5 results for family: Calycanthaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CalycanthaceaeCalycanthaceaeSweet-shrub Familyimage of plant
CalycanthaceaeCalycanthusSweet-shrubimage of plant
CalycanthaceaeCalycanthus floridusSweet-shrub, Strawberry-shrub, Carolina Allspice, Sweet Bubby-bushMesic to dry-mesic forests and streambanks; in the East Gulf Coastal plain in dry-mesic beech-magnolia bluff forests and lower slopes of sandhills.PA, WV, and KY, south to GA, nw. FL, AL, s. MS, and e. LA (but note that the outer edges of the natural original distribution are obscured by centuries of cultivation and naturalization).image of plant
CalycanthaceaeChimonanthusWintersweetimage of plant
CalycanthaceaeChimonanthus praecoxWintersweetSuburban woodlands, persistent or weakly spreading from horticultural use.Native of e. Asia. Reported as at least persistent in City of Alexandria, VA (Steury 2011).image of plant