285 results for family: Brassicaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Brassicaceae | Abdra | Draba | | | 
Brassicaceae | Abdra aprica | Flatrock Draba, Open-ground Whitlow-grass, Sun-loving Draba, Granite Whitlow-wort | Shallow soils around and under Juniperus virginiana on shallow soils over granite, amphibolite or other mafic rocks, or calcareous shales. | Ozark Highlands of AR, MO, and OK; disjunct on granitic flatrocks in SC and GA. | 
Brassicaceae | Abdra brachycarpa | Shortpod Draba | Granitic flatrocks, open places (fields, roadsides, woodland margins, disturbed areas). | VA west to IN and KS, south to FL and TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Alliaria | Garlic Mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Alliaria petiolata | Garlic Mustard, Hedge Garlic | Moist forests in bottomlands and on slopes. | Native of Europe. This species has become a noxious weed in ne. United States, invading undisturbed moist forests. Fernald (1950) describes it as "roadsides, open woods, and near habitations, local". Dhillion & Anderson (1999) report on physiological characteristics that make Alliaria a successful invader in shaded situations. | 
Brassicaceae | Alyssum | Alyssum, Madwort | | | 
Brassicaceae | Alyssum alyssoides | Yellow Alyssum | Roadsides, disturbed areas, especially in dry, barren soil. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Arabidopsis | Mouse-ear Cress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata | Lyreleaf Rockcress, Dwarf Rockcress, Sandcress | Rock crevices in or thin soil around calcareous or mafic rock outcrops. | The species is widespread in n. North America and e. Asia, south in e. North America to NC, e. TN, and n. GA; ssp. lyrata is strictly North American, from NY west to AK, south to NC, GA (?), TN, MS, MB, SK, AB, and BC. The GA record is an old and indefinite collection ("northern Georgia") by Vasey. | 
Brassicaceae | Arabidopsis thaliana | Mouse-ear Cress, Thal-cress | Disturbed areas, fields, roadsides, lawns. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Arabis | Rockcress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Arabis adpressipilis | Slender Rockcress, Hairy Rockcress | Thin soils near outcrops of mafic or other rock weathering to nutrient-rich soils. | OH to IL, south to c. TN and AR; disjunct east of the Blue Ridge Mountains in NC. | 
Brassicaceae | Arabis georgiana | Georgia Rockcress | Nutrient-rich streambanks and rock outcrops. | Endemic to n. and sw. GA and c. AL | 
Brassicaceae | Arabis patens | Spreading Rockcress | Thin soils around calcareous or dolomitic outcrops, very rarely in nutrient-rich seepage from mafic rocks. | Irregularly distributed, primarily in the sedimentary rock Appalachians, from se. PA, c. PA, and IN south to NC, e. TN, and AL. In NC, this species occurs over marble at Blowing Spring, Nantahala River Gorge, Swain County, at various sites over calcareous sedimentary rocks in the Hot Springs Window, near Hot Springs, Madison County, and in nutrient-rich seepage from amphibolite at Chimney Rock, Rutherford County. | 
Brassicaceae | Arabis pycnocarpa | Slender Rockcress | Thin soils near outcrops of calcareous soils. | QC west to AK, south to e. and sw. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007), AR, and AZ, primarily west of the Blue Ridge. Reports of this taxon from GA (Fernald 1950, Kartesz 1999, Hopkins 1937) are based on material collected by A.W. Chapman near Rome, and later described as Arabis georgiana. See discussion under A. adpressipilis. | 
Brassicaceae | Armoracia | Horseradish | | | 
Brassicaceae | Armoracia rusticana | Horseradish | Persistent after cultivation in meadows, roadsides, streambanks, sometimes spreading (generally only very locally, but sometimes greater distances, probably by water transport of rhizomes). | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Aurinia | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Aurinia saxatilis ssp. saxatilis | Basket-of-gold, Goldentuft | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Barbarea | Winter-cress, Creasy Greens | | | 
Brassicaceae | Barbarea stricta | | | | |
Brassicaceae | Barbarea verna | Early Winter-cress | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Formerly a commonly used winter and spring green in rural parts of our area, still available canned as "Dry Land Cress". | 
Brassicaceae | Barbarea vulgaris | Common Winter-cress, Yellow Rocket | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Berteroa | Hoary Alyssum | | | 
Brassicaceae | Berteroa incana | Hoary Alyssum | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Boechera | Rockcress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Boechera stricta | Canada Rockcress | Basic cliffs and rocky woodlands. | NL (Labrador) and AK south to NJ, DE, n. OH, IL, NM, AZ, and CA. | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia | Rock-cress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia burkii | Burk's Smooth Rockcress | Limestone barrens, shale barrens, and other dry, rocky habitats. | E. and c. PA south to e. WV, ne. TN, and w. NC in the sedimentary rock Appalachians. Radford, Ahles, & Bell (1968) attributed this plant (as Arabis laevigata var. burkii) to NC based on somewhat aberrant specimens from high elevation cove forests; these are better assigned to B. laevigata. Hopkins (1937), however, cites a specimen from Hot Springs, Madison County, NC, an area with plausible habitats (dry sedimentary rock woodlands, shale barrens). | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia canadensis | Sicklepod, Canada Rockcress | Thin soils around rock outcrops, especially mafic or calcareous, and in dry to mesic, nutrient-rich, often rocky woodlands over mafic or calcareous rocks. | QC and ND south to Panhandle FL and TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia dentata | | Nutrient-rich alluvial and river bluff forests. | NY west to MN and SD, south to n. VA (along the Potomac River), nc. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and AR. | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia laevigata | Common Smooth Rockcress | Rocky woodlands and forests, rock outcrops, especially mafic or calcareous, but also on more acidic substrates, rarely also in bottomlands. | ME west to MN and SD, south to GA, AL, MS, AR, OK, and CO. | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia missouriensis | Missouri Rockcress | Thin soil around outcrops of metamudstone, diabase, or granite (generally on ultramafic, mafic, or 'rich granitic' substrates). | ME to WI, south to KY, AR, and OK; disjunct eastward in NC, SC, and GA. The distribution of this species is odd and fragmented. | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia perstellata | | Calcareous bluffs. | Apparently endemic to KY and c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). | 
