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301 results for More search options
Scientific Name Common NameImage
AcanthaceaeAcanthus Familyimage of plant
AceraceaeMaple Familyimage of plant
AchatocarpaceaeSnake-eyes Family
AcoraceaeCalamus Familyimage of plant
ActinidiaceaeKiwi-fruit Familyimage of plant
AgavaceaeAgave Familyimage of plant
AizoaceaeFig-marigold Familyimage of plant
AlismataceaeWater-plantain Familyimage of plant
AlliaceaeOnion Familyimage of plant
AlstroemeriaceaePeruvian-lily Familyimage of plant
AltingiaceaeSweet-gum Familyimage of plant
AmaranthaceaeAmaranth Familyimage of plant
AmaryllidaceaeAmaryllis Familyimage of plant
AnacardiaceaeCashew Familyimage of plant
AnemiaceaePineland Fern Familyimage of plant
AnnonaceaeCustard-apple Familyimage of plant
ApiaceaeCarrot Familyimage of plant
ApocynaceaeDogbane Familyimage of plant
Apodanthaceaeimage of plant
AquifoliaceaeHolly Familyimage of plant
AraceaeArum Familyimage of plant
AraliaceaeGinseng Familyimage of plant
AraucariaceaeNorfolk Island Pine Familyimage of plant
ArecaceaePalm Familyimage of plant
AristolochiaceaeBirthwort Familyimage of plant
AsparagaceaeAsparagus Familyimage of plant
AsphodelaceaeAsphodel Family
AspleniaceaeSpleenwort Familyimage of plant
AsteraceaeAster Familyimage of plant
AthyriaceaeLady Fern Familyimage of plant
BalsaminaceaeTouch-me-not Familyimage of plant
BasellaceaeMadeira-vine Familyimage of plant
BataceaeBatis Familyimage of plant
BegoniaceaeBegonia Familyimage of plant
BerberidaceaeBarberry Familyimage of plant
BetulaceaeBirch Familyimage of plant
BignoniaceaeBignonia Familyimage of plant
BlechnaceaeDeer Fern Familyimage of plant
BoraginaceaeBorage Familyimage of plant
BrassicaceaeMustard Familyimage of plant
BromeliaceaeBromeliad or Pineapple Familyimage of plant
BurmanniaceaeBurmannia Familyimage of plant
BurseraceaeFrankincense Familyimage of plant
Butomaceaeimage of plant
BuxaceaeBoxwood Familyimage of plant
CabombaceaeWater-shield Familyimage of plant
CactaceaeCactus Familyimage of plant
CalophyllaceaeCalophyllum Familyimage of plant
CalycanthaceaeSweet-shrub Familyimage of plant
CalyceraceaeCalycera Familyimage of plant
CampanulaceaeBellflower Familyimage of plant
CanellaceaeCanella Family
CannabaceaeHops Familyimage of plant
CannaceaeCanna Familyimage of plant
CapparaceaeCaper Familyimage of plant
CaprifoliaceaeHoneysuckle Familyimage of plant
CaricaceaePapaya Familyimage of plant
CaryophyllaceaePink Familyimage of plant
CasuarinaceaeCasuarina Familyimage of plant
CelastraceaeBittersweet Familyimage of plant
CephalotaxaceaePlum-yew Familyimage of plant
CeratophyllaceaeHornwort Familyimage of plant
CercidiphyllaceaeKatsura Familyimage of plant
CervantesiaceaeBuffalo Nut Familyimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeGoosefoot Familyimage of plant
ChionographidaceaeFairy-wand Familyimage of plant
ChrysobalanaceaeCoco-plum Familyimage of plant
CistaceaeRockrose Familyimage of plant
CleomaceaeCleome Familyimage of plant
ClethraceaeClethra Familyimage of plant
ClusiaceaeMangosteen Familyimage of plant
CochlospermaceaeCochlospermum Familyimage of plant
ColchicaceaeMeadow-saffron Familyimage of plant
ComandraceaeComandra Familyimage of plant
