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113 results for family: Chenopodiaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplexOrachimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex acadiensisMaritime OrachBeaches, strands, and salt marshes, in saline and brackish habitats.N.B., N.S., P.E.I. s. to ME, NH, RI, MA(?), CT(?), and NY(?).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex acanthocarpa var. coahuilensisCoahuila Saltbush, Armed Saltbush, HuahaAlkaline soils.S. TX south into Mexico.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex argentea var. argenteaSilverscaleRailroads, dry, open, disturbed areas.Native of w. North America.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex argentea var. expansaSilver OrachDry or saline habitats.OK and CA south to Mexico (TAM).
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex canescens var. canescensFourwing Saltbush, Chamiza, ShadscaleSaline or alkaline soils.ND, AB, and WA south to TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex dioicaBrackish flats.NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to NC and CA.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex elegans var. elegansSaline areas.W. TX west to s. CA; disjunct in se. TX.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex glabriusculaMaritime OrachInland salt marshes.Northeastern North America and n. Europe; disjunct in Saltville, VA.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex holocarpaPop SaltbushAlkaline pannes, apparently introduced for forage (Correll & Johnston 1970).Native of Australia.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex hortensisGarden OrachGardens, waste areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex klebergorumKleberg OrachIn silty or clayey soils.Endemic to s. TX.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex laciniataBelgian OrachCoastal sands.Possibly native in maritime Canada; also native in nw. Europe.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex littoralisNarrow-leaved AtriplexDisturbed areas.Native of Europe; introduced south to PA (Welsh 2003) and MD (Kartesz 2022).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex matamorensisQuelite Cenizo, Matamoros SaltbushCoastal saline areas.Se. TX along the coast into ne. Mexico (TAM).
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex micranthaTwo-scale Orach
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex mucronataSeabeach Orach, QueliteOcean beaches, island-end flats.NH south to FL west to TX; Bahamas.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex patulaSpear OrachDisturbed areas, inland saline areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex pentandraSeabeach OrachOcean beaches, island-end flats.NC to FL, west to TX; Mexico; West Indies; South America.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex prostrataThinleaf Orach, Fat-henMarsh edges, brackish flats.Widespread in e. North America, also in w. North America and Eurasia, usually considered to be native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex roseaTumbling Saltweed, Red OrachDisturbed areas, on ballast.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex semibaccataAustralian Saltbush, Berry SaltbushDisturbed areas, apparently introduced for forage.Introduced at various localities in North America, including DC (FNA).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex tataricaTartarian OrachIntroduced on ballast at scattered localities, including AL, FL (Escambia County), NJ, and PA (FNA).Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex wrightiiWright's OrachVacant lot, a waif.Native of sw. United States and n. Mexico (CHH, SON).
ChenopodiaceaeBassiaBassiaimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBassia hyssopifoliaDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia. Reported for s. NJ and nc. KY by Kartesz (2010).
ChenopodiaceaeBassia scopariaSummer-cypress, Kochia, Mexican FireweedDisturbed areas, waste ground, particularly along railroad tracks, also in waste areas near wool-combing mill.Native of Eurasia. Reported for SC (Berkeley Co.) by Pittillo & Brown (1988).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBetaBeetimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBeta vulgaris ssp. maritimaSea BeetDisturbed areas.Native of Europeimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBeta vulgaris ssp. vulgarisGarden Beet, Swiss Chard, Ruby Chard, Mangel-wurzelCommonly cultivated, rarely escaped or persisting.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBlitumimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBlitum bonus-henricusGood King HenryDisturbed areas, grown as a pot-herb and spread from cultivation.Native of Europe. Cultivated and is known from as far south as KY, NJ, and PA.
ChenopodiaceaeBlitum capitatumIndian-paint, Strawberry-bliteDisturbed areas.Native, south to scattered locations in PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), s. OH, and s. IN (Kartesz 2010).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBlitum nuttallianumPovertyweedIn dry and/or alkaline soils; eastwards in disturbed areas, perhaps only a waif.Native of c. and w. North America, south to n. Mexico.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeBlitum virgatum ssp. virgatumLeafy GoosefootDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodiaceaeGoosefoot Familyimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodiastrumimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodiastrum muraleNettleleaf Goosefoot, SowbaneDisturbed areas.Native of Europe, Asia, and n. Africa.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodiastrum simplexMapleleaf GoosefootIn shaded situations, generally at cliff bases, sandstone rockhouses, rocky forests.NS west to AK, south to nw. NC, LA, TX, and UT.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodiumGoosefoot, Lamb's-quarters, Pigweedimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium album var. albumLamb's-quarters, PigweedDisturbed soils, gardens.Nearly cosmopolitan.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium album var. missourienseDisturbed areas, gardens.Widely distributed in eastern North America.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium atrovirensWaste areas near wool-combing mills, also on ballast, perhaps merely a waif.Native of w. North America.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium berlandieri var. berlandieriDry, disturbed habitats.TN and NM southwards into Mexico.