Brassicaceae | Borodinia serotina | Shale Barren Rockcress | Shale barrens. | Endemic to Devonian and Ordovician shales of w. VA and e. WV. | 
Brassicaceae | Brassica | Mustard, Turnip, Rape, Cabbage, Collard Greens, Kale, Broccoli, | | | 
Brassicaceae | Brassica juncea | Leaf Mustard, Brown Mustard, Indian Mustard, Mustard Greens, Chinese Mustard | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Brassica napus | Rutabaga, Rape, Canola, Colza, Swede | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Brassica oleracea | | Fields, gardens, disturbed areas, sometimes weakly persistent from cultivation. | Native of Eurasia. Commonly cultivated in our area in fields and gardens in a variety of forms. | 
Brassicaceae | Brassica rapa | Turnip, Bird's-rape, Field Rape, Field Mustard, Bok-choy, Chinese Cabbage | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Brassicaceae | Mustard Family | | | 
Brassicaceae | Braya | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Braya humilis ssp. humilis | Alpine Northern-rockcress | Pasture. | Native of boreal and arctic North America and Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Bunias | Warty-cabbage | | | 
Brassicaceae | Bunias erucago | Southern Warty-cabbage | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Bunias orientalis | Warty-cabbage, Turkish Rocket | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile | Sea Rocket | | | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile constricta | Gulf Coast Sea-rocket | Beaches, coastal sands. | Panhandle FL west to TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile edentula | Northeastern Sea-rocket | Beaches and lower dunes, at or near the wrack line. | NL (Labrador) south to NC; also around introduced around the shores of the Great lakes and on various other shores around the world, including w. North America and Australia. | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile geniculata | Gulf Coast Sea-rocket | Beaches and shores. | S. MS, s. LA, coastal TX, south to TAM and VER. | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile harperi | Southeastern Sea-rocket | Beaches and lower dunes, at or near the wrack line. | A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: e. NC south to the east coast of c. peninsular FL. | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile lacustris | Great Lakes Sea-rocket | Lake beaches. | Shores of the Great Lakes (ON, IL, IN, MI, NY, n. OH, nw. PA, WI). | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile lanceolata ssp. fusiformis | | Beaches. | Peninsular FL; LA; Mexico (YUC and ROO) and Central America (Belize). | |
Brassicaceae | Cakile lanceolata ssp. lanceolata | Southern Sea-rocket, Porkbush, 'Gardena' | Beaches. | S. FL; West Indies. | 
Brassicaceae | Cakile lanceolata ssp. pseudoconstricta | | Beaches, coastal sands. | FL, AL, LA, TX, TAM. | |
Brassicaceae | Cakile maritima ssp. maritima | European Sea-rocket | Beaches, at or near the wrack line. | Native of Europe. The NC location was on ballast at Wilmington, and is apparently not persistent; locations in VA and northwards are well-established. | 
Brassicaceae | Calepina | Ball Mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Calepina irregularis | White Ball Mustard | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Reported for e. MD by Knapp et al. (2011). | 
Brassicaceae | Camelina | Gold-of-pleasure, False-flax | | | 
Brassicaceae | Camelina microcarpa | Lesser Gold-of-pleasure, Littlepod | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Camelina rumelica | White-of-pleasure | Fields, along railroads. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Camelina sativa | Gold-of-pleasure, False-flax | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Capsella | Shepherd's Purse | | | 
Brassicaceae | Capsella bursa-pastoris | Common Shepherd's Purse | Fields, roadsides, gardens, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine | Bittercress, Toothwort | | | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine angustata | Eastern Slender Toothwort | Rich, mesic forests. | NJ and IN south to n. GA, c. TN, and ne. MS. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine bulbosa | Bulbous Bittercress | Swampy forests and bogs, primarily (but not strictly) in circumneutral soils over limestone or mafic rocks. | ME west to MB, south to FL, LA, and TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine clematitis | Mountain Bittercress | Shaded brookbanks, rock outcrops with seepage, at high elevations (1200m and above). | Endemic to the high elevation Southern Appalachians of w. NC, e. TN, sw. VA, and ne. GA (Brasstown Bald). A report for SC (Gaddy et al. 1984) is erroneous, based on material of C. flagellifera (Gaddy 2014). | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine concatenata | Cutleaf Toothwort | Rich, mesic forests. | ME, QC and MN south to FL Panhandle, LA, OK, and TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine dentata | American Cuckoo-flower, Lady's-smock, White Cuckoo-flower | Seeps, bogs, and swamps. | NS and QC west to MB, south to NJ, VA, and OH. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine diphylla | Crinkleroot, Toothwort, Turkey Mustard | Rich, mesic forests. | NB west to MN, south to n. GA, SC, and AL. