113 results for family: Chenopodiaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex | Orach | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex acadiensis | Maritime Orach | Beaches, strands, and salt marshes, in saline and brackish habitats. | N.B., N.S., P.E.I. s. to ME, NH, RI, MA(?), CT(?), and NY(?). |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex acanthocarpa var. coahuilensis | Coahuila Saltbush, Armed Saltbush, Huaha | Alkaline soils. | S. TX south into Mexico. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex argentea var. argentea | Silverscale | Railroads, dry, open, disturbed areas. | Native of w. North America. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex argentea var. expansa | Silver Orach | Dry or saline habitats. | OK and CA south to Mexico (TAM). | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex canescens var. canescens | Fourwing Saltbush, Chamiza, Shadscale | Saline or alkaline soils. | ND, AB, and WA south to TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex dioica | | Brackish flats. | NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to NC and CA. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex elegans var. elegans | | Saline areas. | W. TX west to s. CA; disjunct in se. TX. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex glabriuscula | Maritime Orach | Inland salt marshes. | Northeastern North America and n. Europe; disjunct in Saltville, VA. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex holocarpa | Pop Saltbush | Alkaline pannes, apparently introduced for forage (Correll & Johnston 1970). | Native of Australia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex hortensis | Garden Orach | Gardens, waste areas. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex klebergorum | Kleberg Orach | In silty or clayey soils. | Endemic to s. TX. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex laciniata | Belgian Orach | Coastal sands. | Possibly native in maritime Canada; also native in nw. Europe. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex littoralis | Narrow-leaved Atriplex | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe; introduced south to PA (Welsh 2003) and MD (Kartesz 2022). |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex matamorensis | Quelite Cenizo, Matamoros Saltbush | Coastal saline areas. | Se. TX along the coast into ne. Mexico (TAM). | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex micrantha | Two-scale Orach | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex mucronata | Seabeach Orach, Quelite | Ocean beaches, island-end flats. | NH south to FL west to TX; Bahamas. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex patula | Spear Orach | Disturbed areas, inland saline areas. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex pentandra | Seabeach Orach | Ocean beaches, island-end flats. | NC to FL, west to TX; Mexico; West Indies; South America. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex prostrata | Thinleaf Orach, Fat-hen | Marsh edges, brackish flats. | Widespread in e. North America, also in w. North America and Eurasia, usually considered to be native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex rosea | Tumbling Saltweed, Red Orach | Disturbed areas, on ballast. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex semibaccata | Australian Saltbush, Berry Saltbush | Disturbed areas, apparently introduced for forage. | Introduced at various localities in North America, including DC (FNA). |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex tatarica | Tartarian Orach | Introduced on ballast at scattered localities, including AL, FL (Escambia County), NJ, and PA (FNA). | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Atriplex wrightii | Wright's Orach | Vacant lot, a waif. | Native of sw. United States and n. Mexico (CHH, SON). | |
Chenopodiaceae | Bassia | Bassia | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Bassia hyssopifolia | | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Reported for s. NJ and nc. KY by Kartesz (2010). | |
Chenopodiaceae | Bassia scoparia | Summer-cypress, Kochia, Mexican Fireweed | Disturbed areas, waste ground, particularly along railroad tracks, also in waste areas near wool-combing mill. | Native of Eurasia. Reported for SC (Berkeley Co.) by Pittillo & Brown (1988). |
Chenopodiaceae | Beta | Beet | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima | Sea Beet | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe |
Chenopodiaceae | Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris | Garden Beet, Swiss Chard, Ruby Chard, Mangel-wurzel | Commonly cultivated, rarely escaped or persisting. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Blitum | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Blitum bonus-henricus | Good King Henry | Disturbed areas, grown as a pot-herb and spread from cultivation. | Native of Europe. Cultivated and is known from as far south as KY, NJ, and PA. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Blitum capitatum | Indian-paint, Strawberry-blite | Disturbed areas. | Native, south to scattered locations in PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), s. OH, and s. IN (Kartesz 2010). |
Chenopodiaceae | Blitum nuttallianum | Povertyweed | In dry and/or alkaline soils; eastwards in disturbed areas, perhaps only a waif. | Native of c. and w. North America, south to n. Mexico. |
