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8 results for family: Cymodoceaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CymodoceaceaeCymodoceaceaeManatee-grass Familyimage of plant
CymodoceaceaeHaloduleShoal-grassimage of plant
CymodoceaceaeHalodule wrightiiShoal-grassSubmerged in estuarine waters up to about 2 m deep, especially in Core and Pamlico sounds (North Carolina).E. NC, se. SC (reported in 2021; not known from GA); FL west to TX, and south along shores of the Gulf of México and Caribbean; also on the Pacific coast of Panama and Nicaragua.image of plant
CymodoceaceaeRuppiaWigeon-grassimage of plant
CymodoceaceaeRuppia cirrhosaSpiral Ditch-grass; WidgeongrassLakes.WI west to AK, south to LA, TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico; Central America, South Americal Eurasiaimage of plant
CymodoceaceaeRuppia maritimaWidgeon-grass, Ditch-grassBrackish estuaries, rivers, marsh pools.Nearly cosmopolitan.image of plant
CymodoceaceaeSyringodiumManatee-grassimage of plant
CymodoceaceaeSyringodium filiformeManatee-grassEstuarine waters.Panhandle FL, peninsular FL, westward along the Gulf Coast, and in the West Indies. Syringodium is occasionally cast ashore in Georgia and the Carolinas following hurricanes, but there is no evidence that it grows along the Atlantic coast north of Florida.image of plant