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium berlandieri var. boscianumBeaches, marshes.FL west to e. TX; with scattered occurrences farther north (these of unknown nativity).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium berlandieri var. bushianumSoybean GoosefootDisturbed areas, alluvial forests.ME west to ND, south to VA, TN, LA, and KS.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium berlandieri var. macrocalyciumCoastal sands, beaches.NS south to FL. See Ungberg (2022) for discussion of its occurrence in NC.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium berlandieri var. sinuatumDry disturbed soils, eastwards in waste areas near wool-combing mills, perhaps merely a waif.OK, NM, NV, and OR south to s. TX, CA, and into Mexico.
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium berlandieri var. zschackeiDisturbed areas.ON west to AK, south to LA, CA, and Mexico; scattered eastern occurrences are likely introduced.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium desiccatumOriginally found in open, undisturbed soils, prairies, and stabilized dunes, but it has spread to disturbed open areas.AB, SK, and BC south to TX, NM, AZ, CA (and possibly Mexico).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium ficifoliumFigleaf GoosefootDisturbed areas, probably only a historic waif of ballast and other situations.Native of s. and se. Asia.
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium foggiiRocky, mountain slopes.ME and ON south to w. VA and w. NC.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium fremontiiWaste areas near wool-combing mills, probably merely a waif.Native of w. North America.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium incanum var. incanumDry, often shady areas; eastwards in disturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mills, perhaps merely a waif.SK and B south through wc. United States to c. TX, w. TX, NM, AZ (and possibly Mexico).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium leptophyllumNarrowleaf GoosefootDry places.AB and AK south to TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium opulifoliumGray GoosefootDisturbed areas, on ship's ballast, near wool combing mills.Native of s. Europe.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium pallescensSlim-leaved GoosefootUpland prairies, disturbed areas.IN, IL, MO, and NE south to LA, TX, and NM.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium pratericolaDesert Goosefoot, Narrowleaf GoosefootSandy soils, roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of w. North America. Maine and ON west to YT, south to FL, TX, and CA, introduced in the eastern part of that distribution.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium standleyanumWoodland GoosefootRock outcrops, steep slopes, bluffs, dry to mesic woodlands, shaded disturbed soils.QC west to ND, south to FL and e. TX.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium strictumDisturbed areas.ME west to BC, south to NJ, PA, IN, IL, MO, w. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico. Reported for SC and NC (Kartesz 2021).
ChenopodiaceaeChenopodium vulvariaStinking GoosefootDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia. Introduced at scattered locations in eastern North America, as in MD, PA, DE, FL (FNA 2003b).
ChenopodiaceaeCorispermumimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeCorispermum americanum var. americanumAmerican BugseedBare soil, disturbed areas.QC west to BC, south to NY, OH, IN, AR, TX, CA, and Mexico (CHH), part of this distribution (especially eastwards) likely the result of weedy spread.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeCorispermum pallasiiSand dunes, sandy gravelly shores, disturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.
ChenopodiaceaeCorispermum villosumHairy BugseedRiverbanks and drawdown shores of rivers.QC west to BC, south to ON, IL, MO, NE, NM, UT, and OR.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphaniaimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania ambrosioidesMexican-Tea, EpazoteDisturbed habitats; common, probably native southward.Widespread in North America to South America, the original range unclear.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania anthelminticaWormseed, EpazoteDunes, also in disturbed areas.NY south to FL, west to TX; Mexico, West Indies, Bermuda, Central America; scattered inland in North America probably as an introduction.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania atriplicifoliaWinged-pigweed, Tumble RingwingRiver-banks, sandy fields, railroad banks, maritime dunes.Native of c. and w. North America, including n. Mexico (CHH), adventive in the eastern part of our area.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania botrysJerusalem-oak, Feather-geraniumDisturbed areas, ship's ballast.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania carinataKeeled GoosefootDisturbed area.Native of Australia.
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania cristataCrested GoosefootWool mill waste areas, other disturbed areas.Native of Australia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania graveolensFetid WormseedDisturbed areas.Native of sw. United States and tropical America.