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine dissecta | Dissected Toothwort | Rich, mesic forests. | C. OH and s. IN south through c. KY and c. and e. TN to nw. GA, c. AL, and extreme nw. MS; disjunct east of the Blue Ridge in sc. VA and c. NC. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine douglassii | Purple Cress, Limestone Bittercress, Douglass's Bittercress, Pink Spring-cress | Nutrient-rich, mesic forests, especially alluvial bottomlands, and in nutrient-rich seepages. | NY, ON, and MN south to c. NC (in the drainages of the Neuse, Meherrin, and rarely Cape Fear rivers), sc. TN, AL, and MO. Reports for SC are based on misidentification of C. bulbosa. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine flagellifera | Large-flowered Blue Ridge Bittercress | In seepages, on streambanks, and in moist cove or bottomland forests, mainly at moderate to low elevations. | C. flagellifera is endemic to the Southern Appalachians of w. NC, SC, e. TN, GA, VA, and WV. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine hirsuta | Hairy Bittercress | Disturbed areas, including fields and gardens. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine impatiens | Narrowleaf Bittercress, Bushy Bittercress | Alluvial floodplains (in NC, VA, and WV, notably in the New River drainage). | Native of Europe. See Poindexter (2006). Reported for MD (Knapp et al. 2011). | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine longii | Long's Bittercress | Tidal freshwater marshes and cypress-gum swamps. | Coastal in distribution, irregularly from ME south to NC and SC (or FL?). | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine maxima | Large Toothwort | Moist forests. | NB, ON, and MI south to NJ, PA and OH. Reports from WV and KY are misidentifications. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine micranthera | Streambank Bittercress, Small-anthered Bittercress | Sand and gravel bars in creeks, swampy floodplain woods, seepage over rocks. | A narrow endemic, known only from Stokes County, NC and Patrick County, VA, and apparently extirpated from Forsyth County, NC | |
Brassicaceae | Cardamine occulta | Hidden Bittercress | Disturbed areas. | Native of e. Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine parviflora var. arenicola | Sand Bittercress | Various habitats, primarily seasonally wet areas with shallow soil or sand, also on mafic outcrop glades, as on greenstone, diabase, and nutrient-rich granites. | The typic variety is Eurasian; our variety is widespread in e. North America, also occurring in the Pacific Northwest. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine pensylvanica | Quaker Bittercress | Various wet habitats, especially swampy depressions, streambanks, small woodland seeps. | NL (Newfoundland), NL (Labrador), NT, and AK south to FL, TX, and CA. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine pratensis | Pink Cuckoo-flower | Wetlands. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine rotundifolia | American Bittercress, Mountain Watercress | Seeps, streambanks, swampy depressions, sand and gravel bars in creeks. | A Central/Southern Appalachian endemic: n. DE, PA, and w. NY, west to OH and KY, south to w. NC (records from n. GA are misidentified). | 
Brassicaceae | Cardamine species 1 | Ouachita Toothwort | Mesic forests, especially stream terraces and slopes over novaculite but also shale in the Athens Plateau. | Endemic to Ouachita Mountains. | |
Brassicaceae | Cardamine species 2 | Arkansas Dissected Toothwort | Moist forests. | Endemic to AR. | |
Brassicaceae | Cardamine species 3 | Alabama Forked Toothwort | Moist forests. | Endemic to sc. AL (near Tuscaloosa). | |
Brassicaceae | Chorispora | Chorispora | | | 
Brassicaceae | Chorispora tenella | Chorispora, Blue Mustard | Disturbed areas. | Native of w. Asia. Well established in the w. United States, and occurs at scattered locations eastward, as in c. and w. TN (Tennessee Flora Committee 2015; Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997) and s. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007). | |
Brassicaceae | Coincya | Wallflower-cabbage, Coincya | | | 
Brassicaceae | Coincya monensis ssp. recurvata | Wallflower-cabbage, Coincya | Roadsides. | Native of Eurasia. Rollins (1961) discusses the occurrence of this species in w. NC. Poindexter & Murrell (2011) report the first occurrence for VA. See Naczi & Thieret (1996) for an excellent discussion of this species’ occurrence in North America. | |
Brassicaceae | Conringia | Hare's-ear Mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Conringia orientalis | Hare's-ear Mustard, Treacle Mustard | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Descurainia | Tansy-mustard, Flixweed | | | 
Brassicaceae | Descurainia pinnata var. brachycarpa | Northeastern Tansy-mustard | Dry rocky openings and woodlands. | QC west to NT, south to VA, TN, and TX; introduced in the Coastal Plain of NC. | 
Brassicaceae | Descurainia pinnata var. halictorum | Southwestern Tansy-mustard | Open areas. | Sw. AR and OK west to CA, south to n. Mexico. | |
Brassicaceae | Descurainia pinnata var. intermedia | | Waste areas near wool-combing mills. | Native of w. North America. Also reported for WV (Kartesz 1999). | |
Brassicaceae | Descurainia pinnata var. pinnata | Southeastern Tansy-mustard | Open sandy areas, especially roadsides. | E. NC south to FL, west to TX and OK. Reported for DE, where considered non-native, by Longbottom, Naczi, & Knapp (2016). | 
Brassicaceae | Descurainia sophia | Herb Sophia, Flixweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Dimorphocarpa | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Dimorphocarpa candicans | Spectacle-pod | Sand dunes, sandy prairies. | Sc. KS, OK, and ne. NM south to c. and w. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Diplotaxis | Wall-rocket | | | 
