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29 results for family: Cleomaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CleomaceaeCleomaceaeCleome Familyimage of plant
CleomaceaeCleomeCleome, Spiderflowerimage of plant
CleomaceaeCleome monophyllaSpindlepodAgricultural fields.Native of Africa.image of plant
CleomaceaeCleome ornithopodioidesBird SpiderflowerRailroad yards, chrome or vanadium ore piles, roadsides, waif or rarely persistent (as in MD on chrome ore piles).Native of Mediterranean se. Europe and w. Asia. Reported for w. KY, e. MD, w. PA, n. OH.image of plant
CleomaceaeCleome rutidospermaDisturbed areas.Native of tropical Asia and Africa. Reported for SC by FNA.image of plant
CleomaceaeCleomella angustifoliaNorthern Stinkweed, Narrowleaf Rhombo-pod, Eastern CleomellaStream- and river-bottoms, sandy prairies, other grasslands.NE, ID, and CA south to TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico.
CleomaceaeCleoserrataimage of plant
CleomaceaeCleoserrata serrataDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America. Reported as introduced in GA (Kartesz 1999).image of plant
CleomaceaeCleoserrata speciosaVacant lots, disturbed areas.Native of Mexico.image of plant
CleomaceaeCorynandraimage of plant
CleomaceaeCorynandra viscosa ssp. viscosaWild Caia, Yellow CleomeDisturbed areas.Native of Asia (now pantropical). Reported for sc. GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009; Jones & Coile 1988), se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), and from Beaufort County, SC (J. Nelson, pers.comm. 2006).image of plant
CleomaceaeGynandropsisimage of plant
CleomaceaeGynandropsis gynandraSpiderwisp, Cat’s-whiskersFields, disturbed areas.Native of Africa.image of plant
CleomaceaePeritomaBee-plantimage of plant
CleomaceaePeritoma serrulataRocky Mountain Bee-plant, GuacoPrairies, eastwards weedy in disturbed sites.MB and BC south to MO, TX, CA, and Mexico.image of plant
CleomaceaePolanisiaClammyweedimage of plant
CleomaceaePolanisia dodecandra ssp. dodecandraClammyweed, SpiderweedSandy or gravelly floodplains and reservoir shores, also introduced on railroad ballast.VT west to MB, south to MD, w. VA, TN, AR, and OK.image of plant
CleomaceaePolanisia dodecandra ssp. riograndensisScrub, chaparral, disturbed areas.S. TX.
CleomaceaePolanisia dodecandra ssp. trachyspermaSandy and gravelly soils of prairies; eastwards adventive in disturbed areas.ON west to AB, south to w. LA, TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico (CHH, SIN, SON).image of plant
CleomaceaePolanisia erosa ssp. breviglandulosaSand plains.Endemic to s. TX.
CleomaceaePolanisia erosa ssp. erosaSandhill Clammy-weedSandhills, dry prairies.Sw. AR and OK south to w. LA and e. and sc. TX.image of plant
CleomaceaePolanisia jamesiiJames's-weedSandy prairies.WI, MN, and SD south to IL, TX, and NM.image of plant
CleomaceaePolanisia tenuifoliaSlenderleaf Clammyweed, Pineland CatchflyLongleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, pine rocklands.E. GA (several counties from the SC border) (Jones & Coile 1988) south to s. FL, west to s. MS.image of plant
CleomaceaeTarenayaSpiderflowerimage of plant
CleomaceaeTarenaya aculeataPrickly SpiderflowerDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America. Reported for AL. Reported for York County, SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]).
CleomaceaeTarenaya diffusaOn ballast (Mobile, AL).Native of South America.
CleomaceaeTarenaya species 1Cleome, Spiderflower, PinkqueenGardens, disturbed areas, sandbars, riverbanks, persistent and self-seeding from cultivation as an ornamental.Native of South America.image of plant
CleomaceaeTarenaya spinosaSpiny SpiderflowerDisturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant