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33 results for family: Caprifoliaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CaprifoliaceaeCaprifoliaceaeHoneysuckle Familyimage of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLoniceraHoneysuckleimage of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera ×bellaPretty HoneysuckleForests, woodlands, fencerows, suburban woodlands.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera ×purpusiiDisturbed areas; a hybrid of Asian species.
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera albifloraWhite HoneysuckleRocky slopes, cliffs, juniper woodlands.OK, NM, and AZ south through TX to n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SLP, SON, TAM).image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera canadensisAmerican Fly-honeysuckleShrubby mountain bogs at high elevations, bouldery northern hardwood forests, hemlock and spruce swamps.South NS to SK, south to PA, w. NC, n. GA, OH, IN, and MN.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera dioicaLimber HoneysuckleSeepages, bogs, rocky woods, shrubby mountain bogs at high elevations, rocky ridgetop thickets over amphibolite.MA and QC west to WI, south to NJ, NC, and IN.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera flavaYellow HoneysuckleIn soil mats around granitic domes, limestone bluffs, rocky woodlands.W. NC, KY, and MO, south to GA, AR, and ne. TX. See Singhurst, Holmes, & Carr (2021) for information on the TX occurrence.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera fragrantissimaSweet-breath-of-springForests, woodlands, roadbanks, old house sites, spreading (sometimes aggressively) from horticultural use.Native of China.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera hirsutaHairy HoneysuckleMoist forests.QC west to MB, south to c. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993) and MN.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera japonicaJapanese HoneysuckleNearly ubiquitous, especially common in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain and in mesic habitats.Native of e. Asia.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera maackiiAmur HoneysuckleSuburban woodlands, moist forests, fencerows, especially in areas with circumneutral soils.Native of e. Asia (Korea, China, Japan). This is one of worst "shrub-weeds", aggressively invasive in various parts of eastern North America, as in the vicinity of DC and in calcareous substrate parts of the interior South.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera morrowiiMorrow's HoneysuckleForests, woodlands, old house sites, suburban woodlands.Native of Japan. Seriously invasive in WV, MD, DC, and northward; first reported for NC by Leonard (1971b) and for SC by Hill & Horn (1997).image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera oblongifoliaSwamp HoneysuckleBogs, swamps, fens.NS west to SK, south to PA, n. OH, MI, WI, and MN.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera periclymenumWoodbineGrown horticulturally, weakly spreading or persisting from plantings.Native of Europe.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera reticulataGrape HoneysuckleLimestone bluffs, rocky riverbanks, forests.OH west to WI and se. MN, south to c. TN (Davidson County; Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997; Wofford & Chester 2002), MO, and n. AR.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera sempervirensCoral Honeysuckle, Trumpet HoneysuckleDry forests and woodlands, maritime forests.CT to OH and OK, south to c. peninsular FL and TX; and more widely distributed as an escape from cultivation.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera standishiiStandish's HoneysuckleForests, woodlands, old home sites.Native of China. Locally abundant and invasive in c. NC (Uwharrie National Forest, Montgomery County, NC). Also reported from KY (Jones 2005), se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), and MD (Kartesz 1999).
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera tataricaTartarian HoneysuckleDisturbed forests.Native of Central Asia.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera villosaMountain Honeysuckle, Waterberry, Chèvrefeuille VeluBogs, swamps.NL west to AB, south to c. PA, n. OH, MI, WI, and MN.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeLonicera xylosteumEuropean Fly-honeysuckleSuburban forests, disturbed forests.Native of Europe and Asia. Establishing mainly in ne. United States, south to VA, MD (Kartesz 1999), and KY (Clark et al. 2005).image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeSymphoricarposSnowberry, Coralberry, Buckbrushimage of plant
CaprifoliaceaeSymphoricarpos albus var. albusCommon SnowberryLimestone woodlands.QC west to s. AK, south to w. VA, WV, MI, MN, and CA; the original native distribution somewhat uncertain due to cultivation and escapesimage of plant
CaprifoliaceaeSymphoricarpos albus var. laevigatusPacific SnowberryDisturbed areas, sometimes in natural areas.Native of w. North America.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeSymphoricarpos occidentalisWestern Snowberry, WolfberryDisturbed areas, bottomlands.Native of w. North America. In PA, MD, KY.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeSymphoricarpos orbiculatusCoralberry, BuckbrushMoist to dry forests, woodlands, thickets, pastures, and old fields, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks.CT west to IN, MN, and CO, south to Panhandle FL, TX, and Mexico; the original native distribution somewhat uncertain due to cultivation and escapes. Seemingly increasing in VA and behaving aggressively in dry woodlands and barrens over greenstone and diabase.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeTriosteumHorse-gentian, Feverwortimage of plant
CaprifoliaceaeTriosteum angustifolium var. angustifoliumSmooth Lesser Horse-gentianMesic forests, bluffs, outcrops, especially over calcareous or mafic rocks.CT west to ON and MO, south to NC, nw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), AL, and LA.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeTriosteum angustifolium var. eamesiiHairy Lesser Horse-gentianMesic forests, bluffs, outcrops, especially over calcareous or mafic rocks.CT and NJ south to NC.
CaprifoliaceaeTriosteum aurantiacum var. aurantiacumOrange-fruited Horse-gentianWoodlands and forests in circumneutral soils, particularly those over mafic or calcareous rocks.QC west to MN, south to GA, KY, and OK; other varieties are more restricted and midwestern or northern in distribution.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeTriosteum aurantiacum var. glaucescensWoodlands and forests in circumneutral soils, particularly those over calcareous rocks or substrate.NY and Pa west to IN.
CaprifoliaceaeTriosteum aurantiacum var. illinoenseIllinois Horse-gentianWoodlands and forests in circumneutral soils, particularly those over mafic or calcareous rocks.PA west to w. IA and se. NE, south to WV, c. KY, AR, and e. OK.image of plant
CaprifoliaceaeTriosteum perfoliatumPerfoliate Horse-gentianWoodlands and forests in circumneutral soils, particularly those over mafic or calcareous rocks.MA west to MN, south to n. SC, n. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), and OK.image of plant