61 results for family: Arecaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Arecaceae | Acoelorraphe | Paurotis Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Acoelorraphe wrightii | Everglades Palm, Saw Cabbage-palm, Cuban Palm, Paurotis Palm | Wet coastal hammocks, strand swamps, wet savannas, bay heads. | S. FL; West Indies; Gulf coast of Mexico (CAM, CHP, ROO, TAB, TAM, VER, YUC), Central America, and n. South America. | 
Arecaceae | Acrocomia | Coyol, Gru-gru | | | 
Arecaceae | Acrocomia totai | Grugru Palm, Totai Palm | Escaped to vacant lots from horticultural use. | Native of South America. | 
Arecaceae | Adonidia | Manila Palm, Christmas Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Adonidia merrillii | Manila Palm, Christmas Palm | Disturbed areas. | Native of the Philippines. | 
Arecaceae | Arecaceae | Palm Family | | | 
Arecaceae | Butia | Butia | | | 
Arecaceae | Butia odorata | Brazilian Butia, South American Jelly Palm, Pindo Palm | Widely planted in the outer Coastal Plain of se. NC, e. SC, e. GA, and FL, persistent in apparently semi-natural situations, and now showing signs of establishing and spreading from seed into natural areas. | Native of s. Brazil and Uruguay. See Byrd & Diamond (2018) for the first report in AL and Zomlefer et al. (2018) for report from GA. | 
Arecaceae | Caryota | Fishtail Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Caryota mitis | Clustering Fishtail Palm, Burmese Fishtail Palm | Disturbed hammocks, other disturbed (suburban) areas. | Native of s. Asia. | 
Arecaceae | Caryota urens | Solitary Fishtail Palm, Wine Palm | Disturbed areas. | Native of India. C. urens is also cultivated and sparingly naturalized in s. FL. | 
Arecaceae | Chamaedorea | Bamboo-palm, Parlor Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Chamaedorea seifrizii | Bamboo-palm | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. | 
Arecaceae | Chamaerops | | | | 
Arecaceae | Chamaerops humilis | Mediterranean Fan Palm | Planted horticulturally, persistent (no definite evidence of naturalization as of 2024). | Native of w. Mediterranean s. Europe and n. Africa. | 
Arecaceae | Coccothrinax | Silver Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Coccothrinax argentata ssp. argentata | Silver Palm | Rockland hammocks, coastal strand, dunes. | S. FL (Keys of Monroe County); Bahamas. | 
Arecaceae | Coccothrinax argentata ssp. garberi | Mainland Silver Palm | Rockland hammocks (especially edges), pine rocklands, maritime hammocks and coastal strands. | S. FL mainland (Broward and Miami-Dade counties). | 
Arecaceae | Cocos | Coconut Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Cocos nucifera | Coconut Palm | Beaches, disturbed areas. | Native of the Paleotropics (now pantropical). Photographic evidence of at least the sporadic arrival and short-term germination of this species has been supplied from as far north as Bear Island, Onslow County, NC, 11 Jun 1996 (Dave Owen, pers. comm. and photograph). | 
Arecaceae | Dypsis | | | | 
Arecaceae | Dypsis lutescens | Areca Palm, Butterfly Palm | Hammocks, scrub, disturbed uplands. | Native of Madagascar. | 
Arecaceae | Elaeis | Oil Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Elaeis guineensis | African Oil Palm | Disturbed areas, escaped from cultivation. | Native of Africa. | 
Arecaceae | Leucothrinax | | | | 
Arecaceae | Leucothrinax morrisii | Brittle Thatch-palm, Key Thatch-palm | Hammocks, pine rocklands (where abundant on Big Pine Key). | FL keys; West Indies. | 
Arecaceae | Livistona | Fan Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Livistona chinensis | Chinese Fan Palm | Hammocks, disturbed uplands, also cultivated and persistent. | Native of China and Japan. | 
Arecaceae | Phoenix | Date Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Phoenix canariensis | Canary Island Date Palm | Disturbed hammocks and maritime forests. | Native of the Canary Islands. | 
Arecaceae | Phoenix dactylifera | Date Palm | Cultivated and persistent. | Native of (probably) the Middle East. | 
Arecaceae | Phoenix reclinata | Senegal Date Palm | Cultivated and persistent. | Native of the Mediterranean region. | 
Arecaceae | Pseudophoenix | Cherry Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Pseudophoenix sargentii | Buccaneer Palm, Datelet, Florida Cherry Palm | Rockland hammocks. | S. FL (keys of Miami-Dade and Monroe counties); West Indies; s. Mexico (CAM, ROO, YUC); Central America (Belize). Apparently remaining in Florida at only a single population. | 
Arecaceae | Ptychosperma | | | | 
Arecaceae | Ptychosperma elegans | Alexander Palm, Solitaire Palm | Disturbed hammocks, other disturbed uplands. | Native of Australia. | 
Arecaceae | Ptychosperma macarthurii | MacArthur Feather Palm | Disturbed hammocks. | Native of New Guinea and n. Australia. | 
Arecaceae | Rhapidophyllum | Needle Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Rhapidophyllum hystrix | Needle Palm, Blue Palmetto | Moist to wet soils of small blackwater stream swamps, especially where underlain with coquina limestone ("marl"), hydric hammocks and rich, wetland-upland transitions. | Se. SC (Beaufort and Jasper counties) south to c. peninsular FL, and west to s. MS. Becoming somewhat popular as a hardy palm that can be grown in the Southeast, well north of its natural range. As a result, records of it naturalizing northwards should be anticipated; reported for the mountains of TN (J. Shaw., 2020, iNaturalist and pers.comm.) | 
Arecaceae | Roystonea | Royal Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Roystonea regia | Cuban Royal Palm, Florida Royal Palm | Mounds and higher ground in swamps and cypress sloughs, also extensively planted and spreading in disturbed habitats, and natural areas outside of its historical populations. | C. peninsular FL (formerly) to s. FL; West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba, Caymans); se. Mexico (CHP, CAM, ROO, TAB, VER, YUC. | 
Arecaceae | Sabal | Palmetto | | | 
Arecaceae | Sabal brazoriensis | Brazoria Palmetto | Floodplain forests. | Endemic to a small area of Brazoria County, Texas, in and around the Palm Unit of San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge. | 
Arecaceae | Sabal etonia | Scrub Palmetto, Scrub-cabbage, Corkscrew Palm | Florida scrub. | Endemic to FL (Clay County, FL south to Miami-Dade County, FL, primarily on the Lake Wales Ridge but also on coastal and intermediate ridges) | |
Arecaceae | Sabal mexicana | Mexican Palmetto, Rio Grande Palmetto, Texas Palm, Palma de Micharos | Floodplains, hammocks, swamps. | Se. TX, south to Mexico, and Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua). | 
Arecaceae | Sabal miamiensis | Miami Palmetto | Sandy pine rocklands and scrubby hardwood hammock in the northern end of the Miami Rock Ridge. | Endemic to s. FL. | 
Arecaceae | Sabal minor | Dwarf Palmetto | Swamps, maritime forests, low moist woods, especially in calcareous soils developed from shell limestone (marl), hardwood flatwoods, marshes, saline barrens, also rarely planted as an ornamental farther inland, where persisting (and appearing native) or possibly naturalizing. | Ne. NC (Currituck County)(or possibly se. VA?) south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX, c. TX, se. OK, and s. AR; disjunct in Nuevo León (Goldman 1999). This palm reaches its northern natural range limit at Monkey Island, Currituck County, NC, and other more inland sites just a few miles south of the VA border (L. Musselman, J. Boggan, pers. comm., 2006); no other New World palm has a native range extending so far north. It has been widely planted horticulturally in se. VA and is now naturalized there. | 
Arecaceae | Sabal palmetto | Cabbage Palmetto | Maritime forests, marsh edges, and other near-coastal communities. | Native from se. NC south to s. FL, west to w. Panhandle FL, and in the West Indies in Cuba and the Bahamas; planted beyond that range, especially on the Gulf Coast. | 
Arecaceae | Saribus | Fan Palm | A genus of ca. 10 species, trees, of Borneo, Philippines, New Guinea and New Caledonia. | | 
Arecaceae | Saribus rotundifolius | Footstool Palm | Disturbed hammocks, suburban woodlands, also persistent from cultivation. | Native of Malaysia. | 
Arecaceae | Serenoa | Saw Palmetto | | | 
Arecaceae | Serenoa repens | Saw Palmetto | Pine flatwoods, maritime forests, dunes, pine rocklands, and Florida dry prairie, xeric longleaf pine sandhills, scrubby pine flatwoods, and Florida scrub. Also used horticulturally, especially the gray (blue) forms. | Se. SC (in maritime forests in Charleston and Colleton counties, and in spodosolic flatwoods in Beaufort and Jasper counties) south to s. FL and west to e. LA. | 
Arecaceae | Syagrus | Queen Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Syagrus romanzoffiana | Queen Palm | Disturbed hammocks. | Native of Brazil. | 
Arecaceae | Thrinax | Thatch Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Thrinax radiata | Florida Thatch Palm | Hammocks and maritime shores. | FL; Bahamas; se. Mexico (CAM, ROO, YUC). | 
Arecaceae | Trachycarpus | | | | |
Arecaceae | Trachycarpus fortunei | | | | |
Arecaceae | Washingtonia | Fan Palm | | | 
Arecaceae | Washingtonia robusta | Mexican Fan Palm | Suburban woodlands, persistent and escaped from horticultural use. | Native of Mexico. Reported for Grand Isle, Jefferson Parish, LA (Stafford & Reid 2023). | 