Brassicaceae | Diplotaxis erucoides | White Wall-Rocket | A waif on ballast. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Diplotaxis muralis | Annual Wall-rocket, Sand-rocket, Stinking Wall-rocket | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. The report of this species for NC by Ahles & Radford (1959) was based on a misidentification of Coincya muralis (Naczi & Thieret 1996). | 
Brassicaceae | Diplotaxis siifolia | | Waif on ore piles. | Native of w. Mediterranean Europe and nw. Africa. | 
Brassicaceae | Diplotaxis tenuifolia | Perennial Wall-Rocket, Flixweed | Disturbed areas, ballast. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Draba | Draba, Whitlow-grass | | | 
Brassicaceae | Draba ramosissima | Rocktwist, Appalachian Draba | In crevices of rock outcrops, or in dry talus slopes, over a variety of rock types (including limestone, dolostone, schist, gneiss, shale). | W. MD and e. WV south through w. VA and nc. KY south to w. NC, e. and c. TN, and n. AL. The AL occurrence (Marshall County) is reported by Dattilo & Keener (2017). | 
Brassicaceae | Draba verna | Whitlow-grass | Disturbed areas, especially in dry, barren soils, including granitic flatrocks. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Eruca | Rocket-salad, Arugula | | | 
Brassicaceae | Eruca vesicaria ssp. sativa | Garden Rocket, Rocket-salad, Arugula | Cultivated as a salad green, persistent around gardens or occurring as a waif. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Erucastrum | Dog-mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Erucastrum gallicum | Dog-mustard, Rocket-weed, French Rocket | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. Luken, Thieret, and Kartesz (1993) discuss the introduction and spread of E. gallicum in North America. While only weakly naturalized in our area, E. gallicum seems likely to increase in abundance. The report of Brassica erucastrum for NC in RAB is apparently based on material of Coincya muralis (Naczi & Thieret (1996). | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum | Wallflower, Treacle Mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum asperum | Prairie Wallflower | Prairies, limestone outcrops. | MB, SK, and AB south to OK, TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico. | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum | Western Wallflower | Shale barrens and shale woodlands, limestone bluffs and calcareous rocky woodlands. | MT and BC south to w. TX, CA, and Mexico; disjunct eastwards in AR, MO, TN, KY, WV, VA, IL, etc. Though most floras (including C, F, and G) state or give the impression that Erysimum is not native east of IL, MO, and AR ("rarely adventive farther east along railroads"), this taxon is native and relictual in w. VA (Alleghany and Bath counties), e. WV (Grant and Pendleton counties), ec. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and c. KY (Campbell 2013). | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum cheiranthoides | Wormseed Mustard, Wormseed Wallflower | Fields, gardens, roadsides, along railroads, other disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia (or sometimes considered circumboreal and native in n. North America). | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum cheiri | Aegean Wallflower | Grown horticulturally, sometimes persistent or spreading near plantings. | Native of s. Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum inconspicuum | Shy Wallflower, Small Wormseed Mustard | Disturbed soils, especially over calcareous rocks. | Native of w. North America. NS, QC, YT, and AK, south to PA, s. OH, c. IN, s. IL, MO, AR (?), OK, CO, UT, NV, and OR. | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum repandum | Treacle Mustard, Bushy Wallflower | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Erysimum virgatum | European Wallflower | Dry, rocky banks. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Hesperis | Dame's Rocket | | | 
Brassicaceae | Hesperis matronalis | Dame's Rocket, Dame's Violet | Bottomlands, roadsides, moist forests. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Iberis | Candytuft | | | 
Brassicaceae | Iberis amara | Annual Candytuft | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. Reported from PA, WV, and KY (Kartesz 1999). | 
Brassicaceae | Iberis sempervirens | Evergreen Candytuft, Perennial Candytuft | | Reported for NC and TN by Kartesz (1999), but the specimens he cites are barely if at all naturalized. | 
Brassicaceae | Iberis umbellata | Globe Candytuft | Fields, roadsides. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Iodanthus | Purple Rocket | | | 
Brassicaceae | Iodanthus pinnatifidus | Purple Rocket | Rich forests of bottomlands and lower slopes, bottomland fields. | W. PA west to MN and IA, south through WV and e. and c. TN to AL and e. and se. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Isatis | Woad | | | 
Brassicaceae | Isatis tinctoria | Woad | Fields, roadsides, other disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Formerly cultivated as an important source of a blue dye. | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia | Glade Cress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia alabamica var. alabamica | | Limestone glades. | Endemic to n. AL (Colbert, Franklin, and Lawrence counties). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia alabamica var. brachystyla | | Limestone glades, other calcareous sites. | Endemic to n. AL (Morgan County). | |
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia aurea | Golden Gladecress | | Endemic to e. OK. | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia crassa var. crassa | | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous soils nearby. | Endemic to n. AL (Lawrence and Morgan counties). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia crassa var. elongata | | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous soils nearby. | Endemic to n. AL (Morgan County). | |
