29 results for family: Cleomaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Cleomaceae | Cleomaceae | Cleome Family | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/kb/kb_01012.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Cleome | Cleome, Spiderflower | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_08665.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Cleome monophylla | Spindlepod | Agricultural fields. | Native of Africa. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_31514.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Cleome ornithopodioides | Bird Spiderflower | Railroad yards, chrome or vanadium ore piles, roadsides, waif or rarely persistent (as in MD on chrome ore piles). | Native of Mediterranean se. Europe and w. Asia. Reported for w. KY, e. MD, w. PA, n. OH. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_08689.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Cleome rutidosperma | | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical Asia and Africa. Reported for SC by FNA. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/userimg/userimg_290199.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Cleomella | Stinkweed | | | |
Cleomaceae | Cleomella angustifolia | Northern Stinkweed, Narrowleaf Rhombo-pod, Eastern Cleomella | Stream- and river-bottoms, sandy prairies, other grasslands. | NE, ID, and CA south to TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico. | |
Cleomaceae | Cleoserrata | | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/kb/kb_01012.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Cleoserrata serrata | | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. Reported as introduced in GA (Kartesz 1999). | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_26292.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Cleoserrata speciosa | | Vacant lots, disturbed areas. | Native of Mexico. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/kb/kb_01012.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Corynandra | | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_26601.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Corynandra viscosa ssp. viscosa | Wild Caia, Yellow Cleome | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia (now pantropical). Reported for sc. GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009; Jones & Coile 1988), se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), and from Beaufort County, SC (J. Nelson, pers.comm. 2006). | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_26593.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Gynandropsis | | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/kb/kb_01832.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Gynandropsis gynandra | Spiderwisp, Cat’s-whiskers | Fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/kb/kb_01836.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Peritoma | Bee-plant | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_28515.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Peritoma serrulata | Rocky Mountain Bee-plant, Guaco | Prairies, eastwards weedy in disturbed sites. | MB and BC south to MO, TX, CA, and Mexico. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_28513.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Polanisia | Clammyweed | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/bas/bas_04006.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Polanisia dodecandra ssp. dodecandra | Clammyweed, Spiderweed | Sandy or gravelly floodplains and reservoir shores, also introduced on railroad ballast. | VT west to MB, south to MD, w. VA, TN, AR, and OK. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/ed/ed_04589.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Polanisia dodecandra ssp. riograndensis | | Scrub, chaparral, disturbed areas. | S. TX. | |
Cleomaceae | Polanisia dodecandra ssp. trachysperma | | Sandy and gravelly soils of prairies; eastwards adventive in disturbed areas. | ON west to AB, south to w. LA, TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico (CHH, SIN, SON). | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/ac/ac_07961.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Polanisia erosa ssp. breviglandulosa | | Sand plains. | Endemic to s. TX. | |
Cleomaceae | Polanisia erosa ssp. erosa | Sandhill Clammy-weed | Sandhills, dry prairies. | Sw. AR and OK south to w. LA and e. and sc. TX. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/userimg/userimg_253017.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Polanisia jamesii | James's-weed | Sandy prairies. | WI, MN, and SD south to IL, TX, and NM. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_18868.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Polanisia tenuifolia | Slenderleaf Clammyweed, Pineland Catchfly | Longleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, pine rocklands. | E. GA (several counties from the SC border) (Jones & Coile 1988) south to s. FL, west to s. MS. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/jho/jho_03534a.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Tarenaya | Spiderflower | | | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_29572.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Tarenaya aculeata | Prickly Spiderflower | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. Reported for AL. Reported for York County, SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]). | |
Cleomaceae | Tarenaya diffusa | | On ballast (Mobile, AL). | Native of South America. | |
Cleomaceae | Tarenaya species 1 | Cleome, Spiderflower, Pinkqueen | Gardens, disturbed areas, sandbars, riverbanks, persistent and self-seeding from cultivation as an ornamental. | Native of South America. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/gpf/gpf_01921.jpg)
Cleomaceae | Tarenaya spinosa | Spiny Spiderflower | Disturbed areas. | Native of South America. | ![image of plant](https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/img/150/misc/misc_29561.jpg)