmethyst AsterMoist fields, prairies, disturbed areas.NH west to ND, south to NJ, PA, IN, IL, MO, KS, and CO.
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum adnatumScale-leaf AsterLongleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods, pine rocklands.S. GA south to s. FL, west to se. LA; n. Bahamas.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum anomalumManyray AsterGlades, upland prairies, oak savannas, woodlands, and forests.C. IL and n. MO south to s. AR and se. OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum attenuatumGulf Coast Smooth AsterCalcareous prairies, open dry woodlands.TX and LA north to AR
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum bahamenseBahama Salt-marsh AsterSalt, brackish, and fresh marshes, ditches, wet areas.E. GA and e. FL Panhandle south to s. FL; apparently disjunct in se. LA (Urbatsch 2013); Bahamas.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum borealeRushlike Aster, Northern Bog AsterCalcareous wetlands.NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to n. NJ, ne. PA, nw. PA, WV, OH, IN, IL, IA, NE, CO, ID, and WA. Reported for WV (Barbour, Fayette, Nicholas, and Randolph counties), PA, and NJ.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum braceiBrace’s AsterBrackish marshes.Panhandle FL south to s. FL; Bahamas; Cuba.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum chapmaniiChapman's AsterPine flatwoods and seepage bogs.Endemic to Panhandle FL and s. AL; reports from Alachua County in the n. peninsula and St. Lucie County much farther south appear to be correctly identified.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum concinnumHarmonious Aster, Narrow-leaved Smooth AsterDry woodlands and prairies over mafic or calcareous rocks.NY and KY south to GA, Panhandle FL (Jackson County), and MS.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum concolor var. concolorEastern Silvery AsterLongleaf pine sandhills, Piedmont woodlands, forest edges, pine rocklands, roadbanks.MA and NY south to s. FL, west to LA, inland less commonly to TN and KY. Reports of Symphyotrichum concolor for the Bahamas are based on Symphyotrichum lucayanum (Britton) Nesom.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum concolor var. devestitumGulf Coast Silvery AsterPine savannas.Panhandle FL, maybe extending to GA, AL, and SC.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum cordifoliumHeart-leaved Aster, Blue Wood AsterRich forests, shaded roadbanks.NB west to ON and e. ND, south to Panhandle FL and ne. TX. See Holmes & Singhurst (2021) for information on Texas occurrence.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum depauperatumSerpentine AsterGlades and barrens over ultramafic (serpentine) or mafic (diabase) rocks.MD and se. PA; disjunct southward in nc. NC. Falsely reported for Hardy County, WV (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006, Strausbaugh & Core 1978).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum divaricatumAnnual Water Aster, Midwestern Saltmarsh Aster, Yard AsterPonds, swamps, ditches, other wet disturbed areas, including mowed fields, yards, periodically flooded floodplains; eastwards in waste areas near wool-combing mills.TN, MO, e. NE and n. NM south to GA, AL, MS, LA, TX, and Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum drummondiiHairy Heart-leaved AsterMesic to dry forests, especially over calcareous soilsPA, OH, MI, WI, MN, and NE, south to MD, WV, TN, AL, MS, and LA (including the Florida Parishes).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum dumosum var. dumosumLong-stalked AsterOld fields, disturbed areas, pastures.NB, WV, IN, IL, OK south to FL and TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum dumosum var. gracilipesPine savannas.SC south to FL, west to LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum dumosum var. pergracile{habitats}.Endemic (allegedly) to NC and SC.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum dumosum var. strictiorWoodlands and glades over mafic rock.NH, ON, and WI south to NC and MO.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum dumosum var. subulifoliumDepression ponds, calcareous prairies, dry clayey sites, {other habitats}.ME south to FL, west to TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum elliottiiSouthern Swamp Aster, Elliott's AsterBogs, swamps, and marshes, mainly in the outer Coastal Plain, on tree bases, hummocks, and stumps in tidal freshwater swamps, especially where salinities may occasionally exceed 5-10 ppt.Se. VA south to s. FL, west to LA. The Jones & Coile (1988) record for n. GA and records in the NC Mountains (Kartesz (2020) are rejected (misidentifications of S. puniceum).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoidesHeath Aster, Squarrose White AsterLimestone glades, prairies, other open, calcareous situations.ME, NL (Labrador), ON, ND, CO, and UT, south to VA, MS, LA (Kelley 2022c), TX, and Mexico (CHH, COA, HGO, NLE, VER).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum estesiiMay Prairie AsterWet clay-pan prairie.Apparently endemic (at least now, probably formerly more widespread) to May Prairie (Coffee County, TN, Eastern Highland Rim).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum eulaeEula's AsterRiver bottoms, ditches, usually on heavy clay soils.Endemic to nc. TX south to e., se., and sc. TX.