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia exigua var. exigua | | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous sites nearby. | Endemic to the Central Basin of c. TN (8 counties) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), western Highland Rim (Decatur and Perry counties), and the Ridge and Valley of nw. GA (Walker and Catoosa counties). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia exigua var. laciniata | | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous sites nearby. | Endemic to the Western Highland Rim and w. Knobs of c. KY (Bullitt and Jefferson counties). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia exigua var. lutea | | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous sites nearby. | Endemic to the Central Basin of n. AL (Jefferson County) and c. TN (Bedford and Maury counties) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia stylosa | | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous sites nearby. | Endemic to the Central Basin of c. TN (Sumner, Smith, Wilson, Davidson, Rutherford, Bedford, and Maury counties) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia texana | Texas Golden Gladecress | Limestone glades. | Endemic to e. TX (Nacogdoches, Sabine, and San Augustine counties). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia torulosa | Necklace Gladecress | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous sites nearby (fields). | Endemic to the Central Basin of c. TN (10 counties), the Ridge and Valley of e. TN (Bradley and Meigs counties), the Western Highland Rim of KY (Logan, Simpson, Todd, and Warren counties), n. AL (Madison County), and reported form MO (possibly based on an herbarium mounting/labeling error). | 
Brassicaceae | Leavenworthia uniflora | | Limestone glades, disturbed calcareous sites nearby (fields). | Endemic to the Central Basin of c. TN (8 counties), the Ridge and Valley of e. TN (Hamilton, Meigs, Bledsoe, and Knox counties), nw. GA (Walker and Murray counties), c. KY (15 counties), and the Interior Highlands of MO and n. AR. Reported from a church parking lot in Shenandoah County, VA (Domague & McMullen 2013). | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium | Pepperwort, Peppergrass, Pepperweed | | | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium africanum | African Pepperwort | Waif around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC, with little evidence that it is established in our area. | Native of s. Africa. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium alyssoides | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium appelianum | White-top | Disturbed areas. | Native of central Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium austrinum | Southern Pepperwort | Sandy or loamy open areas, disturbed areas; eastwards as a waif around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC. | MS, se. KS, and NM south through LA, and TX to Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, TAM). Also reported from MS (Bryson 1991, FNA). | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium bonariense | Argentinian Pepperwort | Waif around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC and on ballast at Savannah, with little evidence that it is established in our area. | Native of South America. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium campestre | Field Pepperwort, Cow Cress, Field Cress | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium chalepense | Lens-Pod Pepperwort | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium coronopus | | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium densiflorum | Prairie Pepperweed, Green-flowered Peppergrass | Prairies, glades, disturbed areas. | The original distribution difficult to reconstruct, perhaps AB west to AK, south to TX, CA, and Mexico (CHH, DGO, SON, TAM); now much more widespread. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium didymum | Wart-cress, Lesser Swine-cress | Fields, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of South America. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium draba | Hoary Cress | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Reported for VA by Harvill et al. (1992) | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium graminifolium | Grassleaf Pepperwort, Tall Pepperwort | Disturbed areas, especially on ballast. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium heterophyllum | Purple-anther Pepperweed, Smith's Pepperwort | Waif on ballast. | Native of w. Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium hyssopifolium | | Waif on ore piles. | Native of Australia. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium lasiocarpum var. lasiocarpum | | Waif around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC, with little evidence that it is established in our area. | Native of sc. and sw. North America southwards. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium lasiocarpum var. wrightii | Wright's Pepperwort | Open areas. | S, TX, w. TX, s. NM, and s. AZ south to Mexico. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium latifolium | Dittander | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe, n. Africa, and w. Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium oblongum | Veiny Peppergrass | Fields and roadsides, also as a waif around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC. | Native of sc. and sw. North America south through Mexico to Central America (perhaps native in the western portions of our area). AL, AR, KS, NM, AZ, and OR south to TX, Mexico, and Central America. Reported for MD (Longbottom, Naczi, & Knapp 2016). Reported for s. IN by Bill Thomas (pers.comm., 2022). Reported for NJ (Schmidt 2023). | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium perfoliatum | Perfoliate Pepperwort, Clasping Pepperweed, Shieldcress | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium ramosissimum | Bushy Pepperweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of w. North America. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium ruderale | Narrowleaf Pepperwort, Stinking Pepperweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium sativum | Garden Cress | Disturbed areas. | Reported for scattered locations in sc. and se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007) and VA (K, based on Massey 1961). | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium schinzii | | Waif around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC, with little evidence of establishment. | Native of South Africa. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium virginicum var. menziesii | Menzies's Poor Man's Pepper | Disturbed areas. | OK, CO, MT, and BC south to s. TX, s. NM, s. AZ, s. CA, and Mexico. | 
