9 results for family: Diervillaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
DiervillaceaeDiervillaBush-honeysuckleimage of plant
DiervillaceaeDiervilla loniceraNorthern Bush-honeysuckleRock outcrops and ridges.NL (Newfoundland) west to SK, south to w. NC, n. GA (?), e. TN, IN, and IA.image of plant
DiervillaceaeDiervilla rivularisHairy Southern Bush-honeysuckleRock outcrops, ridges, and streambanks at moderate to high elevations.W. NC (Yancey County) and e. TN south to nw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and ne. AL.image of plant
DiervillaceaeDiervilla sessilifoliaSmooth Southern Bush-honeysuckleRock outcrops, ridges, landslide scars, trail margins, other rocky open places, streambanks, primarily at moderate to high elevations.Sw. NC (north to Burke County, Linville Gorge) and e. TN south to nw. SC, ne. GA, and ne. AL.image of plant
DiervillaceaeDiervillaceaeBush-honeysuckle Familyimage of plant
DiervillaceaeWeigelaWeigelaimage of plant
DiervillaceaeWeigela floribundaWeigelaSuburban woodlands, especially moist slopes and bottomlands, often cultivated and sometimes naturalized.Native of Asia.image of plant
DiervillaceaeWeigela floridaWeigelaUsed horticulturally, persistent or weakly spreading near plantings.Native of e. Asia.image of plant
DiervillaceaeWeigela japonicaJapanese WeigelaUsed horticulturally, persisting or weakly spreading near plantings.Native of e. Asia.