15 results for family: Combretaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CombretaceaeCombretaceaeCombretum Familyimage of plant
CombretaceaeCombretumBushwillow, Combretumimage of plant
CombretaceaeCombretum indicumRangoon CreeperDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.image of plant
CombretaceaeConocarpusButtonwoodimage of plant
CombretaceaeConocarpus erectusButtonwood, Button MangroveTidal swamps, coastal woodlands, and interior into calcareous habitats including pine rocklands, marl prairies.N. FL peninsula southwards (from Volusia County on the east coast and Levy County on the west coast) to s. FL; widespread in the Neotropics north to s. TX (Nueces, Willacy, and Cameron counties); West Indies; w. Africa.image of plant
CombretaceaeLagunculariaWhite Mangroveimage of plant
CombretaceaeLaguncularia racemosaWhite Mangrove, White ButtonwoodTidal swamps, mangroves.N. FL peninsula southwards (from Volusia County on the east coast and Levy County on the west coast) to s. FL; widespread in the Neotropics north to s. TX; West Indies; w. Africa.image of plant
CombretaceaeLumnitzeraimage of plant
CombretaceaeLumnitzera racemosaTonga MangroveTidal swamps, mangroves.Native of tropical Africa, Asia, Australia, and sw. Asian Islands.image of plant
CombretaceaeTerminaliaimage of plant
CombretaceaeTerminalia arjunaArjunDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.image of plant
CombretaceaeTerminalia bucerasGregorywood, Oxhorn Bucida, Black-oliveHammocks.FL; West Indies; Mexico and Central America. Likely native in the Florida Keys (Elliott Key); now more widespread in FL as an introduction.image of plant
CombretaceaeTerminalia catappaCommon Tropical-almond, West Indian AlmondDisturbed areas.Native of the Old World tropics.image of plant
CombretaceaeTerminalia molinetiiSpiny Black-olive, Dwarf Geometry TreeHammocks.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico and Central America (Belize).image of plant
CombretaceaeTerminalia muelleriAustralian Tropical-almondDisturbed uplands, mangrove swamps and coastal hammocks.Native of Australia.image of plant