12 results for family: Athyriaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Athyriaceae | Anisocampium | | | | 
Athyriaceae | Anisocampium niponicum | Japanese Painted Fern | Suburban woodlands, lawns; commonly planted as an ornamental, rarely naturalizing. This common suburban ornamental (forma picta) spreads locally from plantings; it seems only a matter of time before it naturalizes more widely. | Native of e. Asia. Reported as naturalizing sparingly in AR (Peck 2011). Reported for Cleburne County, AL (Yawn et al. 2024). | 
Athyriaceae | Athyriaceae | Lady Fern Family | | | 
Athyriaceae | Athyrium | Lady Fern | | | 
Athyriaceae | Athyrium angustum | Northern Lady Fern | Moist forests, rock outcrops on grassy balds at high elevations. | NL (Newfoundland) and n. QC west to SK, south to VA, w. NC, e. TN, OH, MO, and AR (Peck 2011). | 
Athyriaceae | Athyrium asplenioides | Southern Lady Fern | Moist forests, bottomlands, streambanks. | MA, WV, IL, and KS south to n. FL and e. TX. | 
Athyriaceae | Deparia | | | | 
Athyriaceae | Deparia acrostichoides | Silvery Spleenwort | Moist forests, cove forests. | NS west to MN, south to NC, SC, n. GA, n. AL, and AR. | 
Athyriaceae | Deparia petersenii | Japanese Lady Fern | Swamp forests, wet hammocks, moist banks, disturbed areas. | Introduced and naturalized in the Southeast, including in sw. NC (K.A. Bradley, pers.comm., 2021), e. and w. SC (K.A. Bradley, pers.comm., 2021), c. and s. GA, AL, s. MS, e. LA, and FL, from a native distribution in e., se., and s. Asia. See Wyatt (2020) for discussion of naturalization in our region. | 
Athyriaceae | Diplazium | Twin-sorus Fern | | | |
Athyriaceae | Diplazium esculentum | Vegetable Fern | Moist hammocks and disturbed areas. | Native of the Old World tropics (s. and se. Asia south to Indonesia). | 
Athyriaceae | Diplazium lonchophyllum | Lanceleaf Twin-sorus Fern | Mesic ravines. | Known in the US only from s. LA; Mexico and Central America. See discussion in Maxon (1944) about the apparently native occurrence of this species in s. Louisiana. | |