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40 results for family: Bignoniaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
BignoniaceaeAmphilophiumimage of plant
BignoniaceaeAmphilophium crucigerumMonkey's-combRockland hammocks, disturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
BignoniaceaeAmphitecnaimage of plant
BignoniaceaeAmphitecna latifoliaBlack CalabashRockland hammocks, shell mounds.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
BignoniaceaeBignoniaCross-vineimage of plant
BignoniaceaeBignonia aequinoctialisGarlic-vine, Guard-withDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
BignoniaceaeBignonia capreolataCross-vineSwamp forests, bottomlands, forests, woodlands. Though primarily a species of swamp and bottomland forests, Bignonia capreolata often occurs as well in mesic or even dry forests, where it generally remains stunted (most individuals with only a few leaves) and does not flower or fruit.MD west to s. OH and s. MO, south to c. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
BignoniaceaeBignoniaceaeBignonia Familyimage of plant
BignoniaceaeCampsisTrumpet-creeperimage of plant
BignoniaceaeCampsis radicansTrumpet-creeperBottomland forests, swamp forests, fencerows, old fields, forests, thickets, disturbed areas.NJ west to IA, south to s. FL and c. TX.image of plant
BignoniaceaeCatalpaCatalpa, Catawba-treeimage of plant
BignoniaceaeCatalpa bignonioidesSouthern Catalpa, Indian-beanBottomlands and streambanks (as a native), escaped or persistent after cultivation.S. SC, s. GA, ne. FL, n. peninsular FL, and Panhandle FL west to s. MS (or LA?), on the Coastal Plain, early naturalized in a more widespread area, and now extending north to CT and MI.image of plant
BignoniaceaeCatalpa ovataChinese CatalpaSuburban woodlands.Native of China. Introduced in WV, MD, DC, PA, and other northeastern states (Manning 2000; Kartesz 1999), and showing signs of becoming invasive.image of plant
BignoniaceaeCatalpa speciosaNorthern CatalpaBottomland forests, stream banks, and mesic upland forests (as a native), also old fields, roadsides, moist disturbed areas, suburban woodlands, eastwards of its native range escaped or persistent after cultivation, and sometimes thoroughly naturalized.Apparently native in the upper Mississippi River Embayment of s. IN and s. IL, south to w. TN and e. AR; early naturalized in a more widespread area.image of plant
BignoniaceaeChilopsisDesert-Willowimage of plant
BignoniaceaeChilopsis linearis var. linearisChihuahuan Desert-willow, Willow-leaf CatalpaCultivated and long-persisting or escaping.Native of c. and w. TX, NM, and Mexico.image of plant
BignoniaceaeChilopsis linearis var. tomenticaulisTamaulipan Desert-WillowResacas in the Rio Grande Valley.S. TX (Cameron and Hidalgo counties), TAM, NLE, and e. COA.
BignoniaceaeCrescentiaCalabash-Treeimage of plant
BignoniaceaeCrescentia cujeteCalabash-treeTropical hammocks.S. FL (probably native in Key West); West Indies; Mexico, Central America, South America.image of plant
BignoniaceaeDolichandraClaw-vineimage of plant
BignoniaceaeDolichandra unguis-catiClaw-vine, Cat's-claw-vineDisturbed areas, fruit groves, hammock edges, cultivated and naturalized.Native of tropical America. This vine is introduced and naturalized in s. and e. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and is locally commonly naturalized in Charleston, SC.image of plant
BignoniaceaeHandroanthusTrumpet Treeimage of plant
BignoniaceaeHandroanthus chrysotrichusGolden Trumpet TreeCultivated, sometimes in disturbed areas.Native of coastal Brazil.image of plant
BignoniaceaeJacarandaJacarandaimage of plant
BignoniaceaeJacaranda mimosifoliaJacaranda, Black PouiDisturbed areas, from horticultural use.Native of nw. Argentina and adjacent Bolivia.image of plant
BignoniaceaePodraneaimage of plant
BignoniaceaePodranea ricasolianaPink Trumpet Creeper, Zimbabwe CreeperDisturbed areas.Native of Africa.image of plant
BignoniaceaePyrostegiaFlamevineimage of plant
BignoniaceaePyrostegia venustaFlamevine, Flaming Trumpet, Orange TrumpetvineDisturbed areas, spreading from horticultural use.Native of South America.image of plant
BignoniaceaeRadermacheraimage of plant
BignoniaceaeRadermachera sinicaSerpent-treeDisturbed areas, pine rocklands.Native of Asia.image of plant
BignoniaceaeSpathodeaAfrican Tuliptreeimage of plant
BignoniaceaeSpathodea campanulataAfrican TuliptreeDisturbed areas.Native of tropical Africa.image of plant
BignoniaceaeTabebuiaTrumpet-treeimage of plant
BignoniaceaeTabebuia aureaTrumpet TreeDisturbed areas, from horticultural use.Native of Brazil and adjacent countries.image of plant
BignoniaceaeTabebuia heterophyllaWhite-cedarCultivated, and persistent and naturalized in disturbed areas.Native of the West Indies.image of plant
BignoniaceaeTecomaTrumpet-bushimage of plant
BignoniaceaeTecoma stansYellow-elder, Yellow TrumpetbushCommonly cultivated, naturalized and persistent in disturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
BignoniaceaeTecomariaCape-honeysuckleimage of plant
BignoniaceaeTecomaria capensisCape-honeysuckleCultivated, naturalized in disturbed areas.Native of South Africa.image of plant