98 results for family: Acanthaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Acanthaceae | Acanthaceae | Acanthus Family | | |
Acanthaceae | Andrographis | False Water-willow | | |
Acanthaceae | Andrographis echioides | | Chrome ore piles, almost certainly a waif and not established in our area. | Native of India. Reported for chrome ore piles near Newport News, VA, by Reed (1961) |
Acanthaceae | Anisacanthus | Desert-honeysuckle | | |
Acanthaceae | Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii | Wright's Desert-honeysuckle | Floodplains, streambanks. | C. and s. TX south to COA, NLE, and TAM. |
Acanthaceae | Asystasia | Chinese Violet | | |
Acanthaceae | Asystasia gangetica ssp. gangetica | Chinese-violet | Disturbed areas, hammocks. | Native of Asia and Africa. |
Acanthaceae | Asystasia gangetica ssp. micrantha | Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Creeping Foxglove, Asystasia | Disturbed areas. | Native of India. See Barger et al. (2012) for additional information on the AL occurrence. See Lange, Bradley, & Sadle [in prep.] for report of the s. FL occurrence, described as "abundant and aggressive". |
Acanthaceae | Avicennia | Black Mangrove | | |
Acanthaceae | Avicennia germinans | Black Mangrove, Mangle Blanco | Brackish and salt marshes and swamps, in tidal flats and lagoons. | Scattered on the Gulf Coast in FL peninsula (Dixie county southward on the west coast, St. Johns County southward on the east coast), Panhandle FL (Franklin and Taylor counties), s. MS, s. AL, s. LA, and se. TX, southward into the West Indies and Tropical America. |
Acanthaceae | Barleria | | | |
Acanthaceae | Barleria cristata | Crested Philippine-Violet, Bluebell Barleria | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia. |
Acanthaceae | Barleria lupulina | Hop-headed Barleria | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. |
Acanthaceae | Barleria repens | Small Bush-violet, Red Philippine-Violet | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. |
Acanthaceae | Carlowrightia | Carlowrightia, Wrightwort | | |
Acanthaceae | Carlowrightia parviflora | Small-flower Carlowrightia | Chaparral, thornscrub, roadsides, in gravelly or sandy loam soils. | S. TX south into c. Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Carlowrightia texana | Texas Carlowrightia | Mesquite woodlands, arroyos, dry grasslands, roadsides. | Nc. TX, s. NM, and s. AZ south to n. Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Dicliptera | Dicliptera, Foldwing | | |
Acanthaceae | Dicliptera brachiata | Dicliptera, Branched Foldwing | Bottomland forests. | Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to c. TX, and north in the interior to c. TN, s. IN, s. IL, MO, and se. KS. |
Acanthaceae | Dicliptera sexangularis | Banderita, Six-angle Foldwing | Maritime hammocks, rockland hammocks, coastal berms, coastal rock barrens, coastal prairies, upland disturbed areas. | S. FL; s. TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America; West Indies. |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste | Twinflower, Snakeherb, Dyschoriste | | |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste angusta | Pineland Twinflower | Pine rocklands, marl prairies. | N. FL south to s. peninsular FL; n. Bahamas. Reported for FL Panhandle (Wakulla County) by Kunzer et al. (2009). |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste crenulata | | Chaparral and brushlands. | S. TX and COA and TAM. |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste humistrata | Swamp Twinflower, Swamp Dyschoriste | Bottomland forests, especially on soils over limestone. | E. SC to c. peninsular FL, west to e. Panhandle FL. |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste linearis var. linearis | | Sparsely vegetated prairie slopes. | S. OK south through e, c., and w. TX into Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste linearis var. sanpatriciensis | | | | |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste oblongifolia | Blue Twinflower, Pineland Dyschoriste | Pine savannas, pine flatwoods, and longleaf pine sandhills. | SC to s. FL, west to se. AL and e. Panhandle FL. The basis of Small's (1933) attribution of this species to VA is unknown. |
Acanthaceae | Elytraria | Elytraria | | |
Acanthaceae | Elytraria angustifolia | Florida Elytraria | Calcareous wet prairies (marl prairies) and wet calcareous pine rockland savannas. | Endemic to s. FL. |
Acanthaceae | Elytraria bromoides | | Sandy soils. | S. TX south to se. Mexico. | |
Acanthaceae | Elytraria caroliniensis var. caroliniensis | Carolina Elytraria | Swamp forests over coquina limestone ("marl"), mesic and hydric hammocks, rarely in more acidic soils. | Var. caroliniensis ranges from se. SC south to c. peninsular FL (Manatee and Highlands counties), west to c. Panhandle FL (Gadsden County) and sw. GA. |
Acanthaceae | Elytraria caroliniensis var. vahliana | | Wet pine flatwoods and wetland savannas on calcareous substrates. | Ne. and c. Panhandle FL (where restricted to lower coastal terraces), south to n. peninsular FL (Levy and Flagler counties); should be sought in extreme s. GA. | |
Acanthaceae | Eranthemum | | | |
Acanthaceae | Eranthemum pulchellum | Blue-sage | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia. |
Acanthaceae | Graptophyllum | | | |