Brassicaceae | Lepidium virginicum var. virginicum | Poor Man's Pepper | Disturbed areas. | L. virginicum var. virginicum is widespread in e. and c. North America; also introduced in various places elsewhere in the world. | 
Brassicaceae | Lobularia | Sweet Alyssum | | | 
Brassicaceae | Lobularia maritima | Sweet Alyssum, Sweet Alison, Alyssum | Disturbed areas, lawns. | Native of Europe. The NC occurrences are doubtfully established, from gardens and a "lawn". | 
Brassicaceae | Lunaria | Honesty | | | 
Brassicaceae | Lunaria annua | Annual Honesty, Silver-dollar | Escaped from cultivation around gardens, naturalizing in floodplains in suburban areas. | Native of se. Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Lunaria rediviva | Perennial Honesty | Cultivated ornamental, perhaps persistent around gardens. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Matthiola | Stock | | | 
Brassicaceae | Matthiola incana | Hoary Stock, Gilliflower, Ten-weeks Stock | Disturbed dunes, sandy fields, vacant lots. | Native of Europe. Reported for the Buxton area, Dare County, NC, by Burk (1961). | 
Brassicaceae | Matthiola longipetala | Eveningstock, Night-scented Stock, Gilliflower | Disturbed area, fields. | Native of Mediterranean Europe and w. Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Mostacillastrum | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Mostacillastrum vaseyi | | Arroyo bottoms. | S. TX (Cameron County) and TAM. | 
Brassicaceae | Mummenhoffia | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Mummenhoffia alliacea | Garlic Pennycress, Roadside Pennycress | Fields, disturbed areas, roadsides. | Native of Europe. This alien is spreading very aggressively along roadsides and into fields in some parts of our area (Cusick 2015; Thompson et al. 2013). | 
Brassicaceae | Myagrum | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Myagrum perfoliatum | | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe and w. Asia. Reported for VA (FNA); the basis of this report is unknown. | 
Brassicaceae | Nasturtium | Watercress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Nasturtium floridanum | Florida Watercress | Spring runs, blackwater bottomlands. | Ne. FL and e. Panhandle FL south to s. FL; endemic to FL, but north to counties adjacent to se. GA | 
Brassicaceae | Nasturtium microphyllum | Narrow-fruited Watercress | Streams, springs. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Nasturtium officinale | Watercress | Streams, springs, seepages. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Nerisyrenia | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Nerisyrenia camporum | Bicolored Fan-Mustard | Dry areas, washes. | S. TX west to NM, south into n. Mexico (7 states). | 
Brassicaceae | Neslia | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Neslia paniculata | Yellow Ball-mustard | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe, n. Africa, and w. Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Noccaea | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Noccaea perfoliata | Perfoliate Pennycress, Thoroughwort Pennycress | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Orychophragmus | Purple-mistress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Orychophragmus violaceus | Purple-mistress | Railroad rights-of-way, other disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. Introduced and apparently well established in and around Richmond, VA; originally reported as Moricandia arvensis (Rollins 1993), a misidentification. | 
Brassicaceae | Paysonia | Bladderpod | | | 
Brassicaceae | Paysonia auriculata | Plains Eared Bladderpod | Dry prairies, disturbed areas. | Sc. KS south to e. TX. | |
Brassicaceae | Paysonia densipila | Duck River Bladderpod | Calcareous glades, sometimes in fields and bottomlands. | Endemic to an area from c. TN south to n. AL. | 
Brassicaceae | Paysonia grandiflora | Bigflower Bladderpod | Sandy areas. | C. and s. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Paysonia lasiocarpa ssp. berlandieri | Berlandier's Eared Bladdrpod | Clay soils. | S. TX and ne. Mexico. | |
Brassicaceae | Paysonia lasiocarpa ssp. lasiocarpa | Rough-pod Eared Bladderpod | Sandy, gravelly, and/or disturbed area. | S. TX south to Mexico. | |
Brassicaceae | Paysonia lescurii | Lesquereux’s Bladderpod | Calcareous glades, fields, bottomlands. | Endemic to an area from sc. KY south through c. TN. Report of the species from AL appear to be in error (see Chester 2017). | 
Brassicaceae | Paysonia lyrata | Lyreleaf Bladderpod | Calcareous glades. | Endemic to Colbert, Franklin, and Lawrence counties, AL. | 
Brassicaceae | Paysonia perforata | Spring Creek Bladderpod | Calcareous glades, fields, pastures. | Endemic to Rutherford and Wilson counties, TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). | 
Brassicaceae | Paysonia stonensis | Stones River Bladderpod | Floodplains, fields, pastures. | Endemic to Rutherford County, TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). | 
Brassicaceae | Phravenia | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Phravenia viereckii | | Brushlands. | S. TX south to Mexico (COA, HGO, NLE, PUE, SLP, ZAC). | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria angustifolia | Threadleaf Bladderpod | Shallow soils over limestone, disturbed areas. | Se. OK and ne. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria argyraea ssp. argyraea | Silver Bladderpod | Sandy and calcareous open sites. | Ec. TX and w. TX south through s. TX to ne. Mexico. | |