CombretaceaeCombretum Familyimage of plant
CommelinaceaeSpiderwort Familyimage of plant
ConvolvulaceaeMorning Glory Familyimage of plant
CordiaceaeGeiger-tree Familyimage of plant
CornaceaeDogwood Familyimage of plant
CostaceaeCostus Familyimage of plant
CrassulaceaeStonecrop Familyimage of plant
CucurbitaceaeGourd Familyimage of plant
CupressaceaeCypress Familyimage of plant
CyatheaceaeScaly Tree Fern Family
CycadaceaeCycad Family, Sago-palm Familyimage of plant
CymodoceaceaeManatee-grass Familyimage of plant
CyperaceaeSedge Familyimage of plant
CyrillaceaeTiti Familyimage of plant
CystopteridaceaeBrittle Fern Familyimage of plant
DavalliaceaeHare's-foot Fern
DennstaedtiaceaeBracken Familyimage of plant
DiapensiaceaeDiapensia Familyimage of plant
DiervillaceaeBush-honeysuckle Familyimage of plant
DioscoreaceaeYam Familyimage of plant
DiplaziopsidaceaeGlade Fern Familyimage of plant
DipsacaceaeTeasel Familyimage of plant
DroseraceaeSundew Familyimage of plant
DryopteridaceaeWood-fern Familyimage of plant
EbenaceaeEbony Familyimage of plant
EhretiaceaeEhretia Familyimage of plant
ElaeagnaceaeOleaster Familyimage of plant
ElatinaceaeWaterwort Familyimage of plant
EphedraceaeEphedra Familyimage of plant
EquisetaceaeHorsetail Familyimage of plant
EricaceaeHeath Familyimage of plant
EriocaulaceaePipewort Familyimage of plant
EucommiaceaeGutta-percha Tree Familyimage of plant
EuphorbiaceaeSpurge Familyimage of plant
FabaceaeLegume Familyimage of plant
FagaceaeBeech Familyimage of plant
FrankeniaceaeFrankenia Familyimage of plant
FumariaceaeFumitory Familyimage of plant
GarryaceaeGarrya Familyimage of plant
GelsemiaceaeJessamine Familyimage of plant
GentianaceaeGentian Familyimage of plant
GeraniaceaeGeranium Familyimage of plant
GinkgoaceaeGinkgo Family
GisekiaceaeGisekia Family
GleicheniaceaeForking-fern Familyimage of plant
GoodeniaceaeGoodenia Familyimage of plant
GrossulariaceaeCurrant Familyimage of plant
HaemodoraceaeBloodwort Familyimage of plant
HaloragaceaeWater-milfoil Familyimage of plant
HamamelidaceaeWitch-hazel Familyimage of plant
HeliconiaceaeHeliconia Familyimage of plant
HeliotropiaceaeHeliotrope Familyimage of plant
HeloniadaceaeSwamp-pink Familyimage of plant
HemerocallidaceaeDay-lily Familyimage of plant
HippocastanaceaeHorse-chestnut Familyimage of plant
HuperziaceaeFirmoss Familyimage of plant
HyacinthaceaeHyacinth Familyimage of plant
HydrangeaceaeHydrangea Familyimage of plant
HydrastidaceaeGoldenseal Familyimage of plant
HydrocharitaceaeFrog's-bit Familyimage of plant
HydroleaceaeHydrolea Familyimage of plant
HydrophyllaceaeWaterleaf Familyimage of plant
HymenophyllaceaeFilmy Fern Familyimage of plant
Hypecoaceaeimage of plant
HypericaceaeSt. John's-wort Familyimage of plant
HypoxidaceaeStargrass Familyimage of plant
IlliciaceaeStar-anise Family
IridaceaeIris Familyimage of plant
IsoetaceaeQuillwort Family, Merlin's-grass Family
IteaceaeSweetspire Familyimage of plant
JuglandaceaeWalnut Familyimage of plant
JuncaceaeRush Familyimage of plant
JuncaginaceaeArrowgrass Familyimage of plant
KoeberliniaceaeAllthorn Family
KrameriaceaeKrameria Familyimage of plant
LamiaceaeMint Familyimage of plant
LardizabalaceaeLardizabala Familyimage of plant