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum expansumPond margins, disturbed wet areas.FL Panhandle and peninsula, AL, OK, UT, NV, and CA south through Mexico and Central America to n. South America; West Indies.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum falcatum var. commutatumWhite Prairie AsterPrairies, open areas.ON south to c. and possibly e. TX, west to AB and AZ, and south into Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum firmumShining AsterPeaty wetlands and seepages, fens, wet prairies.QC west to ND, south to WV, NC, and IA. Distribution poorly understood because of confusion with S. puniceum.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum fontinaleWet pinelands, marshes.E. Panhandle FL and sw. GA south to s. FL.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum georgianumGeorgia AsterDry, rocky woodlands, woodland borders, roadbanks, powerline rights-of-way, primarily in places that formerly would have burned and likely been post oak or blackjack oak woodlands or savannas, also in thin soils around granitic flatrocks.Sc. NC south to c. GA and west to c. AL; apparently disjunct on the Coastal Plain of sw. GA and e. Panhandle FL (Leon County).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum grandiflorumBig-headed AsterDry woodlands, forest edges; roadbanks and powerline rights-of-way.E. and c. VA south through e. and c. NC to nc. SC.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum hesperiumSiskiyou AsterStream banks, ditches.ON and NT south to MI, IA, KS, CO, w. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico. Reported for ne. OK and nc. and se. TX by Kartesz (2021).
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum kentuckienseMiss Price's Aster, Sadie's AsterLimestone glades.C. KY south through c. TN to nw. GA and n. AL.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum kraliiDrawdown zones of limesink ponds.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum laeveSmooth Blue AsterMesic hardwood forests.NS west to MB, south to GA, LA, and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hirsuticauleHairy White Panicled AsterWetlands over glacial deposits.ON west to MB, south to n. OH, n. IN, s. IL, and IA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum lanceolatum var. interiorSmall-flowered White Panicled AsterBottomlands and other moist areas.NH west to MN, south to PA, KY, AR, and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum lanceolatum var. lanceolatumTall White Aster, Common Panicled AsterMoist soils.NL (Newfoundland) west to SK, south to PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), VA (reported in FNA), NC, SC (?), TN, MS, LA, and TX. Reported for Ashe County, NC (Poindexter & Murrell 2008).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum lanceolatum var. latifoliumBroad-leaved White Panicled AsterBottomlands, other moist sites.ME west to MB, south to e. Panhandle FL and TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum lateriflorumStarved Aster, Goblet AsterMesic to dry upland forests and woodlands, swamps, wet pine flatwoods, clearings, old fields, roadsides, other disturbed areas.NB west to MB, south to s. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum lowrieanumSmooth Heart-leaved AsterMesic to dry-mesic forests.MA, NY, and ON, south to w. VA, w. NC, ne. GA, e. TN, and c. TN.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum novae-angliaeNew England Aster, Michaelmas-daisyWet meadows, bogs, prairies.NS west to MT, south to GA, wc. AL, c. MS, s. AR, OK, and NM.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum novi-belgii var. elodesNew York AsterWet pine savannas, marshes.NB south to NY, apparently disjunct southward from e. MD south to e. SC and e. GA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum novi-belgii var. novi-belgiiNew York AsterWetlands.NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) south to MD.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum oblongifoliumEastern Aromatic Aster, Shale-barren AsterRock outcrops and dry woodlands over limestone, calcareous shale, calcareous prairiesNY, WI, MN, and MT, south to sc. VA, w. NC, nc. AL, n. MS, TX, and NM.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum ontarionis var. ontarionisBottomland AsterBottomlands, swamps, bogs.QC, ON, MN, and SD, south to WV, GA, AL, MS, LA, and TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum oolentangiense var. oolentangienseAzure AsterPrairies, glades.NY, ON, MN, and SD, south to Panhandle FL and TX. Reported for GA (Kartesz 1999) on the basis of Fernald (1950), and also reported for GA in FNA. East to sw. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), AL, and Panhandle FL (Wunderlin & Hansen 2008).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum oolentangiense var. poaceumCalcareous prairies and barrens, longleaf pine woodlands, other open (and especially sandy) woodlands.MO, AR, south to se. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum parvicepsSmall-headed AsterUpland prairies, woodlands, dry areas.IL and IA south to MO, KS, and ne. OK (reported but not verified for AR).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. gracileDry woodlands and prairies.Var. gracile, as defined more narrowly by R. Jones (1983), ranges east to se. LA, s. MS, and s. AL from a core range in LA, e. and c. TX, and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. patensCommon Clasping AsterDry woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills, roadsides, woodland edges, clearings, roadbanks.Var. patens ranges from VT and NY west to PA, s. OH, s. IN, s. MO, and se. KS, south to e. GA, ne. FL, Panhandle FL, s. AL, s. MS, s. LA, and sc. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. patentissimumOzark Clasping AsterGlades, upland prairies, woodlands, forest edges.Var. patentissimum is largely Ozarkian, east to scattered locations in w. KY.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. terranigrumBlack Belt Clasping AsterPrairies and woodlands.Distribution centered in the AL-MS Black Belt, but allegedly with scattered occurrences over a more widespread area of the Southeastern United Statesimage of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum phlogifoliumAppalachian Clasping AsterMesic, nutrient-rich mixed hardwood forests.NJ and Long Island, NY west to PA, n. OH, and e. IN south to c. VA, c. NC, w. SC, n. GA, and ne. AL, primarily in the Appalachian Mountains and adjacent provinces.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosumOld fields, disturbed areas, woodland borders.NB west to MN, south to Panhandle FL and TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum pilosum var. pringleiCalcareous glades, calcareous barrens, other dry soil areas, especially or only over limestone or other calcareous rocks.NS west to MN, south to GA and TN (Eastern Highland Rim) and MS Black Belt.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum plumosumPlume AsterLongleaf pine sandhills, dryish longleaf pine flatwoods.Endemic to c. Panhandle FL.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. angustiorWillow Aster, Veiny Lined AsterFen-like calcareous wetlands.ME south to NC (?) and ne. TN. Abrams Creek, Frederick County, VA. Also reported for NC by Kartesz (1999).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. nebraskenseNebraska AsterBottomlands, other moist areas.NE, KS, and OK east to MO, AR, and LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. praealtumNet-veined Aster, Willowleaf AsterMoist forests over limestone, wooded fens (with Acer rubrum and Fraxinus nigra), calcareous clay prairies.NY, MN, and SD south to Panhandle FL, e. TX, and Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, TAM). Reported for Giles County, VA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. subasperRough Willowleaf AsterLoess prairies and woodlands, bottomlands, other moist habitats.KY, IN, IL, MO, and OK south to AL and TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum pratenseBarrens Silky AsterCalcareous glades and barrens, prairies.S. AR west to ne. TX and se. OK, south to sc. LA and e. TX; disjunct at scattered localities east of the Mississippi River, as in sw. VA (Ludwig 1999), sw. NC (Kelly & Knapp 2019), c. KY, TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), nw. GA, sw. GA, Panhandle FL (Gadsden County), n. and c. AL, and wc. MS.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum prenanthoidesZigzag AsterMoist or wet forests, roadbanks, fields.MA, NY, s. ON, and MN, south to w. NC, TN, IL, and IA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum puniceum var. 1Bogs.Known from nw. NC.
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum puniceum var. puniceumPurple-stem Aster, Swamp AsterBogs, seeps, ditches, wet meadows.NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) west to BC, south to GA, AL, MO, and SD.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum puniceum var. scabricaulePineland seepage bogs.AL west to e. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum racemosum var. racemosumSmall White AsterBottomlands, marshes.ME south to n. FL, west to TX, and inland to OH, IN, IL (?), MO, and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum racemosum var. subdumosumSmall White Oldfield AsterUncertain distribution.
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum retroflexumMoist forests.W. NC and e. TN south to nw. SC and n. GA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum rhiannonBuck Creek Aster, Rhiannon's AsterUltramafic outcrop barren.Endemic (as far as is known) to the Buck Creek Serpentine Barren, Clay County, NC.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum schistosumMillboro AsterShale woodlands.Endemic to w. VA, so far as is known.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum sericeumWestern Silvery AsterGlades, upland prairies, thin soils over calcareous outcrops.See Jones, Witsell, & Nesom (2008); all reports of this species east of the Mississippi River and south of the Ohio River are based on misidentifications (or a taxonomically broader application) of S. pratense.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum shortiiMidwestern Blue Heart-leaved Aster, Short's AsterDry, rocky slopes; rock outcrops in wooded situations, calcareous hammocks (in FL).PA, s. ON, and MN, south to w. NC, c. GA, Panhandle FL (Gadsden and Jackson counties), MS, and AR.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum simmondsiiSimmonds’s AsterFlorida wet prairies, wet pine flatwoods, ditches, other moist to wet habitats.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to s. AL.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum species 1Mafic fen.As far as is known, endemic to nw. NC.
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum squamatumSouth American Salt-marsh AsterDisturbed areas (on ballast), escaped to coastal marshes and dunes.Native of South America. Reported as an introduction in AL (Mobile County), FL (Escambia County), LA, TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum subulatumEastern Saltmarsh AsterTidal marshes.S. ME south to ne. FL, Panhandle FL, west to LA; Central America, South America; West Indies.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum tenuifoliumPerennial Salt-marsh AsterBrackish marshes.ME south to s. peninsular FL, west to se. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum texanumTexas AsterLimestone cliffs, sandstone cliffs, bluffs.MO and KS south to LA and TX; disjunct east of the Mississippi River in e. LA, e. MS, and w. and c. KY; Mexico (COA).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum tradescantiiTradescant's Aster, Shore AsterRocky or gravelly shores.NL (Newfoundland) and QC south to nw. NJ and w. NY.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum turbinellumPrairie AsterPrairies.C. IL, se. IA, and se. KS south to AR and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum undulatumWavyleaf AsterDry forests, woodlands, glades, roadbanks.NS west to s. ON, south to c. peninsular FL and LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum urophyllumWhite Arrowleaf AsterMoist to dry forests, fields, and roadbanks.ME west to MN and NE, south to e. Panhandle FL, MS, and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum walteriWalter's AsterPine savannas, longleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods.E. NC south to c. peninsular FL.image of plant