Chenopodiaceae | Blitum virgatum ssp. virgatum | Leafy Goosefoot | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodiaceae | Goosefoot Family | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodiastrum | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodiastrum murale | Nettleleaf Goosefoot, Sowbane | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe, Asia, and n. Africa. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodiastrum simplex | Mapleleaf Goosefoot | In shaded situations, generally at cliff bases, sandstone rockhouses, rocky forests. | NS west to AK, south to nw. NC, LA, TX, and UT. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium | Goosefoot, Lamb's-quarters, Pigweed | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium album var. album | Lamb's-quarters, Pigweed | Disturbed soils, gardens. | Nearly cosmopolitan. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium album var. missouriense | | Disturbed areas, gardens. | Widely distributed in eastern North America. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium atrovirens | | Waste areas near wool-combing mills, also on ballast, perhaps merely a waif. | Native of w. North America. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium berlandieri var. berlandieri | | Dry, disturbed habitats. | TN and NM southwards into Mexico. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium berlandieri var. boscianum | | Beaches, marshes. | FL west to e. TX; with scattered occurrences farther north (these of unknown nativity). |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium berlandieri var. bushianum | Soybean Goosefoot | Disturbed areas, alluvial forests. | ME west to ND, south to VA, TN, LA, and KS. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium berlandieri var. macrocalycium | | Coastal sands, beaches. | NS south to FL. See Ungberg (2022) for discussion of its occurrence in NC. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium berlandieri var. sinuatum | | Dry disturbed soils, eastwards in waste areas near wool-combing mills, perhaps merely a waif. | OK, NM, NV, and OR south to s. TX, CA, and into Mexico. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium berlandieri var. zschackei | | Disturbed areas. | ON west to AK, south to LA, CA, and Mexico; scattered eastern occurrences are likely introduced. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium desiccatum | | Originally found in open, undisturbed soils, prairies, and stabilized dunes, but it has spread to disturbed open areas. | AB, SK, and BC south to TX, NM, AZ, CA (and possibly Mexico). |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium ficifolium | Figleaf Goosefoot | Disturbed areas, probably only a historic waif of ballast and other situations. | Native of s. and se. Asia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium foggii | | Rocky, mountain slopes. | ME and ON south to w. VA and w. NC. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium fremontii | | Waste areas near wool-combing mills, probably merely a waif. | Native of w. North America. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium incanum var. incanum | | Dry, often shady areas; eastwards in disturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mills, perhaps merely a waif. | SK and B south through wc. United States to c. TX, w. TX, NM, AZ (and possibly Mexico). |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium leptophyllum | Narrowleaf Goosefoot | Dry places. | AB and AK south to TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium opulifolium | Gray Goosefoot | Disturbed areas, on ship's ballast, near wool combing mills. | Native of s. Europe. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium pallescens | Slim-leaved Goosefoot | Upland prairies, disturbed areas. | IN, IL, MO, and NE south to LA, TX, and NM. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium pratericola | Desert Goosefoot, Narrowleaf Goosefoot | Sandy soils, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of w. North America. Maine and ON west to YT, south to FL, TX, and CA, introduced in the eastern part of that distribution. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium standleyanum | Woodland Goosefoot | Rock outcrops, steep slopes, bluffs, dry to mesic woodlands, shaded disturbed soils. | QC west to ND, south to FL and e. TX. |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium strictum | | Disturbed areas. | ME west to BC, south to NJ, PA, IN, IL, MO, w. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico. Reported for SC and NC (Kartesz 2021). | |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium vulvaria | Stinking Goosefoot | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Introduced at scattered locations in eastern North America, as in MD, PA, DE, FL (FNA 2003b). | |
Chenopodiaceae | Corispermum | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Corispermum americanum var. americanum | American Bugseed | Bare soil, disturbed areas. | QC west to BC, south to NY, OH, IN, AR, TX, CA, and Mexico (CHH), part of this distribution (especially eastwards) likely the result of weedy spread. |
Chenopodiaceae | Corispermum pallasii | | Sand dunes, sandy gravelly shores, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Corispermum villosum | Hairy Bugseed | Riverbanks and drawdown shores of rivers. | QC west to BC, south to ON, IL, MO, NE, NM, UT, and OR. |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania ambrosioides | Mexican-Tea, Epazote | Disturbed habitats; common, probably native southward. | Widespread in North America to South America, the original range unclear. |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania anthelmintica | Wormseed, Epazote | Dunes, also in disturbed areas. | NY south to FL, west to TX; Mexico, West Indies, Bermuda, Central America; scattered inland in North America probably as an introduction. |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania atriplicifolia | Winged-pigweed, Tumble Ringwing | River-banks, sandy fields, railroad banks, maritime dunes. | Native of c. and w. North America, including n. Mexico (CHH), adventive in the eastern part of our area. |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania botrys | Jerusalem-oak, Feather-geranium | Disturbed areas, ship's ballast. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania carinata | Keeled Goosefoot | Disturbed area. | Native of Australia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania cristata | Crested Goosefoot | Wool mill waste areas, other disturbed areas. | Native of Australia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania graveolens | Fetid Wormseed | Disturbed areas. | Native of sw. United States and tropical America. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania multifida | Cutleaf Goosefoot, Scented Goosefoot | Disturbed areas. | Native of South America. |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania plantaginella | | Waif on ballast. | Native of Australia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Dysphania pumilio | Clammy Goosefoot | Disturbed areas. | Native of Australia. First reported for SC by Hill & Horn (1997). Also known from DC. |
Chenopodiaceae | Lipandra | | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Lipandra polysperma var. acutifolia | | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Lipandra polysperma var. polysperma | | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Oxybasis | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Oxybasis glauca | Oakleaf Goosefoot | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Oxybasis macrosperma | | Disturbed areas, apparently a ballast waif. | Native of South America. Reported for NC (FNA 2003b). |
Chenopodiaceae | Oxybasis rubra var. rubra | Red Goosefoot | Salt and brackish marshes, disturbed areas. | Circumboreal, south in North America to NJ (MD?), MN, NE, NM, AZ,, and CA. Also reported in other widely scattered sites as a waif. |
Chenopodiaceae | Oxybasis salina | | Disturbed areas, a waif. | Native to w. North America, a waif in e. North America. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Oxybasis urbica | City Goosefoot | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Introduction in waste ground south to MD, s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), WV, KY, and TN (Kartesz 1999, FNA 2003b). |
Chenopodiaceae | Patellifolia | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Patellifolia procumbens | | Ballast waif. | Native of Macaronesia (Madeira, the Canary Islands, and the Salvage Islands). |
Chenopodiaceae | Polycnemum | Polycnemum | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Polycnemum majus | Polycnemum | Bare limestone flats, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. |
Chenopodiaceae | Salicornia | Glasswort | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Salicornia ambigua | Woody Glasswort, Perennial Glasswort, Guinea-bead, Wild Coral | Coastal salt marshes, primarily in salt pannes. | NH south to FL, west to TX (at least); south through the West Indies to n. South America. |
Chenopodiaceae | Salicornia bigelovii | Dwarf Glasswort, Dwarf Saltwort | Salt pannes in coastal marshes. | ME (NS?) south to FL, west to TX and Mexico; West Indies; also CA. |
Chenopodiaceae | Salicornia rubra | Red Saltwort | Disturbed saline habitats (as along salted highways). | MN west to YT, south to KS, NM, and CA. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Salicornia virginica | Samphire | Salt pannes in coastal marshes. | NS and QC south to GA. |
Chenopodiaceae | Salsola | Saltwort | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Salsola collina | Slender Russian-thistle | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Salsola kali var. caroliniana | Southern Saltwort | Upper beaches, fore-dunes, and island-end flats, rarely inland in disturbed areas. | MA to FL, west to TX and Mexico; Eurasia, n. Africa; introduced on the west coast of North America. Often considered to be introduced in North America, but it may well be a native. |
Chenopodiaceae | Salsola kali var. kali | Northern Saltwort | Upper beaches, fore-dunes, and island-end flats. | NL (Newfoundland) to SC; Europe. Generally considered to be introduced in North America, but it may well be a native. |
Chenopodiaceae | Salsola tragus | Russian Thistle, Tumbleweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Spinacia | Spinach | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Spinacia oleracea | Spinach | Commonly grown in gardens, rarely persisting. | Native of Eurasia. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Spirobassia | Spirobassia | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Spirobassia hirsuta | Hairy Smotherweed, Spirobassia | Beaches, salt marshes. | Native of Eurasia. |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda | Sea-blite | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda calceoliformis | Horned Sea-blite, Plains Sea-blite | Brackish flats, also along salted highways. | NS and AK, south to NJ, OK, TX, CA, and Mexico. |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda conferta | Tufted Sea-blite | Beaches and dunes. | Se. TX south to Mexico (SLP, TAM); West Indies. |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda linearis | Southern Sea-blite | Island-end flats, marsh edges, brackish flats, shell deposits, rarely adventive inland in disturbed areas. | ME south to FL, west to TX, and south to s. Mexico (Yucatan); West Indies. |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda maritima | White Sea-blite | Salt marsh edges and disturbed saline habitats, possibly native, introduced from Eurasia, or a combination of the two. | Usually considered (as by C, GW, S) to be naturalized from Eurasia, but Ferren & Schenk (2003b) consider S. maritima in North America to include native and naturalized components, these often separated (as here) into two taxa, "maritima s.s.", and "richii" (at various ranks). |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda nigra | Shrubby Seepweed, Quelite Salado | Saline and alkaline areas. | ND, SK, AB, and WA south to se. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and c. Mexico. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda rolandii | Roland's Sea-Blite | Tidal flats and tidal marshes. | NS south to NY (Long Island) and s. NJ. |
Chenopodiaceae | Suaeda tampicensis | Tampico Sea-blite | Saline coastal areas. | S. TX and TAM; West Indies. | |
Chenopodiaceae | Teloxys | | | |
Chenopodiaceae | Teloxys aristata | | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia. |