Brassicaceae | Physaria densiflora | Dense-flower Bladderpod | Sandy or calcareous, gravelly areas. | Sw. OK south to se. and sc. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria engelmannii | Engelmann's Bladderpod | Rocky limestone slopes. | Sc. OK south to sc. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria fendleri | Fendler's Bladderpod, Popweed | Open sandy or rocky areas (especially calcareous), roadsides. | Sw. KS, CO, and s. UT south to c. and s. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria filiformis | Missouri Bladderpod | Calcareous glades. | Ozark endemic, in sw. MO and n. AR; reported for AL (FNA), apparently erroneously (Yatskievych, 2010, pers. comm.). | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria globosa | Globe Bladderpod | Calcareous glades, ledges, shaly areas. | Endemic to an area from Posey County, IN and allegedly also s. OH south through c. KY to c. TN. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria gordonii | Gordon's Bladderpod | Sandy and gravelly open areas; eastwards adventive on a shaly roadbank in VA (Virginia Botanical Associates 2022). | KS, NM, and AZ south to c. and s. TX and Mexico (AGS, CHH, SON). | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria gracilis ssp. gracilis | Spreading Bladderpod | Prairies, roadsides, old fields. | TN, IL, MO, and OK south to AL, MS, LA, and TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria gracilis ssp. nuttallii | Nuttall's Bladderpod | Prairies, pastures, and this soils of limestone outcrops. | E. NE south through e. KS to OK and ne. TX. | |
Brassicaceae | Physaria lindheimeri | Lindheimer's Bladderpod | "In light soil". | E. TX, possibly south to ne. Mexico. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria ovalifolia ssp. alba | | On limestone and gyp substrates, rocky or gravelly prairies or outcrops. | OK and c. KS. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria ovalifolia ssp. ovalifolia | Roundleaf Bladderpod | On limestone and gyp substrates, rocky or gravelly prairies or outcrops. | NE and CO south through OK to ne. TX and NM. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria pallida | | Glades and prairies on the Weches Formation. | E. TX (St. Augustine County). | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria recurvata | Slender Bladderpod | Limestone outcrops, gravelly calcareous prairies. | Nc. TX south to sc. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Physaria sessilis | | | C. TX, and more rarely se. TX. | |
Brassicaceae | Planodes | Virginia-cress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Planodes virginicum | Virginia-cress, Sibara | Disturbed areas, fields, roadsides; a native weed, presumably much more common now than formerly. | VA west to IL, IA, and KS, south to FL and TX; the original distribution uncertain. | 
Brassicaceae | Raphanus | Radish | | | 
Brassicaceae | Raphanus raphanistrum ssp. raphanistrum | Wild Radish, Jointed Charlock, White Charlock | Fields, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Raphanus sativus | Radish, Garden Radish | Persistent after cultivation or as a "throw-out". | Native of Mediterranean Europe. Cultivated for at least 5000 years. | 
Brassicaceae | Rapistrum | Bastard-cabbage | | | 
Brassicaceae | Rapistrum rugosum | Annual Bastard-cabbage | Fields, disturbed areas, roadsides; waste areas around wool-combing mills (SC). | Native of Mediterranean Europe. Also naturalized at scattered sites in e. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), and elsewhere. | 
Brassicaceae | Rhamphospermum | | | | 
Brassicaceae | Rhamphospermum arvense | Charlock, Crunchweed, Wild Mustard, Corn Charlock | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Rhamphospermum nigrum | Black Mustard, Charlock | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa | Yellow Cress, Marshcress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa aquatica | Lake Cress | Shallow water of swamps and lake and reservoir margins. | VT west to MN, south to s. GA, FL, and e. TX, widely scattered and probably dispersed by waterfowl. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa austriaca | Yellow Cress | Hay meadows, other disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa curvipes | Bluntleaf Yellowcress | Wet meadows, shores of ponds and streams | ON, MI, and BC south to s. IL, c. MO, TX, NM, AZ, and CA. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa dubia | | Disturbed wet places. | Native of se. Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa indica | Indian Yellow-cress | River banks and bars. | Native of se. Asia. Reported for VA (VBA, G. Fleming, pers. comm. 2009) | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa palustris ssp. hispida | Marshcress | Moist soils. | NL (Labrador) to AK, south to c. VA (Amelia County), IL, NE, NM, and n. CA. Al-Shehbaz (1988a) considered reports of this taxon in the (deeper) Southeast to be misidentifications of var. fernaldiana. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa palustris ssp. palustris | Marshcress | Marshes, bogs, seeps. | ME and NB west to SK, south to FL, TX, ID, and n. South America. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa sessiliflora | Stalkless Marshcress | Wet places, marshes, swamps. | MD, WV (Cusick 1994), OH, IN, IL, MN, and NE south to Panhandle FL, s. AL, LA, and c. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa sinuata | Spreading Yellow Cress | Riverbanks, pond margins. | C. and w. North America, east to ON, MN, WI, IL, w. KY, TN, AR, and LA. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa sylvestris | Creeping Yellow Cress | Lawns, disturbed moist to wet soils. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa tenerrima | | Bottomland forests and riverbanks; eastwards as a waif. | SK, AB, and BC south to w. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico. | 
