2 results for symphyotrichum concolor. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum concolor var. concolorEastern Silvery AsterLongleaf pine sandhills, Piedmont woodlands, forest edges, pine rocklands, roadbanks.MA and NY south to s. FL, west to LA, inland less commonly to TN and KY. Reports of Symphyotrichum concolor for the Bahamas are based on Symphyotrichum lucayanum (Britton) Nesom.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum concolor var. devestitumGulf Coast Silvery AsterPine savannas.Panhandle FL, maybe extending to GA, AL, and SC.image of plant