Acanthaceae | Graptophyllum pictum | Caricature Plant | Disturbed upland areas. | Native of se. Asia. |
Acanthaceae | Hygrophila | Swampweed | | |
Acanthaceae | Hygrophila corymbosa | Starhorn | Ditches, disturbed wet areas. | Native of Asia. |
Acanthaceae | Hygrophila difformis | Water-wisteria | Canals, ponds. | Native of se. Asia. |
Acanthaceae | Hygrophila lacustris | Gulf Swampweed | Shallow water of swamps and shores. | Sw. GA south to c. FL Peninsula, west to e. TX; West Indies. |
Acanthaceae | Hygrophila polysperma | East Indian Swampweed, Hygro, Miramar-weed, East Indian Hygrophila | Lakes, rivers, canals; established in AL, FL, and SC (Hook & Nelson 2011), doubtfully established in VA. | Native of the East Indies. Grown for the aquarium trade, and sporadically introduced to bodies of water, apparently well-established in FL (Les & Wunderlin 1981). |
Acanthaceae | Hygrophila species 1 | | Swamps and marshes. | Known from Escambia County, FL (Daniel 2013). | |
Acanthaceae | Hypoestes | | | |
Acanthaceae | Hypoestes phyllostachya | Polka Dot Plant | Suburban woodlands, escaped from cultivation. | Native of Madagascar. Reported for Leon and Alachua counties, FL (Wunderlin & Hansen 2011). |
Acanthaceae | Justicia | Water-willow | | |
Acanthaceae | Justicia americana | American Water-willow | River and stream beds, in shallow water, often rooted in rocky shallows. | W. QC west to s. MI and NE, south to sw. GA, Panhandle FL, and s. TX; COA and CHH. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia angusta | Pineland Water-willow, Narrowleaf Water-willow | Pond-cypress depressions, roadside ditches, pine savannas. | Se. GA (Camden and Charlton counties) (Sorrie 1998b; Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009) south to s. FL. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia brandegeeana | Shrimp-plant | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia comata | Marsh Waterwillow | Disturbed wetlands. | Native of tropical America. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia cooleyi | Cooley’s Water-willow, Cooley’s Justicia | Calcareous hammocks. | Endemic to nc. peninsular FL (Lake, Sumter, and Hernando counties). |
Acanthaceae | Justicia crassifolia | | Pine flatwoods, cypress ponds. | Endemic to FL Panhandle. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia lanceolata | | Swamps, marshes. | Se. GA west to TX, north in the Mississippi Embayment to s. IL, s. IN, w. KY. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia ovata | Coastal Plain Water-willow, Loose-flower Water-willow | Swamps, marshes. | S. VA south to c. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and se. AL; s. IL. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia pectoralis | Fresh-cut | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia pilosella | Hairy Tubetongue | Rocky and gravelly soils in chaparral. | Nc., se., and w. TX and NM to n. Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia runyonii | Runyon's Water-willow | Margins of and openings within subtropical woodlands or thorn shrublands on calcareous, alluvial, silty or clayey soils derived from Holocene silt and sand floodplain deposits of the Rio Grande Delta; can be common in narrow openings such as those provided by trails through dense ebony woodlands and is sometimes restricted to microdepressions. | S. TX and n. Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia spicigera | Mohintle, Mexican-honeysuckle | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mexico and Central America. |
Acanthaceae | Justicia turneri | Turner's Water-willow | | |
Acanthaceae | Nelsonia | Nelsonia | | |
Acanthaceae | Nelsonia canescens | Blue Pussyleaf | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. |
Acanthaceae | Odontonema | Firespike | | |
Acanthaceae | Odontonema cuspidatum | Firespike | Disturbed hammocks and other uplands. | Native of tropical America. |
Acanthaceae | Pseuderanthemum | | | |
Acanthaceae | Pseuderanthemum variabile | Night-and-Afternoon | Disturbed areas, also in potted plants and greenhouses. | Native of the Old World. Reported as a greenhouse weed from SC (Nelson & Kelly 1997), but not included as a regular member of the flora of SC because "it is unlikely that it could persist anywhere in South Carolina outside a greenhouse environment" (Nelson & Kelly 1997). |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia | Wild-petunia | | |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia blechum | Green Shrimp-plant, Browne’s Blechum | Suburban woodlands, disturbed areas, escaped from horticultural use. | Native of the Neotropics. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia caroliniensis | Carolina Wild-petunia, Common Wild-petunia | Dry to moist forests and woodlands. | NJ, s. OH, s. IN, s. IL, and OK, south to s. FL and e. TX. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia ciliatiflora | Hairyflower Wild-petunia | Lawns, roadsides, mango and avocado plantations, other disturbed areas. | Native of South America. Reported for GA (Zomlefer et al. 2018). |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia ciliosa | Sandhill Wild-petunia, Dwarf Wild-petunia | Longleaf pine sandhills, particularly in loamy, submesic swales. | Sc. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to se. LA. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia corzoi | Corzo's Wild-petunia | Limestone hills and draws. | S., c., and w. TX south to ne. Mexico. | |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia dipteracanthus | | Disturbed areas. | Native of the Neotropics. See Keith, Wright, & Godwin (2017) for first reports of naturalization in the United States (FL and TX). | |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia drummondiana | Drummond's Wild-petunia | Rocky riparian areas. | Endemic to TX. | |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia heteromorpha | | Dry-mesic pinelands, marl prairies, pine rocklands. | S. peninsular FL. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia humilis | Low Wild-petunia, Hairy Wild-petunia, Fringeleaf Ruellia | Calcareous or mafic glades and woodlands, prairies, dry woodlands and fields. | S. PA west to se. MN and e. NE, south to c. NC, nc. SC (York County; Schmidt & Barnwell 2002), c. AL, s. MS, s. LA, and c. and s. TX. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia metziae | Metz's Wild-petunia | Open areas over calcareous gravels and calcareous woodlands. | Endemic to c. Texas. | |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia noctiflora | Night-flowering Wild-petunia | Wet pinelands and savannas. | E. GA (in counties immediately adjacent to SC) south to ne. FL; Panhandle FL west to se. LA. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia nudiflora var. nudiflora | Violet Wild-petunia | Moist to dry woodlands and forests. | AL west to TX, south to s. Mexico and Central America. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia nudiflora var. runyonii | Runyon's Wild-petunia | Gravelly, calcareous soils of open areas and woodlands. | S. TX south into Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia occidentalis | Western Wild-petunia | Dry rocky woodlands and chaparral. | Se. and c. TX south through s. TX to n. Mexico. | |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia pedunculata | Stalked Wild-petunia | Dry woodlands and forests. | IL and MO south to w. LA and e. TX, with a few records east to w. KY and se. LA. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia pinetorum | Pineland Wild-petunia | Dry to wet pinelands and prairies. | SC south to Panhandle FL, west to e. TX. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia purshiana | Pursh's Wild-petunia | Dry woodlands and forests, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks. | MD south to c. GA and c. AL, in and adjacent to the Appalachians. Reported occurrences (Kartesz 2020) in w. TN and ne. LA are questionable and need verification. Found in MS on limestone bluffs and glade edges (J. Kees). |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia simplex | Mexican Bluebell, Mexican Petunia | Disturbed areas, commonly cultivated, especially in maritime situations along the south Atlantic and Gulf coasts, persistent and spreading (including by seed) to adjacent areas. | Native of e. Mexico. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia strepens | Limestone Wild-petunia, Limestone Ruellia | Calcareous forests, woodlands, and fields. | NJ west to OH and IA, south to se., sc., and ne. NC, e. SC, AL, and TX. |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia succulenta | Smooth Wild-petunia, Thickleaf Wild-petunia | Pine rocklands, mesic pine flatwoods, marl prairies, wet prairies, disturbed uplands. | Endemic to s. peninsular FL (Charlotte, Lee, Collier, Miami-Dade, and Monroe counties). |
Acanthaceae | Ruellia yucatana | Yucatan Wild-petunia | Grasslands, on caliche, chaparral, thicket edges; eastwards in disturbed areas. | E. and c. TX southwards; also in s. Alabama in disturbed ground. | |
Acanthaceae | Stenandrium | | | |
Acanthaceae | Stenandrium dulce var. dulce | Sweet Shaggytuft, Pinklet | Pine savannas and flatwoods, dunes, delta, and bottomlands (TX). | C. peninsular FL to s. FL; allegedly in s. GA; also in s. TX south to s. Mexico and Central America. A report for Berkeley County, SC (Kartesz 2020) is an error. | |
Acanthaceae | Stenandrium dulce var. floridanum | | Pine rockland, marl prairie. | Endemic to s. peninsular FL. |
Acanthaceae | Strobilanthes | | | |
Acanthaceae | Strobilanthes alternata | Red-Ivy | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia. |
Acanthaceae | Strobilanthes reptans | Red-flame | Disturbed areas. | Native of Pacific Islands. |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia | Clock-vine | | |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia alata | Black-eyed-Susan Vine | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia fragrans | White Thunbergia, White-lady | Disturbed areas. | Native of India and Malaysia. |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia grandiflora | Bengal Trumpet, Skyvine, Clockvine | Disturbed areas. | Native of India. Reported for Panhandle FL (Calhoun County; L. Anderson, pers.comm., 2021). |
Acanthaceae | Yeatesia | Bractspike | | |
Acanthaceae | Yeatesia viridiflora | Yellow Bractspike | Rich bottomlands, calcareous river bluffs and hammocks, prairies, marshes. | Sw. GA and Panhandle FL west to TX (Kartesz 1999). See Sorrie & LeBlond (2008) for additional distributional information. Discovered in s. SC in 2021 by John Nelson (K. Bradley, pers. comm. 2021). Just reaching the southwest portion of the Alabama Ridge and Valley Province in Bibb County (B. Keener, pers. comm. 2022). |