Brassicaceae | Rorippa teres | Southern Marsh Yellowcress | Cypress-gum ponds, marshes, swamps, ditches, disturbed wet areas. | Se. NC south to s. FL, west to se. OK, sw. TX, and s. and w. Mexico (SIN). | 
Brassicaceae | Selenia | Selenia | | | 
Brassicaceae | Selenia aurea | Golden Selenia | Glades, rocky prairies, pastures, usually in seasonal (spring) seepage. | Sw. MO and se. KS south to AR, e. OK, and ne. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Selenia grandis | Large Selenia | Seasonally wet clayey soils in open areas, floodplains, slightly saline flats, roadsides. | Endemic to s. TX (Cameron, Dimmit, Hidalgo, La Salle, McMullen, Nueces and San Patricio counties). | 
Brassicaceae | Sinapis | Mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Sinapis alba ssp. alba | White Mustard, Yellow Mustard, White Charlock | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium | Jim Hill Mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium altissimum | Tumble Mustard, Jim Hill Mustard, Tall Hedge-mustard, Tall Rocket | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium irio | London-rocket | Fields, roadsides, other disturbed areas; eastwards in our region only as a waif, as around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC, on ballast, and in other disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium loeselii | Tall Hedge Mustard | Disturbed areas, waif around wool-combing mills, and in other disturbed areas. | Native of e. Europe and w. Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium officinale | Hedge Mustard | Fields, pastures, barnyards, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium orientale | Indian Hedge-mustard, Eastern Rocket | Waif at wool-combing mill, waif on ballast. | Native of Mediterranean Europe, n. Africa, and w. Asia. | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium polyceratium | | Waif on ballast. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Sisymbrium turczaninowii | Russian Rocket | Waif around wool-combing mills in Coastal Plain of SC; there appears to be little evidence that it is established in our area. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Brassicaceae | Streptanthus | Twistflower, Jewelflower | | | 
Brassicaceae | Streptanthus bracteatus | | Wooded slopes, rocky bluffs, sand bars. | Endemic in sc. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Streptanthus hyacinthoides | Smooth Jewelflower, Sandhill Twistflower | Prairies, woodlands. | Sw. AR, sc. KS, and w. OK south to w. LA and e. TX; most common in w. OK. | 
Brassicaceae | Streptanthus maculatus ssp. maculatus | | Moist forests. | OK and e. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Streptanthus maculatus ssp. obtusifolius | Arkansas Twistflower | Rocky bluffs and open woodlands. | Endemic in the Interior Highlands of w. AR. | 
Brassicaceae | Streptanthus petiolaris | Brazos Jewelflower | Sandy or rocky open ground. | Endemic to c. and s. TX. | 
Brassicaceae | Streptanthus squamiformis | Ouachita Twistflower, Ouachita Jewelflower | Glades and woodlands. | Endemic to the Ouachita Mountains of sw. AR and se. OK. See McDaniel et al. (2022) for details of its distribution. | 
Brassicaceae | Synthlipsis | | | | |
Brassicaceae | Synthlipsis greggii | Keelpod | Scrub. | S. TX south to Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, NLE, SLP, TAM, ZAC). | 
Brassicaceae | Teesdalia | Shepherd's Cress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Teesdalia nudicaulis | Shepherd's Cress, Hedge Mustard, Bank Cress | Lawns, fields, roadsides, disturbed longleaf pine sandhills, other disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Thlaspi | Pennycress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Thlaspi arvense | Field Pennycress, Frenchweed | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Brassicaceae | Tomostima | Draba | | | 
Brassicaceae | Tomostima cuneifolia | Wedgeleaf Draba | Calcareous barrens and glades, open blackland prairies, preferring rocky, bare soil, limestone outcrops, also waste areas around wool-combing mills, possibly other habitats. | IL south to LA, west to UT, NV, CA, and Mexico (BCN, BCS, CHH, COA, NLE, SON); scattered eastwards as apparently native disjuncts in OH, KY, TN, GA, AL, MS, and FL, and also as an occasional weed in NC and SC and perhaps other states. The species extends as a native at least as far east as c. GA (Houston County) (Echols 2007) and AL, where it occurs in prairies and on limestone outcrops (Diamond & Woods 2009). | 
Brassicaceae | Tomostima platycarpa | Broadpod Draba | Rocky slopes, bare spots in prairies, disturbed areas, waste areas around wool-combing mill. | AR, OK, and AZ south to TX and Mexico (COA). | 
Brassicaceae | Tomostima reptans | Carolina Draba | Dry soil. | MA and ON west to WA, south to NC, GA, TX and CA. The few occurrences in the eastern part of our area seem to make little ecological or phytogeographic sense; they may represent introductions. The first collection in our area was, however, by Walter. | 
Brassicaceae | Turritis | Tower Mustard | | | 
Brassicaceae | Turritis glabra | Tower Mustard, Towercress | Prairies, calcareous forests and woodlands, open disturbed areas, forest edges. | Circumboreal, south in North America to NC, sc. TN (Chester, Wofford, &Kral 1997), AR, KS, NM, and CA. | 
Brassicaceae | Warea | Warea, Pineland-cress | | | 
Brassicaceae | Warea amplexifolia | Wide-leaf Pineland-cress, Clasping Warea | Longleaf pine sandhills and Florida scrub. | Endemic to the FL peninsula, north to Orange and Lake counties, FL. | 
Brassicaceae | Warea carteri | Carter’s Warea, Carter’s Pineland-cress | Longleaf pine sandhills, pine rocklands, and Florida scrub. | Endemic to the FL peninsula, north to Orange and Lake counties, FL. | 
Brassicaceae | Warea cuneifolia | Carolina Warea, Carolina Pineland-cress | Xeric white sands of longleaf pine sandhills. | Sc. NC south to Panhandle FL. | 
Brassicaceae | Warea sessilifolia | Sessile-leaf Warea, Sessile-leaf Pineland-cress | Longleaf pine sandhills. | Panhandle FL and adjacent AL (Pike County) and wc. GA (Stewart County) (Sorrie 1998b). | 