LauraceaeLaurel Familyimage of plant
LentibulariaceaeBladderwort Familyimage of plant
LiliaceaeLily Familyimage of plant
LimnanthaceaeMeadow-foam Familyimage of plant
LinaceaeFlax Familyimage of plant
LinderniaceaeFalse-pimpernel Familyimage of plant
LindsaeaceaeNecklace Fern Familyimage of plant
LinnaeaceaeTwinflower Familyimage of plant
LoasaceaeLoasa Familyimage of plant
LoganiaceaeStrychnine Familyimage of plant
LomariopsidaceaeFringed Fern Familyimage of plant
LycopodiaceaeClubmoss Familyimage of plant
LygodiaceaeClimbing Fern Familyimage of plant
LythraceaeLoosestrife Familyimage of plant
MagnoliaceaeMagnolia Familyimage of plant
MalpighiaceaeMalpighia Familyimage of plant
MalvaceaeMallow Familyimage of plant
MarantaceaeArrowroot Familyimage of plant
MarsileaceaeWater-clover Familyimage of plant
MartyniaceaeMartynia Familyimage of plant
MayacaceaeBogmoss Familyimage of plant
MazaceaeMazus Familyimage of plant
MelanthiaceaeBunchflower Familyimage of plant
MelastomataceaeMelastome Familyimage of plant
MeliaceaeMahogany Familyimage of plant
MenispermaceaeMoonseed Familyimage of plant
MenyanthaceaeBuckbean Familyimage of plant
MolluginaceaeCarpetweed Familyimage of plant
MontiaceaeMontia Familyimage of plant
MoraceaeMulberry Familyimage of plant
MoringaceaeMoringa Familyimage of plant
MuntingiaceaeMuntingia Familyimage of plant
MusaceaeBanana Familyimage of plant
MyricaceaeBayberry Familyimage of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrtle Familyimage of plant
NamaceaeFiddleleaf Familyimage of plant
NartheciaceaeBog-asphodel Familyimage of plant
NelumbonaceaeLotus-lily Familyimage of plant
NephrolepidaceaeSword Fern Familyimage of plant
NyctaginaceaeFour-o'clock Familyimage of plant
NymphaeaceaeWater-lily Familyimage of plant
NyssaceaeTupelo Familyimage of plant
OchnaceaeOchna Familyimage of plant
OleaceaeOlive Familyimage of plant
OnagraceaeEvening-primrose Familyimage of plant
OnocleaceaeSensitive Fern Familyimage of plant
OphioglossaceaeAdder's-tongue Familyimage of plant
OrchidaceaeOrchid Familyimage of plant
OrobanchaceaeLousewort Familyimage of plant
OsmundaceaeRoyal Fern Familyimage of plant
OxalidaceaeWood-sorrel Familyimage of plant
PaeoniaceaePeony Familyimage of plant
PandanaceaeScrew-pine Familyimage of plant
PapaveraceaePoppy Familyimage of plant
ParnassiaceaeGrass-of-Parnassus Familyimage of plant
PassifloraceaePassionflower Familyimage of plant
PaulowniaceaePaulownia Familyimage of plant
PedaliaceaeSesame Familyimage of plant
PentaphylacaceaePentaphylax or Sakaki Familyimage of plant
PenthoraceaePenthorum Familyimage of plant
PetiveriaceaePetiveria Familyimage of plant
PhilydraceaePhilydrum Familyimage of plant
PhrymaceaeLopseed Familyimage of plant
PhyllanthaceaeLeaf-flower Familyimage of plant
PhytolaccaceaePokeweed Familyimage of plant
PicramniaceaeBitterbush Familyimage of plant
PinaceaePine Familyimage of plant
PiperaceaePepper Familyimage of plant
PittosporaceaePittosporum Familyimage of plant
PlantaginaceaePlantain Familyimage of plant
PlatanaceaePlane-tree Familyimage of plant
PlumbaginaceaeLeadwort Familyimage of plant
PoaceaeGrass Familyimage of plant
PodocarpaceaePodocarp Familyimage of plant
PodostemaceaeRiverweed Familyimage of plant
PolemoniaceaeJacob's-ladder Familyimage of plant
PolygalaceaeMilkwort Familyimage of plant
PolygonaceaeSmartweed Familyimage of plant
PolypodiaceaePolypody Familyimage of plant
PontederiaceaePickerelweed Familyimage of plant
PortulacaceaePurslane Familyimage of plant
PotamogetonaceaePondweed Familyimage of plant
PrimulaceaePrimrose Familyimage of plant
ProteaceaeProtea Family
PsilotaceaeWhiskfern Familyimage of plant
PteridaceaeMaidenhair Fern Familyimage of plant
PutranjivaceaeGuiana-plum Familyimage of plant
RanunculaceaeButtercup Familyimage of plant
ResedaceaeMignonette Familyimage of plant
RhamnaceaeBuckthorn Familyimage of plant
RhizophoraceaeRed Mangrove Familyimage of plant
RosaceaeRose Familyimage of plant
RubiaceaeMadder Familyimage of plant
RuscaceaeRuscus Familyimage of plant
RutaceaeCitrus Familyimage of plant
SalicaceaeWillow Familyimage of plant
SalviniaceaeFloating Fern Familyimage of plant
SantalaceaeSandalwood Familyimage of plant
SapindaceaeSoapberry Familyimage of plant
SapotaceaeSapodilla Familyimage of plant
SarraceniaceaePitcherplant Familyimage of plant
SaururaceaeLizard's-tail Familyimage of plant
SaxifragaceaeSaxifrage Familyimage of plant
ScheuchzeriaceaeScheuchzeria Familyimage of plant
SchisandraceaeStar-vine Family
SchizaeaceaeCurly-grass Familyimage of plant
SchoepfiaceaeSchoepfia Familyimage of plant
ScrophulariaceaeFigwort Familyimage of plant
SelaginellaceaeSpikemoss Familyimage of plant
SimaroubaceaeQuassia Familyimage of plant
SmilacaceaeGreenbriar Familyimage of plant
SolanaceaeNightshade Familyimage of plant
SphenocleaceaeChickenspike Familyimage of plant
StaphyleaceaeBladdernut Familyimage of plant
StemonaceaeStemona Familyimage of plant
StyracaceaeStorax Familyimage of plant
SurianaceaeBay-cedar Familyimage of plant
SymplocaceaeSweetleaf Familyimage of plant
TalinaceaeFameflower Familyimage of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarisk Familyimage of plant
TaxaceaeYew Familyimage of plant
TectariaceaeHalberd Fern Familyimage of plant
TetrachondraceaeTetrachondra Familyimage of plant
TheaceaeTea Familyimage of plant
ThelypteridaceaeMarsh Fern Familyimage of plant
ThemidaceaeBrodiea Familyimage of plant
ThesiaceaeThesium Familyimage of plant
ThymelaeaceaeMezereum Familyimage of plant
TofieldiaceaeFalse-asphodel Familyimage of plant
TrilliaceaeTrillium Familyimage of plant
TropaeolaceaeNasturtium Familyimage of plant
TurneraceaeTurnera Familyimage of plant
TyphaceaeCattail Familyimage of plant
UlmaceaeElm Familyimage of plant
UrticaceaeNettle Familyimage of plant
ValerianaceaeValerian Familyimage of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena Familyimage of plant
ViburnaceaeViburnum Familyimage of plant
ViolaceaeViolet Familyimage of plant
ViscaceaeChristmas Mistletoe Familyimage of plant
VitaceaeGrape Familyimage of plant
WoodsiaceaeWoodsia Familyimage of plant
XerophyllaceaeBeargrass Familyimage of plant
Ximeniaceaeimage of plant
XyridaceaeYellow-eyed Grass Familyimage of plant
ZamiaceaeZamia Familyimage of plant
ZingiberaceaeGinger Familyimage of plant
ZosteraceaeEelgrass Familyimage of plant
ZygophyllaceaeCreosote-bush Familyimage of plant