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania multifidaCutleaf Goosefoot, Scented GoosefootDisturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania plantaginellaWaif on ballast.Native of Australia.
ChenopodiaceaeDysphania pumilioClammy GoosefootDisturbed areas.Native of Australia. First reported for SC by Hill & Horn (1997). Also known from DC.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeLipandra polysperma var. acutifoliaDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.
ChenopodiaceaeLipandra polysperma var. polyspermaDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.
ChenopodiaceaeOxybasisimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeOxybasis glaucaOakleaf GoosefootDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeOxybasis macrospermaDisturbed areas, apparently a ballast waif.Native of South America. Reported for NC (FNA 2003b).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeOxybasis rubra var. rubraRed GoosefootSalt and brackish marshes, disturbed areas.Circumboreal, south in North America to NJ (MD?), MN, NE, NM, AZ,, and CA. Also reported in other widely scattered sites as a waif.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeOxybasis salinaDisturbed areas, a waif.Native to w. North America, a waif in e. North America.
ChenopodiaceaeOxybasis urbicaCity GoosefootDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia. Introduction in waste ground south to MD, s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), WV, KY, and TN (Kartesz 1999, FNA 2003b).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaePatellifoliaimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaePatellifolia procumbensBallast waif.Native of Macaronesia (Madeira, the Canary Islands, and the Salvage Islands).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaePolycnemumPolycnemumimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaePolycnemum majusPolycnemumBare limestone flats, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalicorniaGlasswortimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalicornia ambiguaWoody Glasswort, Perennial Glasswort, Guinea-bead, Wild CoralCoastal salt marshes, primarily in salt pannes.NH south to FL, west to TX (at least); south through the West Indies to n. South America.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalicornia bigeloviiDwarf Glasswort, Dwarf SaltwortSalt pannes in coastal marshes.ME (NS?) south to FL, west to TX and Mexico; West Indies; also CA.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalicornia rubraRed SaltwortDisturbed saline habitats (as along salted highways).MN west to YT, south to KS, NM, and CA.
ChenopodiaceaeSalicornia virginicaSamphireSalt pannes in coastal marshes.NS and QC south to GA.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalsolaSaltwortimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalsola collinaSlender Russian-thistleDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.
ChenopodiaceaeSalsola kali var. carolinianaSouthern SaltwortUpper beaches, fore-dunes, and island-end flats, rarely inland in disturbed areas.MA to FL, west to TX and Mexico; Eurasia, n. Africa; introduced on the west coast of North America. Often considered to be introduced in North America, but it may well be a native.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalsola kali var. kaliNorthern SaltwortUpper beaches, fore-dunes, and island-end flats.NL (Newfoundland) to SC; Europe. Generally considered to be introduced in North America, but it may well be a native.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSalsola tragusRussian Thistle, TumbleweedDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSpinaciaSpinachimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSpinacia oleraceaSpinachCommonly grown in gardens, rarely persisting.Native of Eurasia.
ChenopodiaceaeSpirobassiaSpirobassiaimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSpirobassia hirsutaHairy Smotherweed, SpirobassiaBeaches, salt marshes.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSuaedaSea-bliteimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSuaeda calceoliformisHorned Sea-blite, Plains Sea-bliteBrackish flats, also along salted highways.NS and AK, south to NJ, OK, TX, CA, and Mexico.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSuaeda confertaTufted Sea-bliteBeaches and dunes.Se. TX south to Mexico (SLP, TAM); West Indies.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSuaeda linearisSouthern Sea-bliteIsland-end flats, marsh edges, brackish flats, shell deposits, rarely adventive inland in disturbed areas.ME south to FL, west to TX, and south to s. Mexico (Yucatan); West Indies.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSuaeda maritimaWhite Sea-bliteSalt marsh edges and disturbed saline habitats, possibly native, introduced from Eurasia, or a combination of the two.Usually considered (as by C, GW, S) to be naturalized from Eurasia, but Ferren & Schenk (2003b) consider S. maritima in North America to include native and naturalized components, these often separated (as here) into two taxa, "maritima s.s.", and "richii" (at various ranks).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSuaeda nigraShrubby Seepweed, Quelite SaladoSaline and alkaline areas.ND, SK, AB, and WA south to se. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and c. Mexico.
ChenopodiaceaeSuaeda rolandiiRoland's Sea-BliteTidal flats and tidal marshes.NS south to NY (Long Island) and s. NJ.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeSuaeda tampicensisTampico Sea-bliteSaline coastal areas.S. TX and TAM; West Indies.
ChenopodiaceaeTeloxysimage of plant
ChenopodiaceaeTeloxys aristataDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.image of plant